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jay 作文练习不能水!!!

 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-6 22:16:46 | 只看该作者
8.6 独立

When a student go into a new living environment, such as, a college freshman in a unfamiliar city without any relatives and old friends, it's indispensible for he or she to make some new friends as quick as possible. Then another dilemma is instigated that which way is best for a student to make new friends. Some people suggest that participating some community activities and travelling are good choices. I deem, on the other hand, that joining a sports team, if possible, outweighs those two methods recommended above.

To begin with, it's worthwhile to define "the best way to make new friends". In my opinion, the best way should take into account both the quantity and the quality of a friendship and both two factors count equally when people make friends. I will explain and interpret my points with the following grounds and considerations.

First of all, usually speaking, staying in a sports team is much longer than participating community activities and travelling. The longer the time you spend with your possible friends, the more likely you will develop a sustainable friendship. For instance, the community activities only stay one night and therefore, you are only able to talk several hours at most with others and in different activities, you are highly likely to meet many distinct guys which is not that specific like your teammates in the sports team. On the other hand, when you are in a sports team, there will be regular trainings and competitions, which are very good chances for you to develop an entrenched friendship.

Furthermore, if you were in a sports team, you will have many same, precious memories to share with your teammates, who are very likely to be your friends. In addition, the same memory will strongly bond you with your friends and provide you with plenty of topics in chatting. Although travelling with other people will also bring you and your partners about the same experiences, there is no guarantee that you have great chance to meet them again. However, in the sports team, you have the almost the same and fixed teammates, in which case provides a lot of occasions for you to share those same experiences with your friends and strengthen your friendship.

Last but not least, sports team has a special edge, which is lacked by the community activities and travelling, that is the competition with other teams. when a group of people face the same components and reach the same goals, their relationship will begin to become much more closer: they will trust and encourage each other in a higher level. And finally, they are bound to become good friends.

发表于 2013-8-8 00:17:18 | 只看该作者
对于学生生活 交友 等基础话题 还是要积累丰富的词语和例子


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-14 15:30:16 | 只看该作者
3.14 独立
Technology designed to make people’s lives simpler actually often turns out to make people’s lives more complicated.

Whether the technology created to make people's lives simpler really accomplishes that or on the other hand make people's lives even more complicated is a controversial issue. Some contend that the technology fails to achieve its purposes. However, as far as I am concerned, the technology does simplify our daily lives. In addition, my conclusion will be further strengthened and confirmed by the subsequent considerations and grounds.

To begin with, let's take a look at how complicated people's lives were before cars, trains, and planes were invented. At that time, the fastest means of transportation on land might be the wagon. Unfortunately, it would take a mouth for people to cover a certain road by wagon, while it would only take several days by car to cover the same road. Nevertheless, the problem of time is only part of the complicated situation of wagon. In addition, people in the wagon are much likely to feel awful and get sickness because the wagon is not that stable when it goes. Cars, trains or planes, the modern technology of transportation, on the other hand, can guarantee people have a comfortable trip without doubt.

Furthermore, technology designed in the medical science sphere is also a fine example of how technology influences people's life by making it simpler. With the increasing development concerning the medical science, it's easier and simpler for people to detect their illness at a very early stage, which gives people a great advantage to overcome those illnesses. For example, modern people can examine their blood pressure by just wearing a small device on the arm, and after a few minutes, the device will show your rate of blood pressure and compare this figure with the average figure for most people. What a simple device it is!

To sum up, whereas few technologies might bring more problems into people's lives and make them more complicated, I think it's just because of the flaw of the technology itself, but the flaw will be corrected or revised sooner or later, leading to a better and simpler life of people. Therefore, due to the evidences and instances above, I conclude that technology designed to make people's lives simpler does simplify people's daily lives.

Word Count: 369
发表于 2014-3-15 00:14:33 | 只看该作者
3.14 独立
Technology designed to make people’s lives simpler actually often turns out to make people’s lives more complicated.

Whether the technology created to make people's lives simpler really accomplishes that or on the other hand make people's lives even more complicated is a controversial issue.(改成以下是否会更简洁:whether technology makes people’s lives simpler or virtually complicates people’s lives is a controversial issue.) Some contend that the technology fails to achieve its purposes. However, as far as I am concerned, the technology does simplify our daily lives. In addition, my conclusion will be further strengthened and confirmed by the subsequent considerations and grounds.(好强大!)

To begin with, let's take a look at how complicated people's lives were before cars, trains, and planes were invented(或许可以改成before the invention of modern transportation such as cars, trains, and planes). At that time, the fastest means of transportation on land might be the wagon. Unfortunately, it would take a mouth(拼写错误:month) for people to cover a certain road by wagon, while it would only take several days by car to cover the same road. Nevertheless, the problem of time is only part of the complicated situation of wagon. In addition, people in the wagon are much likely to feel awful and get sickness(feel sick;get sick 是生病的意思,feel sick才是晕车的意思) because the wagon is not that stable when it goes. Cars, trains or planes, the modern technology of transportation, on the other hand, can guarantee people have a comfortable trip without doubt.

Furthermore, technology designed (可以去掉这个词)in the medical science sphere is also a fine example of how technology influences people's life by making it simpler. With the increasing development concerning the medical science, it's easier and simpler for people to detect their illness at a very early stage, which gives people a great advantage to overcome those illnesses. For example, modern people can examine their blood pressure by just wearing a small device on the arm, and after a few minutes, the device will show your rate of blood pressure and compare this figure with the average figure for most people. What a simple device it is!

To sum up, whereas(一般whereas表示句内的对比,我还木有看到过这种用法哈,或许用even though, granted 这类表示让步的连接词更好哈) few(a few) technologies(technology复数形式指的是工艺吧,这里或者直接用technology) might bring more problems into people's lives and make them more complicated, I think it's just because of the flaw of the technology itself, but the flaw will be corrected or revised sooner or later, leading to a better and simpler life of people. Therefore, due to the evidences and instances above, I conclude that technology designed to make people's lives simpler does simplify people's daily lives.

PS:思路很清晰啦~可以积累一些词汇哈~  比如说为…带来问题 可以是 introduce problems into…..
 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-15 15:06:51 | 只看该作者
3.15 独立

Which way is the best for a student to make new friends, joining a sports team, participating in community activities, or travelling? Different people hold distinct answers to this question due to the various education backgrounds, life experiences and influences from family. As far as I am concerned, the best way is, without doubt, the first one: joining a sports team.

To begin with, the biggest advantage of making friends in a sports team, compared to other two methods, is the relatively fixed member in a sports team. In other words, your teammates, in most cases, won't change a lot during a semester or a school year. And common sense tells us that it's much easier to build a friendship with someone who you are often in touch with. By that logic, joining in a sports team is much better, in terms of making friends, than other two ways, since you might meet different people at different community activities and also many different people during your trip.

Furthermore, another competitive edge for a student to make friends in a sports team is that teammates in a team will definitely and quickly trust each other due to the need for winning the game. Only people in trust can win the game and when you and your teammates in a same team can trust each other, you guys are never far away from the friends. Moreover, it's much easy for teammates to become friends because they can see each other quite often, especially in sports team, due to the extra exercise in both summer and winter vocations almost every sports team will have.

Arguable and debatable, my view of point might still suffer some, if any, drawbacks and problems. For instance, sometimes, teammates might break their friendship because of the excessive competition. Specifically speaking, if two sportsmen in one team are both very excellent, a rivalry might gradually developed between those two guys and finally threaten their friendship. Nevertheless, in my opinion, this condition is just an accident with a very small chance to occur. In addition, even if it really happened, those two guys can also get through this obstacle by talking to each other and if they can get through it, their friendship will move even one step forward.

To sum up, thanks to the evidences and reasons mentioned above, my argument enjoys a distinct advantage, which far overweighs the disadvantage and it's safe to come to my conclusion that joining a sports team is a better approach for a student to build up friendship than the other two ways.

Word Count: 423

 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-15 19:48:08 | 只看该作者
chushidefeng 发表于 2014-3-15 00:14
3.14 独立
Technology designed to make people’s lives simpler actually often turns o ...

【formal】 used to say that although something is true of one thing, it is not true of another
 1. The old system was fairly complicated whereas the new system is really very simple.
 2. Whereas the city spent over $1 billion on its museums and stadium, it failed to look after its schools.

from longman~
发表于 2014-3-15 21:57:26 | 只看该作者
jay871750293 发表于 2014-3-15 19:48
【formal】 used to say that although something is true o ...

发表于 2014-3-15 23:04:56 | 只看该作者


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-16 14:15:08 | 只看该作者
3.16 独立
Agree or Disagree
Should the government support artists or should the artists support themselves?

From time to time, there are always some governments willing to support some artists, mostly, by means of money subsidy. Nevertheless, as far as I am concerned, this kind of behavior is financially and personally unacceptable. Moreover, I am inclined to favor the opposite way of thinking that artists have their own responsibilities to support themselves. And my argument will be further confirmed and strengthened by the subsequent considerations and grounds.

To begin with, funding those artists, who might live a poor life, will worsen the financial burden of the government, especially during a depression time. Concretely speaking, the government, a formal organization responsible for the whole society, has many different types of problems to care about, ranging from the domestic issue, such as increasing unemployment rate and the acute inflation to the diplomatic problems, like the dispute with or even war against other countries. Therefore, how to reasonably and fairly allocate limited resources to balance the whole society in the big picture is a much more important and significant question than some artists, which are only a very tiny part to the society. For example, if there are some redundant people who don't receive the support from government, while artists do, a riot might easily take place because of the unfair treat those unemployed people will feel.

Furthermore, as for artists, I don't deem that they will receive the government support due to something personal. It is said that everyone has a sense of dignity, especially those artists who are much more sensitive to receive the money from others, because they simply enjoy the feeling of living by themselves.

Arguable and debatable, my point of view might still suffer some, if any, drawbacks and problems. For instance, if the artists didn't get any support or fund from government, they are very likely to live a poor and miserable life without much achievement in art, finally causing the decline of the quality of art in the whole society or the whole country. Dealing with this kind of possible trouble, I think artists can organize some artist unions and help each other.

To sum up, thanks to the compelling reasons and evidences above, my argument enjoys a distinct advantage, which far overweighs the disadvantage and it's safe to come my conclusion that artists should buttress themselves.

 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-17 18:31:19 | 只看该作者
3.17 独立Agree/ Disagree
Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant improvement for the quality of people's lives have already taken place.

From time to time, there are always some people who deem that they have already made more crucial improvement for the quality of people's lives than those before and since. Nonetheless, in my opinion, this point is theoretically and practically ridiculous. On the other hand, I am inclined to favor the point that as long as the science and technology are still advancing, the most significant inventions for improving the quality of people's lives will definitely take place in the unknown future.

To begin with, since the science and technology are still improving, no one can predict with full of confidence that the existing improvement are the most significant one ever and since, because the future is just unpredictable. Here is one fine example concerning my point. When the invention of digital camera first took place, it quickly replaced the traditional camera because of many important and valuable improvement it brought for the quality of people's lives, such as the saving of cost of films, the capacity to store much more photos, and so on. At that time, many companies of digital camera announced that this invention is the most significant improvement for the quality of people's lives ever and nothing can compete with it even in the future. However, soon after the invention of digital cameras, the smart phone came out and further enhanced the quality of people's lives because it combined the digital camera and phone and brought people much more convenience. Most of us nowadays take photos just by our cell phones or other portable digital devices, such as Ipad, rather than by digital cameras, right?

Furthermore, since there is no researchers or inventors can guarantee that their product or invention won't have any mistakes or bring any problems at the first time it is made, people always need some improvement to fix those mistakes or problems in the future with the advancement of technology and science. For instance, whereas the car, on which people relied a lot in their daily lives, do make people's lives easier and improve the quality of their lives, it still brings a lot of environmental problems, such as the greenhouse gas, which leads to the global warming. Therefore, scientists are still making some improvement and make it more and more energy-efficient.

To sum up, thanks to evidences and reasons mentioned above, my argument enjoys a distinct advantage, which far overshadows the disadvantage and it's safe to come to my conclusion that if the science and technology keep improving, the most significant inventions for giving the quality of people's lives a upgrade will always take place in the unknown future.

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