以下是引用tangyang9在2004-12-3 2:57:00的发言: 楼主似乎太愚腐了, 这个问题就像有人问推荐信是用中文还是英文签名一样没有意义。 为什么楼主这么缺乏自信呢? 虽然我们作为申请人处以弱势地位, 但是我们付了申请费,实际上我们是他们学校的顾客。 虽然用不着把自己当作上帝,但是一定要有自信,要有那种以我为主的气势。这种以我为主的心态,无论是在申请过程中,在将来学习过程中,还是在以后工作中, 对 MBA 学生来说都是很重要的。 我对自己就很自信, 我觉得我花时间写了文章,给他们看,让他们了解我, 对他们来说也是一种开拓视野的机会。 所以我重来不担心我的文章超过要求的字数。 实际操作上, 学校的老师也理解申请人的处境,他们也知道所谓字数限制只是说说而已。
Well...imagine you are one of the adcom members and you get this excessively long essay when you've already spent weeks with sore eyes, going through the huge piles of applications...
Or, imagine you are a student who volunteered to review the essays in the middle of his/her finals. "Whew! There are only two applications to go today, then I can go back to my exam review, great! --Whoops, here comes a JUMBO package!! I wonder what's on the guy's mind..."
Maybe a bit exaggerating. My point is: being confident is good, but do be considerate as well. Also, writing concisely and powerfully is a necessary skill that is assessed by adcom of any school. |