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[阅读小分队] 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—32系列】【32-02】文史哲

发表于 2014-2-9 22:37:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
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we will learn the most nature way to run.------------->running on bare foot!!
The winter olympic games opened up yesterday in Sochi,Russia.
We can see a lot of comments on this game.
In this post,we have three article.
article 1:
the prediction of medals via statistical models
article 2 and article 3
the tracking reports of the anti-gay laws of Russia before the games
after criticizing the discrimination against homosexuals,the obstacle talks about gender discrimination
看了很多有关西方媒体对冬奥会的评论,觉得他们真心好敢讲------众口铄金,积毁销骨啊= =

Part I:   Speaker
Are we born to run

【rephrase 1】


Source: Ted


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发表于 2014-3-1 00:00:41 | 只看该作者
Time2: 2'12"
Dan and Tim create a model to predict the number of medals each country is going to win in Olympics.

Time3: 2'38"
The process of creating the model, and it shows that summer Olympics is different from winter olympics.

Time4: 3'39"
The analysis found that a slightly different list of variables best fit the historical medal data.

Time5: 2'01"
Google has placed a rainbow version of its logo on its search page, increasing pressure on president Vladimir Putin over Russia's "gay propaganda" law at the Sochi Winter Olympics.

Time6: 2'02"
Many companies are facing pressure to speak out over the "gay propaganda" Law. Deputy Prime Minister said there would be no discrimination at the Games.

Time7: 3'21"
The Anti-Gay message was decoded in the Olympics Opening Ceremony.

Obstacle: 13'59"
Women's and men's world records in many events are separated by persistent gaps. In fact, the physical feature is different between men and women so that males have advantage in many sports, but discrimination shouldn't exist.
发表于 2014-2-22 11:07:57 | 只看该作者
[332 words] 2'20
[387 words] 3'25
[431 words] 3'25
[233 words] 1'53
[263 words] 1'48
[417 words] 3'01
发表于 2014-2-19 17:45:22 | 只看该作者
【Time 2】2:30 Tim and his brother attempt to look at each country's geographic area, GDP per capita, total value of exports and latitude to determine how many medals each country will win.
【Time 3】3:00 Eventually they came upon a model that predict the medal number.
【Time 4】5:01 Some discrepancy exist when using geographic area as a factor predict medal number and also other aspects are inconsistent with the outcome.
【Time 5】2:01 Newspaper and media put pressure on the president Putin on legislate the gay issue.
【Time 6】2:55 Some Olympic sponsors such as AT&T ,P&G and McDonald's made further movement to support the founding principles of the Games.
【Time 7】 4:50 Decoding the Anti-Gay Messages in the Olympics Opening Ceremony
【Paraphrase 8】15::23 Women athletes have some biological disadvantages comparing to men athletes and due to this reason women do not have extreme sports or dangerous sports. According to the recent survey, this situation has changed and women have the same sports as men. What's more new finding point out that in some games women have more advantage than men.
发表于 2014-2-18 17:24:08 | 只看该作者

back to years ago in America, human beings killed animal without weapon.

that links a lot to bare-foot running. So much about it and we should learn from it.


Time 2
scientists were using new methods to predict medals for each country, by employing econmical, geographic data.

Time 3
their model for predicting Summer Olympic medals was just 10 percent, so they decided to improve the accuracy in the Winter Olympics.
But the two events are so different so they employed a new analysis. Finally the accuracy improved to 96.5 percent.

Time 4
higher latitude, geographic areas, though imperfect, host country, not dramatically differ from conventional experts.

Google makes a point on gay rights at Sochi Games
Time 5
Google's logo increased pressure on Vladimir Putin over the law banning gay propaganda.

Time 6
Google also wanted to ask other sponsors to speak out against the gay propaganda law, but few did so.
And Putin said "just don't touch the kids."

Decoding the Anti-Gay Messages in the Olympics Opening Ceremony
Time 7
anti-gay message in the opening ceremony of Russia, which I thought mostly was just misunderstanding.

- skiing by woman was banned until this Winter Olympics, and women actually have advantage on it.

- women and men did have difference on sports performance and we should not ignor it.

- man used to cancel women events for the thought of protecting them from dangers.

- now woman did so much better and all events on tracks come back to women. They accomplished a lot including marathons, exercise during pregnancy.

- women improved much faster than man, so it was predicted they would won man on overall performance in 21st century.

- woman' records and pysical structure turn out to be less competitive than man aa a fact.

- the transexual athletes should wait for a year while undergoing the treatment before competing again with other women. And a male who later transferred into women found himself slower than before, but still as competitive among female athletes.

- so there's a good reason to separate women and men events. But women have several events that they could do as well as men, such as skiing. Women just want their own competition and We should respect that, eliminating the discrimination.
发表于 2014-2-14 03:52:56 | 只看该作者
Part 2  Speed
Tim And Dam's Nontraditional,Totally Different Approach To Predict The Number Of Medals Each Country Is Going To Win In  The SOCHI Winter Olympics;
They Improved Their Approach For This Winter Olympic And Applied It To The Past Two Winter Olympics,It Turns Out 96.5Percent Accuracy;
based on their statistically-rigorous approach, the Graettingers are confident that on the whole, their model will predict the final medal counts with a relatively high degree of accuracy,And They Plan To Bet On Their Prediction;
Google's  Rainbow Version Of Search Page Gives Pressure On President Putin Over Russia Gay Propaganda Law At The SOCHI Winter Olympic;
Those Sponsor Companies Are Facing Pressure By Google To Speak Out Over The Gay Propaganda Law
The Russians Were Transmitting Anti-Gay Messages In The Opening Ceremony;
发表于 2014-2-13 21:25:25 | 只看该作者
Time 1: Scientists creative a model to perdict countries's medal for Olimplics and this model employ figures such as GDP.(2:22)

Time 2: Origianlly these two brothers sets model for summer Olympics.Now they start a new model for Sochi.The winter Ollympics have different factor from Summer one.However, new model for winter still have a high accuracy which show who can bring madol to home.(2;17)

Time 3: Scients discuss some key factors which may affect the number of medals such as the population and the area of country land and why these factors can impact the performance of Olympics.

Time 4:  Google issues the relevant affair to presure on President Vladimir Putin over Russia's "gay propaganda" law, and further claim that each person should have the equeal right to practise sport without discrimination.(1:59)

Tiem 5: The Human Rights Campaign praised Google's action and some gay group pressure on Olympics sponsor.(2:26)

Time 6: Some message from Russian winter Olympics opening ceremony can be decoded about anti-gay information. Some examples are issued as edivences to support the author's viewpoints. (3;33)

Obstacle: The paragraph talks about the difference of performance between male athletes and femle athletes and these differences are related to the traits of diverse gender. In order to prove the author's standpoint, the writer uses a lot of exmaples and data to substantiate his or her viewpoint.  (13:39)

发表于 2014-2-12 15:57:45 | 只看该作者
spd:  1.32   2.09   2.40   1.19   1.26   2.36  
ob:   10.24   略长。。。
some people think women are weaker than men in sports, that is discremination. sex difference do influence the match, but many woman atheletes convinced they have ability to compete with man. gaps between man and woman are get closer, it is uncorrect to say different sex can compete in the same match because in some fields women are better but in others are not. we need an equal environment for women's sport.
发表于 2014-2-11 18:16:00 | 只看该作者
Tim and Dan predict the number of medals each country in going to win in Sochi Olympics with the model included  each country's geographic area, GDP per capita, total value of exports and latitude.
They first developed a model for the 2012 London games and tried a wide range of different types of data sets.At that time, they could only predict which countries would win two or more medals, not the number of medals per country.
Eventually, their new model could detemine which nations took home a medal with 96.5 percent accuracy.
higher-latitude countries do better at the events played during the winter games
the host country bags more medals than it would otherwise
The international outcry over Russia's "gay propaganda" law increased pressure on President Vladimir Putin  at the Sochi Winter Olympics.It fosters a climate of discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) groups.
LGBT rights organization praised Google for making a clear and unequivocal statement that Russia's anti-LGBT discrimination is indefensible and it gave other sponsors pressure.
Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak said shortly afterwards in Sochi that there would be no discrimination at the Games, due to open later on Friday.
Explicit criticism of the Russian law was scarce.We were overeacted about the Russia's "gay propaganda" law.
【Rephrase 7】20min T^T 太沉迷于一字一句了
Women’s and men’s world records in many events are separated by persistent gaps.
In fact, as women were given opportunities to participate, they began gaining on men.
Elite women are not catching elite men nor maintaining their position.
Females are structured like a disabled class for all sorts of  good reasons.
We just need to enjoy the game no matter the athletes are women or men.
发表于 2014-2-11 10:23:29 | 只看该作者
speaker: we are born to run. If we learn from the ancient people who run without shoes, we may be more healthier and have less injuries. The good thing we can get from run is the valuable spirit.
1.1'54 T and DG predicted the madel number of each country on the basis of the GDP, total value of exports and latitude of the country, rather than their athletes.
2.2'25 At first, the brother could only predict which country would win and the number of extra madels. They would do some prediction in another way.
3.2'55compare the accuracy of the brother's model with that of other experts'.
4.1'36 Google present a comment on its logo arguing about the 'gay progaganda' law.
5.1'33 The gay law put a lot of pressure on sponsors.
6.2'33 In the Opening ceremony, Russia showed some signal about their attitude towards 'gay propaganda' legislation.
7.13'19 Female athletes are kind of different from male athletes because of their gap in physical power and structure. On the history of Olympic Games, women did behave slower than men. However, we should admire them for their common identity--the athletes.
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