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[阅读小分队] 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—32系列】【32-02】文史哲

发表于 2014-2-10 17:36:57 | 显示全部楼层


T1 02:02.61
The brothers find a way to predict the number of medals each country will have in this Sochi Olmpic Games.
They connect their prediction with the GDP, history, areas and many other factor of the country.
An economic professor also find his own way to predict, but this time he does not join in.
T2 02:25.89
The brothers have their primary prediction in London Summer Olympic Games.
They acheived success in London.
Now they find another way to predict in winter games.(there are some differences between summer games and winter games.)
T3 02:46.96
In order to decide how many medals each remaining country won, the brothers give some tips.
higher latitudes countries awalys do better in the game.
They think population instead of land area is the important factor.
They haven't put down any bets on their prediction, but in the future, maybe they will.
T4 01:35.19
Google has made a rainbow version on thier search page to pressure Russian government over Russian's discrimination towards gay.
But Putin said that this law is needed to protect young people.
T5 01:56.36
Google comments that Putin's attitudes will hurts the relationship between Olympic Games and its sponsors.
But Putin still insist on his own idea that homosexuality will do harm to the kids.
T6 03:05.59
Many signals in the Sochi Olympic Games show its dicrimination to homosexuality.


In an interview, a Russian men's ski coach said that he dose not like the women's ski jumping cause women are fragile.
The discrimination towards women athletes always exsists in the OG.
Women are not allowed to join in some games, such as some long distance events.
Males have better body strength than females and have advantage in many sports items.
But in some games, women can be better.(long-run swimming)
Especailly when they are young.
Men only want to compared with theirselves in order to show thier devoted.
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