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OG13 Q120-127 翻译 Jon Clark's study of the effect of the modernization

发表于 2013-8-19 14:50:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
参考了CD上以前的讨论试着翻译了一下, 蓝色部分是不确定的, 想跟大家讨论一下


CLARK认为, 对工作技能和工作结构, 技术的物质有着决定性的影响. 话说白了就是,对于社会和管理结构, 技术可以是一个主要的决定性因素. CLARK相信这种可能性已经被强调机器反应社会选择的社会学流派搞模糊了, 例如B的分析.  B认为, 科技系统的构架是次要的, 相比于管理者的欲望去从工人那里夺取labor process.  技术的改变是多个有兴趣的组织们在寻求结合他们的兴趣和机械设计和配置的一种产物. 这种观点代表着新主流- 称为社会构建论.

构建论学者通过歪曲技决定论来得到认可:例如, 技术决定论者假定去相信: 机器施加适当的规则形式影响给社会. 换句话说, 可替代社会构建论的观点视技术为脱离社会的一种存在, 能够直接影响技能和工作结构.(但CLARK说技术是决定性因素)

CLARK通过理论和经验的两方面论证反驳结构学家的极端观点. 理论上,他定义技术是社会和技术变量的一个关系. 把科技的意义简化为冰冷,坚固的金属的企图是失败的,  因为机械不过是碎片,除非是被功能性的组织起来, 并且由适当的操作系统和维护所支持. 从 经验上,CLARK展示了电信交换的(从维护密集型机电转换到半电子交换系统)转换如何改变工作内容, 技能, 培训机会,管理, 工作人员的组织. CLARK把一些变化归因为管理层和工会组织协商技术引进的一种特殊的方式,另一些则视为科技自身的自然性质和性能的一种体现. 所以CLARK帮助回答了问题:何时社会选择是决定性的,何时科技坚定特性更重要.

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发表于 2014-10-13 10:48:03 | 只看该作者
JC 在针对Telephone Exchange的现代化对维护工作和工人的影响的研究中,阐述了Technological Determinism “技术决定论”与Social Constructivism.“社会构建论”之间的矛盾

JC 相信技术的种种特性对skills工作技能及work organization工作模式有决定性影响,且本可以成为社会或管理结构的决定因素。但老B的新流派阻碍了这个趋势。老B他强调机器仅仅反应了社会的选择,Technological System只是管理者控制工人的工具,或利益集团追逐利益的基础工作, 这便是Social Constructivism。

Constructivists为获得认同而曲解了TD:TDs are supposed to believe本认为机械能以适当的形式改变社会规范。而这点到了Cons的嘴里,就变成了“是技术,而不是人,改变了社会进程。(直译:直接影响了工作技能及模式)

C哥从理论和实际两方面反驳了Cons。从理论上,C哥定义technology是社会与技术之间千丝万缕的联系,机械需要人类使用和维护,而Cons将其定义为单纯地的金属是明显错误的。从实际上,C哥展示了TE的变革影响了工人的各种方面(work tasks, skills, training opportunities, administration, and organization of workers)。这样的变化既归因工人与管理层的谈判,也得益于能力与技术自然提升。因此,C哥很好地回答了"When is social choice decisive and when are the concrete characteristics of technology more important?"


 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-19 15:04:30 | 只看该作者
125. According to the passage, constructivists employed which of the following to promote their argument?
(A) Empirical studies of business situations involving technological change
(B) Citation of managers supportive of their position
(C) Construction of hypothetical situations that support their view
(D) Contrasts of their view with a misstatement of an opposing view
(E) Descriptions of the breadth of impact of technological change
我知道这个选项来自于  The constructivists gain acceptance by misrepresenting technological determinism

contrast  sth. with sth.  意思是  与…形成对比;和…相对照
(D) Contrasts of their view with a misstatement of an opposing view: 通过对比他们的观点和一个反对观点的误述.

这个成立吗????我觉得应该是通过employ a s misstatement to promote their argument.   
 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-19 15:05:59 | 只看该作者
full context

Jon Clark’s study of the effect of

the modernization of a telephone

exchange on exchange maintenance

work and workers is a solid contribution

(5) to a debate that encompasses two

lively issues in the history and sociology of technology: technological

determinism and social constructivism.

Clark makes the point that the char-

(10) acteristics of a technology have a

decisive influence on job skills and

work organization. Put more strongly,

technology can be a primary determinant

of social and managerial organ-

(15) ization. Clark believes this possibility

has been obscured by the recent sociological

fashion, exemplified by

Braverman’s analysis, that emphasizes

the way machinery reflects social

(20) choices. For Braverman, the shape of

a technological system is subordinate

to the manager’s desire to wrest control

of the labor process from the

workers. Technological change is

(25) construed as the outcome of negotiations

among interested parties who

seek to incorporate their own interests

into the design and configuration of the

machinery. This position represents

(30) the new mainstream called social constructivism.

The constructivists gain acceptance

by misrepresenting technological determinism:

technological determinists are

(35) supposed to believe, for example, that

machinery imposes appropriate forms

of order on society. The alternative to

constructivism, in other words, is to

view technology as existing outside

(40) society, capable of directly influencing

skills and work organization.

Clark refutes the extremes of the

constructivists by both theoretical and

empirical arguments. Theoretically he

(45) defines “technology” in terms of relationships

between social and technical

variables. Attempts to reduce the

meaning of technology to cold, hard

metal are bound to fail, for machinery

(50) is just scrap unless it is organized

functionally and supported by appropriate

systems of operation and maintenance. At the empirical level Clark

shows how a change at the telephone

(55) exchange from maintenance-intensive

electromechanical switches to semielectronic

switching systems altered

work tasks, skills, training opportunities,

administration, and organization of

(60) workers. Some changes Clark attributes

to the particular way management

and labor unions negotiated the introduction

of the technology, whereas

others are seen as arisi
Jon Clark’s study of the effect of

the modernization of a telephone

exchange on exchange maintenance

work and workers is a solid contribution

(5) to a debate that encompasses two

lively issues in the history and sociology of technology: technological

determinism and social constructivism.

Clark makes the point that the char-

(10) acteristics of a technology have a

decisive influence on job skills and

work organization. Put more strongly,

technology can be a primary determinant

of social and managerial organ-

(15) ization. Clark believes this possibility

has been obscured by the recent sociological

fashion, exemplified by

Braverman’s analysis, that emphasizes

the way machinery reflects social

(20) choices. For Braverman, the shape of

a technological system is subordinate

to the manager’s desire to wrest control

of the labor process from the

workers. Technological change is

(25) construed as the outcome of negotiations

among interested parties who

seek to incorporate their own interests

into the design and configuration of the

machinery. This position represents

(30) the new mainstream called social constructivism.

The constructivists gain acceptance

by misrepresenting technological determinism:

technological determinists are

(35) supposed to believe, for example, that

machinery imposes appropriate forms

of order on society. The alternative to

constructivism, in other words, is to

view technology as existing outside

(40) society, capable of directly influencing

skills and work organization.

Clark refutes the extremes of the

constructivists by both theoretical and

empirical arguments. Theoretically he

(45) defines “technology” in terms of relationships

between social and technical

variables. Attempts to reduce the

meaning of technology to cold, hard

metal are bound to fail, for machinery

(50) is just scrap unless it is organized

functionally and supported by appropriate

systems of operation and maintenance.
At the empirical level Clark

shows how a change at the telephone

(55) exchange from maintenance-intensive

electromechanical switches to semielectronic

switching systems altered

work tasks, skills, training opportunities,

administration, and organization of

(60) workers. Some changes Clark attributes

to the particular way management

and labor unions negotiated the introduction

of the technology, whereas

others are seen as arising from the

(65) capabilities and nature of the technology

itself. Thus Clark helps answer

the question: “When is social choice

decisive and when are the concrete

characteristics of technology more


ng from the

(65) capabilities and nature of the technology

itself. Thus Clark helps answer

the question: “When is social choice

decisive and when are the concrete

characteristics of technology more

 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-21 21:12:10 | 只看该作者
up   Q125.  still waiting....
 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-22 17:23:24 | 只看该作者
Hi, U guys, drop me a line~
发表于 2013-12-18 17:26:37 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-12-22 13:09:32 | 只看该作者
看了这位nn的翻译以后我恍然大悟 有的文章不管用中文来表述还是英文表述 咱都是看不懂的 所以。。。还是走技术流吧
发表于 2014-4-28 21:33:21 | 只看该作者
发表于 2014-8-22 16:09:46 | 只看该作者
好像最后一句话翻译的不太好 那个concrete 翻译成 具体的 要更好一点,因为前面都有is 了 所以要用形容词词性  我理解 为何时具体的科技特性更重要 文章看完翻译以后收获很大 几处不通的地方也明白了
发表于 2014-10-13 10:26:28 | 只看该作者

首先,TD与Cons是opposing对立的,Cons先是misrepresent曲解了TD的观点,这样就形成了a misstatement of an opposing view,然后Cons再去contrast反驳这个曲解的观点,用这种伎俩为自己赢得声誉。

主要是文中这句话太难理解了“The alternative to constructivism, in other words”…
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