Which way do you like, learning by yourself or learning from a teacher? (Janepen)
Section one--听力
Part A
l 第一题我认为是那个女的建议那个男的坐公共汽车。我选了那个有shuttle bus的选项。 (angelina8826)
l 第二题选a new building. (angelina8826)
l 还有点desserts那题我听到是it comes with your meal。就是点了主菜后送的甜品,我选的是:she doesn't need to pay extra money for it. (angelina8826)
l 有一题,A no one has seen her recently,B she is spending a lot of time in the library
l the director has chosen the musical.
l the green shirt is better.
l she is a professional gardener. 我的答案是she likes inviting birds to garden.
l 女的 看play with her aunt
l 有一个是选assume:那个人以为还没有进行选举呢, 关于选举是: sam was not elected as prisident。 问那个男的先是怎么想的。
l [争议]是那个男的说那个女的在小城镇里有bussiness吗?反正我猜的是他要拜访她…. 这题不是说他要拜访她 而是说在小城镇住也有不好的地方.(disadvantages)
l 那个男的说女的watch很好看,女的说什么她sister的jewellery shop那个题选什么---- she gets the watch where her sister works
l [争议]到底是他和那两个在一起上课,还是迟到了?----- they come from the same class,,,,, 我认为是所说的那个人迟到了,因为刚开始说they were supposed to meet after the phycology class,男的说 但愿等的那个人没有忘记,,,是说男的不常去图书馆所以见不到那个女的
l [争议]还有一个说夏天什么的,有一个unless在中间,最后选了 he is already conservating the water ,,,, 不对,应该是SOME WAY SHOULD BE FOUND TO XXXXX
l 第一篇是讲加拿大南部部落间以前是怎么互相联络的,通过信使Curiers传口信的方式来表达,口信的内容用珠子串的颜色来表示,白色代表吉利,紫色表示的是不好的信息。 (angelina8826) 开始传信是让送的人记住要传的话。后来,用code、 stread、 beads。
1. 第一道好象是how north american communicate with each other, 我竟然被Allies between *** & *** tirbes给迷惑了,当时没有时间想,郁闷!关于北美早期民族的交流方式:the communication ways through early north american tribes.
2. 问什么场合会用purple。 purple一般是在有disasters 时用,所以葬礼上可以。选funerals
3. 邮费贵是因为什么?早期的信会被邮差一个接一个的送,每一次前面的向后面的收钱。所以最后到了就贵了。fees of the couriers are accumulated in charge
l 第二篇是关于吸引鸟到花园的文章,比较不常用的办法是用鸡蛋壳来吸引鸟,加工蛋壳的方法是先把蛋壳冲洗干净(rinse)然后放到烤炉里烤(baked in an oven)。 (angelina8826)
1. [争议]那道鸟的题 应该是在PAN里面吧 不在OVEN里(huadongzhengfa);soak in water、 bake in oven 两个都提到,但不知道选什么;收集-冲洗-冰箱(干)-[拿不准,因为听到个brittle,所以就选了soften] ; 有人选baken in the oven,也有SOAP IN WATER. 这里那个选项soaked in the water是不对的,因为不是浸润蛋壳,而是清洗干净。
2. she likes inviting birds to garden
3. they eat eggshells.
4. [争议]why prepares the eggshell this way? my answer is to make them soft. 文章没提germ啊。不过有一个选项是to make them obvious to birds, 我差一点选这个了。no germ, soft, obvious to birds
l 第一篇是两个人讨论一个作家,他和别人与众不同之处是他的小说不说教。 (angelina8826) 那个男人最近看了一本书,关于sister carrie,他觉得奇怪为什么那个书出版的时候会那么不受欢迎.因为里面女性角色过于不传统. 听到说什么,当时别的书都会让主角接受很多磨难.
1. a novel wrote by theodore Dreasier.
2. has no morals
3. how his novel is different from others? the characters are troublesome.
4. why was it popular later? british favorable reviews. 问为什么后来他的作品被大家接受,是因为有好的评论,以及后来这个作者自己别的作品也引起关注
l 第二篇讲Baby学语言 (angelina8826)
1. phases of children acquistion of a language
2. blocked by language dispostion 为什么男婴儿一个月内不能习得语言。还有一个选项就是vioice box,但是不对
3. first syllables used by babies (ke,ge)when they identify words with meanings。什么时候孩子能够积累词汇。
l 第三篇讲Landslide的三个防止方法,请地质学家来是勘测房子的地基环境是不是都安全,植物的目的是固定土壤防止山体滑坡,最后一题说的是有些建在山坡上的房子没有良好的排水系统,所有积在海拔比较高的那堵墙,水越积越多也会导致landslide. (angelina8826) 第一个主要叫怎么预防 然后第二个是做一些地质实验评估风险 可不可以在这里建筑东西 第三个 草木有稳固soil的作用 第四个 如果drainage不畅通 水会积聚在slope中 引发landslide 所以选有”墙“(其实就是挡住drainage的那些建筑物)三个方法a。调查b.植被。稳定。c.排水。
1. why need geologistical surveys? to clear of the landslide possibilities.
2. 人口多的地方,避免,减少损失
Section Two---语法
l 33题。里面的四个选项:A:tools;B:has;C:settle;D:its。这题应该选D吧?我当时犯糊涂,搞了2分钟,最后选了D,但是不确定。回来路上,想了一下,觉得应该是D。(juningw)
l 一个是填空里 XXXX (.... ) the snow falls more in the winter than melts and ...s in the summer. 这个空应该选when, when后面是一句话snow做主语,但是一开始我没有把后面读完,把snow falls当成名词词组了,后来发现了才改过来。(ESeraph) 还有一题when & when there are,我选when----(rotty)
l 大家还记得有一语法题是这样through reproduction______,其它的记得不得了(hendragom)
l 选项是哪四个啊?C ......carry on D carry on..... 大家选哪个啊?我觉得D应该改为does.....所以选了C(wendybao)
l 我觉得应该把EVERY OF改成EACH OF (bluekxy)
l 有一道语法是什么different virieties of dinasour----every of -----(再见飞鸟)
l 有一道In (medical) and dentistary,.....tooth decay ,(internal disease)(我选的就是后面这个,觉得病应该是复数)------(rotty)
l 还有一道前15题里的,我选FARMING,好像做主语吧(rotty)
l Type metal varies in its composition but------ is genearlly a combination of leading and ....选项but,as,if,while90 我选but----(rotty)
l Refining meats ------ bacteria. 我选retards, 还有个选项是is retarded------(rotty)
l A (condition) of the soil,"hardpan" is (disadvantageous to) farming since it (interferes the)development of roots and the (circulation) of moisture
l [争议]four flags flow over Fanta Ze, New Mexic ______ Spain, Mexico, Confederary, and the United States. A. those B. those being C. those of D. which of. My choice is those of.有人认为是those being当独立主格
l [争议].一个是前面有一个 world修饰 我觉得应该改成world‘s 后面还有一个have bagun fall off
l One of the most ....tools of ..has been the ability ...
l every of the continents or dinosaur (21题)选恐龙那个
l [争议](31题)是不是应该选择 exceeded(因为有by the 1960’s, 认为应该用过去完成时),还是 population,加复数
l 9.29题有记得的么?就是什么人体里什么物质,什么脂肪的重量的那个选什么啊?有记得的
l modern,(tradition),and ancient 我选tradition
l (Much) of......organizations,我选的Much
l 有一题选internationall的
l 选locate的
l 选to retain 的
l 第13题吧,应该选the largest north american nation,还有个选项the largest nation American不对.
l the most useful tools of 具体题目记不起来了,就记得我选的是its,有人选it
l (第16题)the most largest,是这里错了
l 还有一道什么 ...of an earthquake and the ... to which it originated的,应该选什么?还是这个答案。 originate from。
l so severely that...
l accounts for
l 谁还记得前15题里有一个选which ,还是where,前面有逗号的那个
Section Three---阅读
[争议]grapple=struggle,还有人选agree ,
[争议]Once= a'f'ter…. 似乎选的是while
[争议]nothing more than=particularly…. 我选的simply
[争议]capture是 describe? register? separate?
nothing more than=particularly…. 我选的simply
complement= demand? Range?
notable = remarkable
hamper = restrain
essential = basic
l 一篇是计算机在动画中的应用(主要讲的就是怎么用计算机制作电影中的动画/场景).
1. 一道问题问计算机as assist-drawer??? 作用——〉我选的是负责画中间的画---assisted animation is reponsible for middle images.
2. 还有computer animation说明:A。 no use of artists B。computer animation needs skills and technology D. ....
3. Animation 第一题是问主题 我选的 equipment needed ,还是production process?
4. 问下列什么是 waste product 是选什么啊,A 是两个化肥的名字B C D 里面有个是稻埂之类的------选最后一个那两个稻梗,D stalk and ....
5. motion test那个选?
6. 有一个picture的题目选了computer calculation
7. 吃不准的题目--animation的最后一道是选Cthe quality of computer animation is higher than animation by hand还是D animation needs technical and artistic skills,本来选D,但看到D中说的是animation而不是文章所讨论的computer animation就改了C,题目大概是which of the following statement doed the article support
8. frame的答案是什么:是storege of individual image
l 一篇是关于美国19_20世纪.公共汽车的发展一类的.( 先说铁路很发达,然后汽车和公交的发展).
1. 关于bus 的主题是不是early development of bus transportation
2. 什么公共汽车的路线是通过什么途径传播的。是不是哪个互相交流,还是阅读报纸啊?
3. 那个最until 1920最好的交通工具是what 啊? steam train但很多人都说不是, 明明是car呀
4. 后两个确实不好选,也记不起来题目,最后一题是选修路吧?
5. 问car driver at first 收入不高?How are the early bus drivers? 第1题我选了B A. They lack competition. B. They pay a low entry. C. ... D. ....
6. 一个是不是选 "converstation"?
7. 还有,是不是通过conversation得到car route的?
8. bus pioneers refer to the early drivers who did bus transportation as their job
9. passengers took bus despite of the fact that they are neither comforatable nor fast.
l 一篇是关于到新大陆的北欧移民和印第安人文化方面的类同. 阐述一下为什么他们能够这么融合。道题有关里面北欧有狩猎习惯这一点。一个是与英法的人比较,题目是问作者暗示了英法殖民者的什么特点,我选的是大多数不是贵族(因为文章说他们的贵族才狩猎),还有一个词汇题,题目是问receptive的意思,我选的是ready .道说北欧的妇女能适应Native American文化的原因,我好像选的是那个说她们以前有类似的经历。还有一个问log cabin的,好像是选文化融合的产物那个选项。与耕种,保持土地的肥力有关的一片。题目不太记得了。感觉有点小难得说
1. Why did the author mention hunting ?我选了A A. It is an example to show the mixture of native americans and scandinavian settlers. B. because it is a skill brought to North America by scandinavian settlers. C. ....
2. 关于农业的有一个说为什么要举例green manure 什么的,大家选的什么,我说是: crop that rotates and uses as fertilizer
3. 还有一道是关于除了之外都提到过的mentioned EXCEPT: grow crops year by year
4. 北美文化那片里面,一题问infer.选french什么的给hunt shirt?(不确定),还有个选项是欧洲人taught他们什么的
5. 为什么要contrast french and Scandinia人在打猎上的区别?
l 另一篇是应该还有一片关于石头的年代与它的物理特征的
1. What is the interior of Primitive mountains like? 选了A A. They develop the same time as earth hiostry B. They include sandstone or milestone. C. They have fossiles. D. They are smaller than the tertiary layer.
2. [争议]rock mountain最后几题没时间都没看时间,依稀记得, primitive那个选了smaller than tertiary我选的是roughness of the rock texture。 因为文章提到composition of rock。还有我也选的是smaller than tertiary不过我觉得the same age as earth history应该是对的---我选的是how soft the rock is
3. 是不是有一题选new mineral的,好像说的是跟industry的关系――――选的另一个
4. an attempt to date the age of rocks and mountains.
5. they want to find new minerals for their business.
6. primitive mountains develop the same time as earth history.
7. they refer to objects.----- they 指代layers of rocks
8. what is a green manure? 我不知道答案:crop that rotate and cuan use as fertilizer; crop that can replensih both minearls and ......;plant that ....: lplant that ... w我选的是crop that rotate and use as fertilizer
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