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[阅读小分队] 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—26系列】【26-03】经管 Wharton!

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发表于 2013-10-10 01:15:36 | 显示全部楼层
Listening:The listening passage concludes that the particular important thing for a leader is to create a context for other people, let other people attribute their own talents and power.

1:20s: Wharton business school received fewer applications than before, after the financial crisis. However, Wharton says that they have a higher percentage of accepted candidates, which shows that they are doing a better to attract targeted candidates.

2:50s: Wharton says that the quantity cannot represent the quality and their applicants are better with a higher score of GMAT. Wharton's ranking declines year after year.

2:13s: Wharton has several problems, such as continuity and diversity.

1:28s: Wharton director has resigned recently, which has a bad effect on Wharton's reputation and ranking.

1:32s: Although the number of applicants to Wharton is declining, Wharton graduate students 2013 still got good offers from top companies. Wharton Admission office has been changing in recent years.

9:24s: Wharton school officials cite several reasons that can explain why most applicants fail to enter into Wharton. The first one is cluelessness: people don't know what they really want, and they spend time on something that virtually worth noting at all. The second one is low scale: people always set tiny goals to achieve as to show believable and realizable. The third one is fear: people are afraid of making changes in their comfortable lives. The fourth one is lack of strategy: people have no detailed plan or strategy for their future. The last one is poor execution: people visiting on campus are good but they should clearly know why they do that. People who can avoid these problems above have a great chance to be accepted to Wharton.

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