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 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-12 11:26:32 | 只看该作者
10月11日 独立
Nowadayspeople spend too much money on their pets, although those can be spent on otherthings.

With the booming of the economy andremarkable improvement of people’s living standard, numbers of elements enrichour life, such as pets. More and more people keep pets nowadays, and there isno denying that pets do add much flavor to our daily life. Whereas, should wespend much money on pets? It is easy to image that people with different backgroundsand perspectives will judge it with their own angles. In my own part, I wouldtend to vote for the statement that people shouldn’t spend too much money onpets for the following reasons.
To begin with, I assert that what petsreally need is our positive attitude and patient rather than much money. Mostpets always rely on their hosts, which not only means they need us to feedthem, but also pay attention to them. If we just spend much money on pets, itis not good for relationship between our pets and us. Pets desire ourunderstanding, just like a human, and they also want be a part of our life. Sothings we need to do is to play with you pets, to be patient to them, and tolove them. To illustrate this, there is an appropriate example that ispersuasive. I have seen a famous picture which tells us a moving story. A dogis old with a leg ache. Only staying in the water can he ease the pain. So muchdose the host love his dog that he spends an hour everyday swimming with it inthe lake. I believe that is what pets’ need, love and company, not money.
Another equally important reason is that wecan use the money to do other things that are more significant. Actually, petis not everything of our life, and we need to expend our horizon and enlargeour knowledge. We can go traveling and learn amounts of things about traditionalculture including splendid cuisine, architecture, and religion aspects to feelthe ancestors and predecessors wisdom, inspiration and perspiration. We alsocan go gym and do exercise to keep healthy and improve our speed, strength,stamina, and flexibility, in order to stay away from minor problem. And it isapparent that these things all need money. On no account can we ignore owndevelopment, and just spend money on pets.
To some extent, it is undeniable that somepeople regard pets as families. They may think it pays to spend much money onthem. However, in my opinion, it is important that how much we should spend onpets. Spending too much money is not the best way to show our love.
In a nutshell, I reinforce my standpointthat people should not spend too much money on pets. Because pets need yourlove but not too much money, and we also can use money on other necessary stuffs.For both our relationship with pets and our future development, spending toomuch money on pets is not a wise choice.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-12 11:27:10 | 只看该作者

The reading passage and lecture givecontradictory opinions to the topic that genetically modified trees bring alarge amount of benefits. The reading passage explains that geneticallymodified trees do promote many aspects, while the lecture provides severalcounterarguments to this view.
To begin with, the lecture argues that thereading passage is too general in its statement that genetically modified treesare more likely to survive. The professor asserts that nature trees aregenetically diverse. Thus even most of certain kind of trees die, there will beseveral trees survive and reproduce. However, genetically modified trees are uniform,so that they may all die because of some disasters.
The lecture also refutes the second pointin reading passage that genetically modified trees bring more economic benefitsto farmers. The professor contends that the company who provides geneticallymodified tree seeds will collect fee from farmers every time when they plantnew trees. It will be a huge investment.
Finally, according to the reading passage,the use of genetically modified trees can prevent overexploitation of wildtrees. According to the professor, on the contrary, it is states that actuallyit is not good for environment using genetically modified trees, because thesetrees will compete with nature trees for resources. As a result, geneticallymodified trees will crowd out nature ones.
发表于 2012-10-12 16:30:50 | 只看该作者
Nowadays people spend too much money on their pets, although those can be spent on other things.

With the booming of the economy and remarkable improvement of peoples living standard, numbers of elements enrich our life, such as pets. More and more people keep pets nowadays, and there is no denying that pets do add much flavor to our daily life. Whereas, should we spend much money on pets? It is easy to image that people with different backgrounds and perspectives will judge it with their own angles. In my own part, I would tend to vote for the statement that people shouldnt /should not (这个是不能这样l连写的,只有can可以写成cannotspend too much money on pets for the following reasons.写的很不错,用词丰富··比我那个with the development of the society好多了··
To begin with, I assert that what pets really need is our positive attitude and patient/patience rather than much money. Most pets always rely on their hosts, which not only means they need us to feed them, but also pay attention to them. If we just spend much money on pets, it is not good for relationship between our pets and us. Pets desire our understanding, just like a human, and they also want(to) be a part of our life. So things we need to do is to play with you/our(我们应该做的是和我们宠物玩,应该是这样的吧) pets, to be patient to them, and to love them. To illustrate this, there is an appropriate example that is persuasive. I have seen a famous picture which tells us a moving story. A dog is old with a leg ache. Only staying in the water can he ease the pain. So much dose the host love his dog that he spends an hour everyday swimming with it in the lake. I believe that is what petsneed, love and company, not money.
Another equally important reason is that we can use the money to do other things that are more significant. Actually, pet is not everything of our life, and we need to expend our horizon and enlarge our knowledge. We can go traveling and learn amounts of things about traditional culture including splendid cuisine, architecture, and religion aspects to feel/experience(感觉不是很恰当feel the ancestors and predecessors wisdom, inspiration and perspiration. We also can go gym and do exercise to keep healthy and improve our speed, strength,stamina, and flexibility, in order to stay away from minor problem/小问题?disease. And it is apparent that these things all need money. On no account can we ignore own development, and just spend money on pets.
To some extent, it is undeniable that some people regard pets as families. They may think it pays(这里很别扭,要么 pay for 或者be paid to do) to spend much money on them. However, in my opinion, it is important that how much we should spend on pets. Spending too much money is not the best way to show our love.(这段最后观点和第一段重合了)
In a nutshell, I reinforce my standpoint that people should not spend too much money on pets. Because pets need your love but (But用作除了,本身已经有否定的意思,应该删去这个not)not too much money, and we also can use money on other necessary stuffs.For both our relationship with pets and our future development, spending too much money on pets is not a wise choice.

Nowadays people spend too much money on their pets, although those can be spent on other things.
我理解的是    人们是不是花了太多钱在宠物身上。
我感觉这是由区别的~~谁对谁错 我也不知道····
 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-12 20:24:59 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-12 20:25:20 | 只看该作者
Themost important characteristic of a politician or a leader is the goodcommunication skill.

Asto the topic that whether good communication skill is the most importantcharacteristic of a politician or a leader, it is easy to image people withdifferent backgrounds and perspectives will judge it on their own angles. Somepeople may claim that with good communication skill, leaders and politicianswill impress people with friendly and easygoing, as a result they can get moresupports. Other people may hold that there are many other characteristics whichare necessary and important to politicians and leaders, including brave,outstanding, far-sighted, etc. In my own part, I would tend to vote to thelatter opinion.
Tobegin with, on no account can we ignore the importance of far-sight. As aleader, you have to make a decision for your group or country. Your decisionwill have a huge influence on the future of your team, so it is important tomake an excellent decision. Eminent leaders can forecast through the tendencyof history, so that they will make right decisions to promote the developmentof group or country. This characteristic plays an important role in leadshipcalled far-sight. To illustrate this, there is an appropriate example that ispersuasive. In 1930s, Big Depression triggered many problems in America. Alarge amount of people lost their jobs, thus they get into a panic. PresidentRoosevelt is an excellent leader, and he is far-sighted about the direction ofeconomy development in America. He set up the New Deal not only to solve theproblem, but also to rebuild the confidence of people. Finally the New Dealsucceeded, and Roosevelt became one of the greatest presidents of America. Itis apparent that far-sight is very important characteristic of leader.
Anotherequally important characteristic is ability on analysis. Leaders who have thisability will summarize all information from members of group and lead them toget a conclusion. So important is this procedure that we shouldn’t ignore it.Strong ability on analysis often makes work efficient, and it always makes thefinishing point to discussion. A good case in this point is that the leader ofmy study group is a boy who doesn’t have too many words, but he has a strongability to analyze and summarize our discussion. Every time we discuss aboutour project, we always express own opinions drastically. Our leader alwayslistens to us and takes notes, but he always can conclude a great point at theend of our discussion. As to me, it is too hard to do. I assert that if everygroup has a leader just like ours, work will be efficient and deep.
Tosome extent, it is undeniable that communication skill is also an importantcharacteristic of politicians and leaders. However, we can’t say it is the mostimportant. Just like the king in movie The King’s Speech, he has a stammer, buthe is also a good leader because of brave and intelligent.
Ina nutshell, I reinforce my standpoint that the most important characteristic isnot communication skill, because there are other equally importantcharacteristics, such as far-sight and analytical ability. To be a successfulleader, we should not only pay attention on the specific area, since variousabilities are necessary.
发表于 2012-10-12 20:26:53 | 只看该作者
The reading passage and lecture give contradictory opinions to the topic that genetically modified trees bring a large amount of benefits. The reading passage explains that genetically modified trees do promote many aspects, while the lecture provides several counterarguments to this view.
To begin with, the lecture argues that the reading passage is too general in its statement that genetically modified trees are more likely to survive. The professor asserts that nature trees are genetically diverse. Thus even most of certain kind of trees die, there will beseveral trees survive and reproduce.(这个观点好像是Reading里的) However, genetically modified trees are uniform,so that they may all die because of some disasters.
The lecture also refutes the second point in reading passage that genetically modified trees bring more economic benefitsto farmers. The professor contends that the company who provides geneticallymodified tree seeds will collect fee from farmers every time when they plant new trees. It will be a huge investment.(第二的点的细节不够多)
Finally, according to the reading passage,the use of genetically modified trees can prevent overexploitation of wildtrees. According to the professor, on the contrary, it is states that actually it is not good for environment using genetically modified trees, because these trees will compete with nature trees for resources. (具体的细节多写一些)As a result, geneticallymodified trees will crowd out nature ones.

 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-13 13:33:11 | 只看该作者
10月12日综合 Tpo22

The reading passage and lecture givecontradictory opinions to the topic that whether ethanol fuel is a goodreplacement for gasoline. The reading passage explains some reason to supportthe critics of using ethanol fuel, while the lecture gives several counterargumentsto reading's view.
To begin with, the lecture argues that thereading passage is too general in its statement that increased use of ethanolfuel would not contribute to solve global warming. The professor asserts thatethanol fuel comes from plants such as corn, and plants can absorb carbondioxide from air. If we increase use of ethanol fuel, we need to grow moreplants. As a result, these plants will help remove carbon dioxide fromatmosphere and solve the global warming.
The lecture also refutes the second pointin the reading passage that the use of ethanol fuel will reduce the amount ofsource for growing animal. The professor contends that actually ethanol fuelonly uses a certain part of plants, and other parts which are available to animalsare not used. Hence, the use of ethanol fuel will not reduce the source.
Finally, according to the reading passage,the ethanol fuel will never be able to compete with gasoline on price.According to the lecture, on the contrary, it is stated that we shouldencourage the use of ethanol fuel. If people buy more ethanol fuel, thecompanies will increase product. Then price of ethanol fuel will drop.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-13 19:49:31 | 只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree? It is better to work with your own computer and telephone at your home than work in your company's office.

As to the topic that it is better to work with your own computer and telephone at home than work in your company’s office, it is easy to image that people with different backgrounds and perspectives will judge it at their own angle. Some people may hold the opinion that working at home is more convenient and comfortable, while others may assert that working at company make us more efficient. In my own part, I would tend to vote for the statement that working at company is better for the following reasons.
To begin with, I cannot emphasize the importance of communication skill too much, since this ability will help us to know how to get along with others, how to focus on the things we have in common and tolerate the differences, how to mediate in others’ perspective. Communication skill is not only necessary in teamwork, but also plays an important role in our social life. Working at home, however, is not beneficial to cultivate communication skill, for you always work alone and have the lake of interaction with others. To illustrate this, there is an appropriate example that is persuasive. My neighbor is a designer who always works at home. Even if go out and eat lunch, he also doesn’t like to go some places where are a lot of people. Once we invited him to attend a party, he showed out but only stayed alone in a corner. We went to talk to him and knew that he failed in a competing because of his poor presentation. From this case, it is apparent that always working at home is not beneficial for our communication skill, and it is also negative to both wok and social life.
Another equally important reason is that working in company gives us an opportunity to separate work from life. As for many people, work always occupies a big part of our daily life. So limited is private time that we always feel exhausted. Fortunately, working at company will encourage us to spare no effort to accomplish our work in office in order to have free time when we go back home. And in another perspective, it is also a good way to increase efficiency of work. Statistical report has proven that 78% of the people who work in office are more efficient than people who work at home, and surprising result also shows 69% of people who work in office are happier than those working at home. In a word, separating work from life has many advantages which we cannot ignore.
To some extent, it is undeniable that working at home does offer us a more comfortable condition to work. Whereas, it also distracts us from our work because of too many entertainments.
In a nutshell, I reinforce my standpoint that it is not a better way to work at home than in company’s office, since working at home is not positive to separate work from life and improve communication skill.
发表于 2012-10-13 21:40:04 | 只看该作者
1012日综合 Tpo22

The reading passage and lecture give contradictory opinions to the topic that whether ethanol fuel is a good replacement for gasoline.(模板不错!) The reading passage explains some reason to support the critics of using ethanol fuel, while the lecture gives several counterarguments to reading's view.

To begin with, the lecture argues that the reading passage is too general in its statement that increased use of ethanol fuel would not contribute to solve global warming. The professor asserts that ethanol fuel comes from plants such as corn, and plants can absorb carbon dioxide from the air. If we increase use of ethanol fuel, we need to grow more plants(这段是自己的想法了,与原文无关). As a result, these plants will help remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and solve the global warming.

The lecture also refutes the second point in the reading passage that the use of ethanol fuel will reduce the amount of source for the growing animal.(Chinese English for animal growing)The professor contends that actually ethanol fuel only uses a certain part of plants, and other parts which are available to animals are not used. Hence, the use of ethanol fuel will not reduce the sourcesource of what 最好写下).

Finally, according to the reading passage, the ethanol fuel will never be able to compete with gasoline price.According to the lecture, on the contrary, it is stated that we should encourage the use of ethanol fuel. If people buy more ethanol fuel, the companies will increase product. Then the price of ethanol fuel will drop.

Nice job!但是遗落了一些细节。有说的不对的地方请多多指出,多多指教啊,加油!

发表于 2012-10-13 22:26:27 | 只看该作者
The most important characteristic of a politician or a leader is the good communication skill.

As to the topic that whether good communication skill is the most important characteristic of a politician or a leader, it is easy to image people with different backgrounds and perspectives will judge it on their own angles. Some people may claim that with good communication skill leaders and politicians will impress people with friendly and easygoing, as a result they can get more supports. Other people may hold that there are many other characteristics which are necessary and important to politicians and leaders, including brave, outstanding, far-sighted, etc. In my own part, I would tend to vote to the latter opinion.

To begin with, on no account can we ignore the importance of far-sight. (开头用倒装句不错的)As a leader, you have to make a decision for your group or country. Your decision will have a huge influence on the future of your team, so it is important to make an excellent decision. Eminent leaders can forecast through the tendency of history, so that they will make right decisions to promote the development of group or country. This characteristic plays an important role in leadshipleadershipcalled far-sight. To illustrate this, there is an appropriate example that is persuasive. In 1930s, Big Depression triggered many problems in America. A large amount of people lost their jobs, thus they get into a panic. President Roosevelt is an excellent leader, and he is far-sighted about the direction of economy development in America. He set up the New Deal not only to solve the problem, but also to rebuild the confidence of people. Finally the New Deal succeeded, and Roosevelt became one of the greatest presidents of America. It is apparent that far-sight is very important characteristic of leader.

Another equally important characteristic is ability on analysis. Leaders who have this ability will summarize all information from members of group and lead them to get a conclusion. So important is this procedure that we shouldn’t ignore it. Strong ability on analysis often makes work efficient, and it always makes the finishing point to discussion. A good case in this point is that the leader of my study group is a boy(我觉这句略微有些罗嗦,而且貌似有语病觉得改成这样比较合适Take an appropriate example, the young leader of my study group …. 这里突出强调a boy有什么用意么?不行就换youngboy是指小男孩吧) who doesn’t have too many words, but he has a strong ability to analyze and summarize our discussion. Every time we discuss about our project, we always express own opinions drastically. OurThe leader always listens to us and takes notes, but and eventually he always can conclude a great point at the end of our discussion. As to me, it is too hard to do(感觉这句话略有点chinglishIt is too hard for me to work in that way. I assert that if every group has a leader just like ours, work will be efficient and deep(deep?指的什么意思).

To some extent, it is undeniable that communication skill is also an important characteristic of politicians and leaders. However, we can’tcan notsay it is the most important. Just like the king in movie The King’s Speech, he has a stammer, but he is also a good leader because of brave and intelligent.

In a nutshell, I reinforce my standpoint that the most important characteristic is not communication skill, because there are other equally important characteristics, such as far-sight and analytical ability. To be a successful leader, we should not only pay attention on the specific area, since various abilities are necessary.(结尾扣题总结归纳很不错)

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