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[原始] 【原文】中耳肌肉 (狗主快来确认下,多谢)

发表于 2015-5-28 17:16:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


Modern industry has produced anoisy world. The din of jackhammers, the whine of jet engines and the blare ofamplified electric guitars have become all too common place. It was thereforeconsiderate of nature to have equipped the human ear with a rather sophisticatednoise-reduction system: two small muscles that are attached to the ossicles(听小骨), thetiny bones that connect the eardrum to the cochlea (the structure that housesthe sound-receptor cells). When the muscles contract, they dampen thevibrations of the ossicles, thereby reducing the acoustic signal thatultimately reaches the inner ear.
现 代 工业造 成 了一 个嘈杂的 世 界。 抛镐 的 嘈杂 声 ,喷 气 发 动机 的 长鸣 声 、电吉 他的扩 音 演 奏声 比 比 皆是。因此,使人耳具备相 当高级 的降 嘴装 置一一 两小 条肌 肉附 在连 接鼓 室 和耳蜗 (声 音感受 器 寓 于其中 的结 构物 )的听 小骨 上,实 乃 天 造地 设 。这 两 条肌 肉收 缩 时 能抑 制 听小骨 的振 动 ,从 而 减弱 最终 到达内耳 的声信 号 。
Although they are skeletalmuscles (骨骼肌) (in fact they are the smallest skeletal muscles in the human body), themiddle-ear muscles are not under voluntary control. They contract reflexively abouta tenth of a second after one or both ears are exposed to loud external sounds.Indeed, the characteristics of the reflex have become so wellknown that deviations from the normal response serve as a basis for diagnosing varioushearing disorders and neurological conditions.
中耳 虽是骨骼 ( 上是 人体最小的骨骼肌 )却不受随意 中耳肌 约是 在单 或两耳 暴露 于外界强声后 11O秒钟发生 射性 的特性 已是众所 以对 种正常 应的偏 离也 了种 听力障 和神经病 的诊 断基
The muscles of the middle earcontract not only in response to loud external sounds but also immediately beforea person vocalizes. This prevocalization reflex operates even when one speaks,sings or cries as softly as possible. Yet most evidence suggests that it ismeant to protect the inner ear from the fatigue (疲 劳),interference and potential injury caused by one's own louder utterances, whichcan result in high sound levels in one's head. The shouting and wailing ofchildren or babies, for example, can reach their own ears with the sameintensity as the sound of a train passing nearby. The middle-ear muscles domore than just indiscriminately (不分青 红皂白)attenuate(衰减)internalor loud external sounds in humans. The muscles muffle(减弱)primarily a loud sound's lower frequencies, which tend to overpower its higher frequencies.The net result of this frequency selectivity is to improve hearing-particularlyof those sounds that contain many high-frequency components, such as humanspeech. In fact, the middle-ear muscles are what enables one to hear otherpeople talking even while one is speaking.
人的中耳肌不但会随 外界的声 音而收缩而且也会在 自己发声前 的瞬间发生收缩 即使是在尽量柔 声柔 地说 歌或 的时候 也会 生这 声前 反射 但是 多数证 这种 的意义 在于 防止 内耳疲 使 不受 干扰 不致因 自己嗓 门过大而暗 中受伤 (可能造成头内声级增高J例如儿童 的喊 叫声 和痛 哭声 到达 自己 像一 列从 身边 的列 一样 人的中耳肌所发挥的作用 只是 不加 别地减 弱体 的或 外来 中耳肌 主要是 较低 频率 因为低 率往 会压倒 这种 频率 择性 的净 以提 听力 别是 那些 包含 多高频 的声 (如人 的语言 )的听 实际上即使在说着话人也 能够 听到别人谈话就是 多亏有 中耳
Althoughthe stapedius muscle of a bird always contracts during vocalization andswallowing, it does not appear to contract reflexively in reBRAIN STEM sponseto loud external sounds. The primary role of the muscle in birds, then, seemsto be the prevention of sensory overload of the auditory receptors during thebirds' own loud cries. Indeed, the screech of seagulls and the crow of cockscan result in sound-pressure levels of as much as 130 decibels (measured at thehead)- about the level of noise produced by a jet engine 15 meters away.
鸟的镫骨肌 虽然 在发声和吞咽 时都收缩但是对外来强声似乎 不会 发生 反射性 收缩 以鸟类 骨肌 的主 要作 似乎 防止 感受 自己的大 而发 感觉 负荷 的尖 和雄 的啼 确实 会使 声压 高达 130 (在头 部测 ) 即大 为喷 动机 l5 处的 声级

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