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发表于 2005-6-19 13:05:00 | 只看该作者


Date: 2005-6-19
Time: 9:56:08
Issue No.97

`In order to understand a society, we must examine the contents of its museums and the subjects of its memorials. What a society chooses to preserve, display, and commemorate is the truest indicator of what the society values.

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your position with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.


Your Answer:

The author above asserts that we should examine the contents of a society's museums and subjects of its memorials in order to understand it, a claim which I could not agree more.

In the first place, museums and memorials always contain plenty of the subjects and records which are considered to be the pride of the society. People of the society choose to display them to show what they value and to share them with visitors. For instance, in China, we are so proud of our long history that almost every city in China has a history museum; we are so proud of the heroes who devote themselves in the revolutionary battles that we built a brilliant memorial in Tian An Men Square, the largest square in the world.

In the second place, the museums and the subjects of memorials are always easy for an outsider to visit, because they are always public places. The most efficient way to understand the society is a visit to these places in order to apprehend the value and to sense the share.

In addition to the condition discussed above, people may argue that there are some other ways to understand a society and we do not have to examine the content of its museums and the subjects of its memorials. I admit it is not besides the condition but in fact does not affect the main conclusion. We could have other accesses to get our goal, for example, to read some guide book, or to talk with local people, etc. However, museums and memorials are the best way under our feet while others could be the supplement.

Thus, we could safely get the conclusion that it is necessary to examine the contents of the museums and the memorials for anyone who plans to learn more thoroughly and more extensively about a society's history, value, and custom. That is indeed a good advice for travellers to follow in order to enjoy their trip and to gain more acknowledge during their journey.


发表于 2005-6-19 16:16:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用happyfish0517在2005-6-19 13:05:00的发言:

Date: 2005-6-19
Time: 9:56:08
Issue No.96

`In order to understand a society, we must examine the contents of its museums and the subjects of its memorials. What a society chooses to preserve, display, and commemorate is the truest indicator of what the society values.

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your position with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.


Your Answer:

The author above asserts that we should examine the contents of a society's museums and subjects of its memorials in order to understand it, a claim which I could not agree more.


In the first place, museums and memorials always contain plenty of the subjects and records which are considered to be the pride of the society. People of the society choose to display them to show what they value and to share them with visitors. For instance, in China, we are so proud of our long history that almost every city in China has a history museum; we are so proud of the heroes who devote themselves in the revolutionary battles that we built a brilliant memorial in Tian An Men Square, the largest square in the world.

In the second place, the museums and the subjects of memorials are always easy for an outsider to visit, because they are always public places. The most efficient way to understand the society is a visit to these places in order to apprehend the value and to sense the share.

In addition to the condition discussed above, people may argue that there are


some other ways to understand a society and we do not have to examine the content of its museums and the subjects of its memorials. I admit it is not besides the condition but in fact does not affect the main conclusion. We could have other accesses to get our goal, for example, to read some guide book, or to talk with local people, etc. However, museums and memorials are the best way under our feet while others could be the supplement.

Thus, we could safely get the conclusion that it is necessary to examine the contents of the museums and the memorials for anyone who plans to learn more thoroughly and more extensively about a society's history, value, and custom. That is indeed a good advice for travellers to follow in order to enjoy their trip and to gain more acknowledge during their journey.




 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-19 17:23:00 | 只看该作者

In addition to the condition discussed above, people may argue that there are


 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-19 17:34:00 | 只看该作者



发表于 2005-6-19 18:36:00 | 只看该作者


 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-19 23:42:00 | 只看该作者


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