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[阅读小分队] 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—28系列】【28-10】经管

发表于 2013-11-27 23:13:53 | 显示全部楼层
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Speaker:The world doesn't treat man and woman equally.It is hard to change in this generation.But women need equal voice and equal world.All these depend on your effort.
Two advices to change this world.
1 think big and be ambitious like man
2 beleive yourself think you're awesome.
You may make wrong choilce,but you should not leave before you come to the end.You should try and try again to find a job that meet your passion.
Don't let fear affect your desire.Start by aiming high.

Marissa Mayer,the CEO of Yahoo,gives the lesson that go against the gain.
Meg Whitman,the CEO of HP,is never shy away from challenges.

Denise Morrison,the CEO of Campbell Soup Co.,focuses on the food industry for several years.
Rosalind Brewer,the CEO of Sam's Club,has never learnt about business.Her success shows that you should never limit your protential.
Indra Nooyi,the CEO of PepsiCo,has experienced many kinds of career.

Ginni Rometty,the CEO of IBM,has worked for the company for more than 30 years and shows grace under pressure.
Heather Bresch,the CEO of Mylan Inc.,began her career from the bottom.

Six steps to help foster leadership for a girl:
1Remind her constantly that she is capable of anything.2Encourage her to play with boys.3Foster her independence.

4. Encourage her to play sports.5Highlight female role models.6Be a role model yourself.

Main Idea:Women's position in workplace.
There is fewer women than men in high positions.One reason may be women's own fault:they do not “lean in” and ask for promotions, pipe up at meetings and insist on taking a seat at the table.Another reason is that there is a gender blind spots.What women think is good for work may be viewed as weakness by men.And women have trouble in communicating with the team.
One survey shows that most of the firms runned by women are small.Women keep their business small to balance the family and job.Further,women have less capital to start their firms and reluctant to get a loan.
Women should change their tradition and behavior to get higher position.And old views on women in work place should also be changed.
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