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[阅读小分队] 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—32系列】【32-02】文史哲

发表于 2014-2-10 09:28:53 | 只看该作者
Speaking: Human Species are genetically inherited with the ability to run.
Time 1:2'01'' Instead of the conventional medal predicating method (predicate through each country's individual athlete's performance), analysts nowadays are inclined to apply a overall factors of a country(eg. size, climate, per captia GDP,etc.) to make an general inference on a specific country's performance.
Time 2: 2'12'' Those brothers first applied those methods into summer olympics and achieved success. However, while implement this method into winter sochi Olympics, another method is required because winter olympic gold winning countries varies a lot from that in summer olympics.
Time 3: 2‘13’‘ Excluding the 90 percent countries, analysts find that a slightly differet variables fit that the data: normally higher latitude countries dose better;geographic datas weighs more with a gold medal record; The model is not perfect and some exceptions exist;those conventional predicate in a same accurate manner.
Time 4:1'11''
Time 5:1'23''
Time 6:2'15''
Obstacle: 12'34''
发表于 2014-2-10 09:34:24 | 只看该作者
Dan and Time use a new approach to predict which country will win most medals.
They use a country's fundamental data rather than which country contains the most best athletes.
Dan and Time adopt improve their predict approach which does not rely on the formal one.
and then the article talked about the approach's achievement.
The 2 brothers consider population instead of land area as an important factor.
But the approach is not perfect and they found that the host country can win more medals than ever.
Google adds a version to support gay rights on Sochi Game.
Putin signed a law that aganist gay which is defended by international.
LGBT announced that it hopes other olympic sponsor to have an action like Google.
Those sponsors have much pressure to annouce their funding principles.
Many countries adopt some ways to defend aganist Russian's "gay propaganda” legislation
then the article mentioned some people in the opening ceremony.
main idea: the discrimination of female athletes.
felmale can finish some sport as good as or better than male.
but some men cannot accept it and point that female does not have a good body as man.
发表于 2014-2-10 11:34:26 | 只看该作者

Use a country's fundamental charactiristics to predict the medal count of this country.
How did this idea come from.
The formal case.The accuracy.
The theroy behind the prediction.
The try in the summer Olympics.The factors and variables.
But this model dosen't fit the winter Olympics.
Seperate countries which can win at leat one medal with those can not win any medal at all.
The factor include:migration rate and so on.
The new Sochi Model has 96.5% accuracy.
The modify of this model.
Before:population may be important.The opposit case:India.
Now:they use land area to replace population and get better model.but the influence of population still exists.
The exceptions.
The trend of this model.
Google use its logo to speak out gay rights in Sochi Olympics.
Practicing sport is a human right.
The law Putin released last year.And the protest from U.S.companies.
Opinons and praise towards Google's efforts.
Other sponsors' action--whether or not to speak out gay right.
Russia's action and Putin's attitude.
The messages Russians trasmitted in the Olympic ceremony.
Gay elements during the ceremony.
The apperance of a female athelete.
The beginning:Ski Jump.The idea from a coach who has discrimination towards female athletes.Women have great performance.They have no difference from Men.
The seperate of women and men's events in sports in the history.
The example of a female athlete who achieved Marathon and still actives in this sport.Women can do as good as men.
The prediction:when women will outstripe men in running?
The differences in physical factors of women and men.This is the biological reason that the two genders have difference performance in sports.
The example of a transgender athlete and scientist.Her data during the transgender progress.
The book Playing With the Boys.
Women should have the opportunities to complete their sports.And men should not feel threatened and should show respect.
They are all athletes.
发表于 2014-2-10 11:35:11 | 只看该作者
pennyz 发表于 2014-2-9 22:37
Part III: Obstacle

掌管 7        00:17:18.41        00:39:23.24 the article want to preserve the abilities of female to particepate the Olympic game.
掌管 6        00:04:21.42        00:22:04.83 Bad message of Sochi olympic opening ceremony is made by the press
掌管 5        00:02:02.98        00:17:43.40 People think it right of Gay, but in term of child, they do not want to mislead kids.
掌管 4        00:02:42.88        00:15:40.42 The goole has place a rainbow version of its logo to gain focus on Russian Gay problem.
掌管 3        00:04:45.89        00:12:57.53 The third paragraph tells us the data that they collect to prodite.
掌管 2        00:04:52.96        00:08:11.64 The second paragraph tells us how the brother do to prodicte the sochi medal game.
掌管 1        00:03:18.67        00:03:18.67 The first paragraph mainly tells us about the phonominer that someone prodited the medal counts of the olympic game very pricely.
发表于 2014-2-10 13:44:43 | 只看该作者
thank you

-Dan and Sam are able to predict the number of medals each country will get from Olympic games by examinng the population, GDP, and so on.

-how Dan and Sam fixed the inaccuracy in their prediction.

-what factors Sam and Dan used to predict and why inaccuracy may happen sometimes.

-Google used gay flag on its searching page to show its stand in gay propaganda. It also shows a quo saying everyone has equal right to practice sport etc. This is to respond the legislation, ban gay propaganda among minors, signed by the president of Russia. AT&T also speaks out.

At&T and Google pressure other sponsors to speak up too.  

-decoding the anti-gay message in the opening ceremony.presence of Yelena Isinbayev shows the anti-gay attitude.
发表于 2014-2-10 16:32:51 | 只看该作者


time 1 2'10
time 2 2'58
time 3 3'08
time 4 2'30
time 5 2'14
time 6 3'45   对于这段我看得不太懂。是说冬奥会开幕式上一些反同性恋的小暗示, 但我看得云里雾里的。
Obstacle  11‘27
发表于 2014-2-10 17:04:33 | 只看该作者
speaker 今天咩听进去,居然咩听进去ted。。

time 1:01"52 different way to predict medal numbers of all the country compete in Sochi. Dan and Tim use country power to make such prediction.
time 2:How they built up the modal and the way to predict which are the least 10% possible countries to get medal. They used the summer OG data to build up modal. But they have to deter the differences between summer game and winter game. Result is freedom of economy attribute to whether the country will win a meda or two, but has nothing to do with the final medal number. At last, they came up a few variables
time 3:02"37 how to allocate the rest of the medal to the rest 90% countries. Population involed in the modal most, and host country will bag more medals than it would otherwise.
time 4:01"34 google acts against Putin`s anti LGBT law of winter Olympic.
time 5:01"40 this affair left great pressure on the sponsers
time 6:03"08 what Putin and Russia expressed on the Sochi openning

obstacle: 09"51 Author uses the evidence of how female gaining their place in Olympic games to show us the neccesarity of the LGBT in Olympic.the predudice for female athletes before, and how they gain the place back in summer Olymics. Although female athletes are not as good as male athlets in long distance games, and some feminists even wanted to mislead us that female are better than male in long distance games, we could not deprive the place for female in long distance games. Because that is the esprit of Olympic games, justice.
发表于 2014-2-10 17:36:57 | 只看该作者


T1 02:02.61
The brothers find a way to predict the number of medals each country will have in this Sochi Olmpic Games.
They connect their prediction with the GDP, history, areas and many other factor of the country.
An economic professor also find his own way to predict, but this time he does not join in.
T2 02:25.89
The brothers have their primary prediction in London Summer Olympic Games.
They acheived success in London.
Now they find another way to predict in winter games.(there are some differences between summer games and winter games.)
T3 02:46.96
In order to decide how many medals each remaining country won, the brothers give some tips.
higher latitudes countries awalys do better in the game.
They think population instead of land area is the important factor.
They haven't put down any bets on their prediction, but in the future, maybe they will.
T4 01:35.19
Google has made a rainbow version on thier search page to pressure Russian government over Russian's discrimination towards gay.
But Putin said that this law is needed to protect young people.
T5 01:56.36
Google comments that Putin's attitudes will hurts the relationship between Olympic Games and its sponsors.
But Putin still insist on his own idea that homosexuality will do harm to the kids.
T6 03:05.59
Many signals in the Sochi Olympic Games show its dicrimination to homosexuality.


In an interview, a Russian men's ski coach said that he dose not like the women's ski jumping cause women are fragile.
The discrimination towards women athletes always exsists in the OG.
Women are not allowed to join in some games, such as some long distance events.
Males have better body strength than females and have advantage in many sports items.
But in some games, women can be better.(long-run swimming)
Especailly when they are young.
Men only want to compared with theirselves in order to show thier devoted.
发表于 2014-2-10 20:28:04 | 只看该作者
TIME1 01'46
main idea:instead of the conventional approach to predict which country will be the top on the medal board,T and D developd a new method--ppedicting depended on the geographic area,GDP per capita,total value of exports and latitute to determine how many medals each country would win.

TIME2 02'08
main idea:initially,they built a preliminary model to predict London summer Olympic game,however,this model could only predict which countries can win more and more medals,not the number medals of each country.
they improve the model for sochi,not relying on the previous model.eventually ,this model determined which nation took home a medal with 96.5 percent accuracy.

TIME3 02'06
main idea:some variables are tuned out to be correlative that higher-latitude nation do better at these winter games.
instead of depending on population,geographic area is more anailable and reliable as variable to forecast the number medals in winter games.

TIME4 01'16
main idea:Google placed a rainbow version of its logo on its search page to incerase the pressure on Russion legistation againtst gay people,and followed a Olympic chapter quotes that each individual has the possibility to practice sport withour discrimination.

TIME5 01'46
main idea:many campaign and organization paised Google for what it did.
sponsors of sochi Olympic faced pressure whether to state their opinion toward sex perference.

TIME6 02'13
main idea:decode the anti-gay message of sochi olympic.many people's attitude....

TIME7 07'12
main idea:sexual difference between man and woman,and some discrimination about female athlets in sport field.(example......statistics......)
gap between male and female athletes in running.....we should admit sex difference but cannot put it into ridiculous extent.female athletes are good at ski.
发表于 2014-2-10 22:05:08 | 只看该作者
Run without shoes, we can find out the human potential developed in the ancient time.

Company create a model to predict how many metals will a country win in a certain Olympic Game with a country's characteristic instead of the athletes themselves.

The model is developed from several times trial in previous Olympic Games.

The model is not very accurate with some country.

Google criticizes the "anti-gay" law with the main-page picture.

Sponsor are imposed pressure on Russia's "anti-gay" law.

Some gay messages you can decode from the 2014 Winter Olympic Game Opening Ceremony.

It makes a points that women have physical difference from man, so the Olympic Game discriminate the two gender.
Not until 2014, the women's ski jump is add to the Winter Olympic. Some might say women are no worse than men in running or any other sport. But the author holds the opinion that we may accept the fact that women are not so better than men. However, maybe with the more fat that women have, women do better in ski jumping or other snow sport.
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