Applications are due no later than 5 p.m. CT on the application deadline date. All applicants are considered equally; however, the earlier you apply, the greater chance we can accommodate your interview preference. If you’re an international applicant, we encourage you to apply in Round 1 or 2 to allow time for your visa application.
Once our decisions are made, we will email you a link to your application status page where you can learn of your acceptance status.
Important Dates
| ROUND 1 | ROUND 2 | ROUND 3 | Application Deadline
| September 21, 2016
| January 4, 2017
| April 5, 2017
| On-Campus Interviews Must be Scheduled by
| September 23, 2016
| January 6, 2017
| April 7, 2017
| Decision Released
| December 14, 2016
| March 22, 2017
| May 10, 2017