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[阅读小分队] 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—31系列】【31-05】经管— Motors and Hero

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-1-25 00:55:19 | 只看该作者
pennyz 发表于 2014-1-24 21:09

发表于 2014-1-25 04:46:16 | 只看该作者
2: Henry Ford introduced Assembly line which decreased the amount of time for assembling product from 10 hours to 90 minutes. However, it also increased the turnover rate. "5 dollars pay day" started.

3: After electric car was introduced , gasoline car was invented. The target market increased to female. Lots of invention emerged 100 years ago. Some of them stick around but some faded away.

4: Walter Chrysler was a mechanical engineering. He was paid very well. His house had 23 rooms and 137 meters swimming pool. He was also the first men in American had 1 million salary in 1900s. He eventually went into make his own car.

5:Walter Chrysler lowered the cost to 1/5 of the car that other manufacturer made. He became addicted to alcohol. Lee took over the company. Mr Eaton took over the company after Lee. Currently only 8% of the stock was held by Americans.

6:Edsel Ford was the son of Henry Ford. very little document was found about him. He lived in the shadow of his dad. Even he was the president of the company he only love to design the car. His dad was also the one made most of the major decision.
发表于 2014-1-25 08:57:04 | 只看该作者
Part II:
Time 2: 2'15"45
Compare to the new tech cars showed in the recent auto exhibition in Detroit, the cars in 1910s seem outfashioned. However, 1910s is
a very important era for autos One of the most vital change is assembly line invented by Ford, it largely decreased the assembling time. But it also distract people's work and lead to five dollar wage.

time 3: 2'14"51
The biggest change 100 years ago is electric starter. It made start a car much easier and safier. Also this helped cars entered a larger market.
The electric starter cars are easy to drive, and their target consumer is women.
Lots of companies rushed into auto market and left. But they left some valuable innovations which were adapted by the remained manufactures.

rest: 1'05"32
The cyclecars are obsolete in the market.  Another company used a luxury engine, but fell our of market as well.
Detroit at that time was just like sillicon valley today, lots of high- tech rised.

time 4: 2'40"32
Chrysler turned to a wealth man from a railway mechanic. He would never be Ford or General Motor, but he is very important in auto industry.
There are two books about him. One is biograph of Chrysler, and the other is about how his company was friendly took over by xxbenz.
Chrysler reorganized ACLo, and from then on entered into auto industry. He then runned Builk. He made money form stock and saved ailing auto manufactures.
Then he started to develop his car.

time 5: 4'19"50
The Chrysler six exhibited in auto show in NY caused a sensation. Because it is a product of technique, and the price is onely 1/5 of its' rival's costs. (轰动地Just like Ford model T)
It sold so well even in depression.
But Chrysler is a "functional alcoholic" and died soon.
Lee took over his company and used patriotism to attract consumers. It worked a while but didn't last long. The company is outdated.
Then xx took over Builk. He engaged Builk to emerge with Mercedes- Benzs. It saved Builk, but only 8% of its stock held by American.

time 6: 2'32"33
Edsel Ford die at 46. He was fascinated with the shape of cars. It is not easy to find his story since he lived in his father's shadow.  Even in the Ford company, he barely made decisions. They were mostly made by Henry.
Edsel's dad focus on inner parts while Edsel prefer car shape design. He worked with a yound rich man and build their cars. Model A

time 7: 13'12"06
Edsel was a gifted car designer as well as a manager. But he respected his father and didn't against him. Henry treated Edsel badly, but E followed H's instructions.
Henry's stubborn  directly caused Edsel's death, but he didn't admit it.(milk)
Even Edsel looks tragedy, but he made enomurous efforts for the company. 他墙裂要求汽车更新换代,安装和竞争者一样先进的配件。他坚持让他爸收购了林肯,拯救了这个公司。他做了一切
Henry不愿意做的事情。 同时也对底特律的艺术,汽车,慈善 做出巨大贡献

发表于 2014-1-25 10:33:18 | 只看该作者
iamyingjie 发表于 2014-1-24 00:16

发表于 2014-1-25 10:34:19 | 只看该作者
sherlock1992 发表于 2014-1-24 05:54
Pavement                  Thx, Ace~

发表于 2014-1-25 10:39:56 | 只看该作者
Thanks for sharing
发表于 2014-1-25 17:21:38 | 只看该作者
Time 2. 1'47''
Time 3. 1'54''
The Rest. 51''
100 years ago, the prosperity of the auto industry like today's silicon Valley in America. In 1913, Henry Ford made a single model T reduced the time of assemble cars, that meant Ford can produce more cars with lower prices. In 1912, the usage of push-button starters enlarged the auto industry markets. In this 100 years, a variety of manufactures applied their minds in the autos. There is a prosperous auto industry in America.
Time 4. 2'39''
Time 5. 2'45''
Once Chrysler was the bellwether of America auto industry, but today only 8% of Daimler-Chrysler shares are held by Americans, Chrysler lost its glory.
Time 6. 3'00''

Time 7. 11'19''
Although Edsel Ford shadowed in his father's manipulation, but the Ford needed to remember his name. Without him, the Company might never have attained the solid image it was today.
发表于 2014-1-25 19:13:08 | 只看该作者

GM introduced a new concept of car using hydrogen. By using this technology, Larry Burns,the veep of GM, said new generation of cars could be more affordable, clean, and stable.                                                       
Time2 2'09"                                                       
The early 1910s were some of the most exciting years for car industries-a period when bursts of many innovations kept the industry moving forward in leaps and bounds. Assembling time was also shortened sharply.                                                       
Time3 1'58"                                                       
The biggest change to the car was electric starter which made the car easier and safer to start. Electric car was also produced at that time,  though it was not as popular as gasoline-powered car because of the limitation of distance the electri car can achieved. Moreover, there were many different small companies joined this industry with plenty of small innovations which made great contributions to the car development.                                                       
Time4 1'55"                                                       
The paragraph talked about the founder of Chrysler-Walter Chrysler-his childhood and his success. Walter Chrysler was already a rich man when he was young and was the first American manager with $1m salary.                                                        
Time 5 2'32"                                                       
The survival of Chrysler Corporation                                                       
Time 6 1'40"                                                       
Obstacle 9'02"                                                       
The depressive life of Edsel Ford.                                                       
发表于 2014-1-25 20:27:39 | 只看该作者
the peak time of car industry:the early 1900s
the history of a city
the most important invention is electric starter.the compertition in this industry make the car we now know
the twists and turns of chrysler:how the company is set up,and how it become successful,and how it fail after the death of chrysler.
edsel ford live in the shadow of his father
his passion for automobile,and invetion of two speedster
his conflicts with his father
he put up with the cruel treatment in the company:the example of the new office
he become ill and turn out to be cancerous
despite his short life,he is vital to nowadays success of ford
发表于 2014-1-26 12:58:48 | 只看该作者
TIME2 01'33
main idea:early history about the auto industry.
the improved assembly line in 1914 ensured Ford to produce more cars at lower prices,while it caused dissatisfaction of workers.

TIME3 01'26
main idea:electric starter marks the progress of engine,making cars easier to drive,quiter and so forth.the market targeted at women.

TIME4 02'04
main idea:instroction about C who built the moto industry.

TIME5 01'45

TIME6 01'08
main idea:instruction about Ford's life.he was intrested in car designing.....
he said that his father made the most popular car in the world,and he would like to make the best car aroung the globe.

TIME7 01'29
main idea:the life experience of EF.
E's impact on the auto industry.


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