长时间占CD便宜很是不好意思~ 虽然现在本月狗已经很齐了但还是放点我的吧, 也算做了点贡献~ 我因为是要报墨尔本大学,要求成绩不高所以基本就基本没看裸考了。。。 今天早上因为搭妈的车所以7:30还没开门就到了。。。拿了2号。。。 第一个进考场, 因为完全没经验以为还要等大家都进去, 还在那愣着, 然后工作人员无奈的说你可以开始了。。。 不会盲打加上作文一篇都没练使得我相当之紧张, 感觉第一篇argument时手都有点抖。。。 开始写issue了才镇定下来~ issue刚在寂静搜了下是27,A survey shows that our consumers are more cared about eating healthier. One way to eat healthy is to eat organic food, which is free of fertilizer and pesticide. Our city has no organic food store currently, so we can establish one in our city. We can open organic food store in our gyms so that we can expect that the profits of our gyms, which stayed the same for a year, would increase.
argument 29. 题库10. “Employees should keep their private lives and personal activities as separate as possible from the workplace.” 感觉写的都不怎么样。。。