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好尴尬的分数.... 不知道应不应该二战...... 怕二战比一战还低.........
楼主从过年之后2.13左右开始复习,复习了20天左右,每天8-10个小时,事实证明还是远远不够啊....... 语法刷了OG 和prep08 语法笔记。逻辑刷了prep分类。阅读就只在模考的时候做一下。然后考前两周每天模考一套。
最后4次模考的成绩给大家做个参考是:官方prep软件两次模考都是760(第一次Q错9 V错7; 第二次Q错5,V错6), GWDTN24套 两套(TN14 V错6, TN15 V错4) 。
CD的本月机经里面,中了2道阅读(increase personal saving ; wasp&caterpillar) 这两篇读起来都没有问题,比较简单。 中了两道逻辑和5-6个数学。
【1】作文: Helios city 这道题楼主没见过... 想了半天,完全没时间检查, 差点还没写完。。。。。 平时练的太少还是不行
Corporations should look to the city of Helios as a new opportunity to start new business. In the recent recession, Helios maintained a lower unemployment rate among the region. What's more, it was the historical industrial center of the region, and it had created manufacturing jobs more than its shares of the region. In order to strengthen its economic base, Helios is now attempting to attract corporations with large expenses in research and development of innovatie technologies.
【2】IR IR做完了12题还有半分钟多出来, 数学和图表题很多。
1. 有5款某产品 abcde,分别有ratings(横轴),price(数轴)的分布图。 甲 希望买到1000元以下的产品中rating最高的产品,问他会买哪一个,买多少钱的。
【3】数学 做完还有14分钟,还是比较简单的。老狗就不放了~
1) . Q=a^p * b^q. a, b are positive prime factors of Q ,how many positive factor does Q have? 。 【A】
(2)a=3 and b=4
2) . In xy plane, a circle has its center at origin, and it passes (2, 3), what is the area of the circle. 【13*pai】
3) . x and y are positive intergers, x+y<8, how many of different products can x and y form? 【10种】
4) . if x=(0.0753)(1856) , what is the range of x? 【D】
(A) 0.01<x<0.1
5. there are 3 cities XYZ and 28 lawyers in the 3 cities, each lawyer either registered in all the 3 cities or only registered in one city. Now X city has 10 lawyer, Y has 11 and Z has 13.
Then how many laywers only registered in Z city? 【D】
A. 1
B. 3
C. 7
D. 10
E. 11
6. There is a theater with parking lots. it has 17 rows. The first row has 20 lots , the second row has 21 lots, and then each rows behind the 2nd row has 2 more lots than the previous row. How many lots are there in the parking area? 【596】
7. There are 50 quesitons in a quiz, if a student gets 1 quesion right , he will get 5 point ; if he gets 1 question wrong, he will get minus 2 point. what is the final point he may get? 【B】
A. 193
B. 194
C. 195
D. 196
E. 197
8. 1 acre= 4840 squre yards. 1 rods = 5.5 yards. 1 furlong = 40 rods. what is the area, in square furlongs ,equals to 1 acre ? 【0.1】
【4】语文真的不太记的。。。 有点浑浑噩噩的做完了然后浑浑噩噩的看到了分数 ,连阅读考了什么都完全不记得了。。。想起来了再补充!!