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d0gzi 狗子狗子最后一周作文贴……把我拍晕吧……

发表于 2012-9-16 20:57:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-16 20:59:18 | 只看该作者
922 独立 机经题

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: similar jobs with you for your children?
It is a tradition in ancient India that class status as well as professions passes from generation to generation. Baker’s son will still be baker and blacksmiths will have sons who remain blacksmiths. However, today, things have become much more different. Free wills of human beings eventually are emphasized and become dominant, while still numerous parents force their children to have similar jobs as themselves.

Have you ever seen a young adult who are extremely interested in astronomy finally become a doctor with a good salary yet a dull life simply because he has a parent who has the same profession? Have you ever seen a gifted kid have to give up her violin just because none of her parents end up asviolinists? If you have not, you can never imagine how cruel it is to ignore the will and interests of children themselves. As far as I am concerned, the ultimate parents can expect from their children is that they can enjoy every minute in their life. How can they enjoy themselves if they are devoted to a career they dislike for life long? Dr. Damian Shaw, one of my favorite literature professors in our university, told me that his father, a head of a big enterprise, tried every means to persuade him to become a businessman. I still remember he sat on a chair under a dim light with a smile on his face, and said quietly, although he might have made a fortune if he took control of that company, he was sure that he could not be as happy.

Apart from happiness and free wills of children, having a profession different from their parents is also beneficial as they can become much more dependent. I totally understand that a same career as their parents can save a lot of energy for children; it is like a safe road having been paved. The net-work and relationships with clients, colleagues and bosses have already been built, which makes everything a piece of cake—the only thing parents need to do is to recommend their children. On no account, under this circumstance, could those children have a chance to fight for themselves and succeed. It is so pathetic that they have to depend on their parents and live under their wings for shelter throughout their life.

Apart from influences on children, this kind of idea also influences the society to a very large extent. If every single child simply picks the parents’ professions, then thesociety will be stuck. Just as what happens in ancient India, there will be no chance for one to promote their social status—everything has been determined even before one is born. If this is the case, society will be corrupted; otherwise revolution and rebellion will pop up.

Of course, there is no definite thing in the world. I totally understand parents want to protect their children so much that sometimes they will just force their children to obey. Having a similar job is beneficial to some extent as it makes everything much easier for the children. But no matter how beneficial it is, it may not be the best choice when taking children’s free will, happiness as well as the development of the whole society into consideration. In this way, I suggest from the bottom of my heart that children should choose their own professions according to their talents and interests.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-16 21:25:15 | 只看该作者
922 综合写作 TPO20
The lecturer refutes the idea made in the passage, as the "let it burn" policy is not always damaging. The fire in fact is a natural part of a cycle, and it creats when it damages.
First, contrary to the writer who only sees the tremendous damage after the fire, the professor points out a high diversity of vegetation may come into being because of the fire. For example, small plants may eventually get a chance to grow because of the open and unsheltered ground after fire. Some plants which only grow when exposed to high heat also start to accumulate.
Second, because of a higher diversity of vegetation, the number of new kinds of wildlife may increase as well. For example. small animals like rabbits and heirs may find Yellowstone as an ideal habitat. Predators depend on those small animals may also appear. In this way, food chains will become stronger, which challenges the point made in the passage.
Third, there are several other factors lead to the failure of tourism in that year, such as less rain-fall and strong wind. However, tourists still go to Yellowstone the next year and also each year after. Therefore, what the listening material mentions makes what has been demonstrated in the passage invalid.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-16 21:33:13 | 只看该作者
T-T  第三点直接听错了………………失败TAT
发表于 2012-9-17 21:48:30 | 只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: similar jobs with you for your children?

It is a tradition in ancient India that class status as well as professions passes from generation to generation. Baker’s son will still be baker and blacksmiths will have sons who remain blacksmiths. However, today, things have become much more different. Free wills of human beings eventually are emphasized and become dominant, while still numerous parents force their children to have similar jobs as themselves. 开头很新颖很清新~

Have you ever seen a young adult who are extremely interested in astronomy finally become a doctor with a good salary yet a dull life simply because he has a parent who has the same profession? Have you ever seen a gifted kid have to give up her violin just because none of her parents
end up as violinists? If you have not, you can never imagine how cruel it is to ignore the will and interests of children themselves. As far as I am concerned, the ultimate parents can expect from their children is that they can enjoy every minute in their life. How can they enjoy themselves if they are devoted to a career they dislike for life long? Dr. Damian Shaw, one of my favorite literature professors in our university, told me that his father, a head of a big enterprise, tried every means to persuade him to become a businessman. I still remember he sat on a chair under a dim light with a smile on his face, and said quietly, although he might have made a fortune if he took control of that company, he was sure that he could not be as happy. Fantastic, 完美的段落和例子。语言很好,逻辑很棒~ 虽然没直接表达观点,但观点都蕴藏其中。楼主很好很强大。

Apart from happiness and free wills of children, having a profession different from their parents is also beneficial
as they can become much more dependent(是不是应该是independent?. I totally understand that a same career as their parents can save a lot of energy for childrenI totally understand that to have the same career as their parents is with advantages of saving both money and energy. 我想问这里的a same career as their parents career 可以作为后面动作的主语吗?还是加一个to have更好?); it is like a safe road having been paved. The net-work and relationships with clients, colleagues and bosses have already been built, which makes everything a piece of cake—the only thing parents need to do is to recommend their children. On no account, under this circumstance, could those children have a chance to fight for themselves and succeed. It is so pathetic that they have to depend on their parents and live under their wings for shelter throughout their life.观点明确,语句简洁~不错!

Apart from influences on children, this kind of idea also influences the society to a very large extent. If every single child simply picks the parents’ professions, then the society will be stuck. Just as what happens in ancient India, there will be no chance for one to promote their social status—everything has been determined even before one is born. If this is the case, society will be corrupted; otherwise revolution and rebellion will pop up.

Of course, there is no definite thing in the world. I totally understand parents want to protect their children so much that sometimes they will just force their children to obey. Having a similar job is beneficial to some extent as it makes everything much easier for the children. But no matter how beneficial it is, it may not be the best choice when taking children’s free will, happiness as well as the development of the whole society into consideration. In this way, I suggest from the bottom of my heart that children should choose their own professions according to their talents and interests.



第二,关于unlikely to have the opportunity to struggle and survive in the society的观点非常好,适合整段展开,再加上example, 比如谁谁谁爸妈是商人,然后他也经商,后来他家破产,他也一蹶不振,因为父母老了没靠山之类的。这样这个文章就平衡了一下,不会满篇都是assumption的内容,更客观一些。


最后,楼主基本功不错!保持这个水平作文不用太担心了,抓其他薄弱环节吧~ 作文跟着就行了,综合仔细听别落点就OK ~ bless

我是23号,在你后面一天哦~ P.S. 猛一看字数以为G的作文。。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-17 21:52:23 | 只看该作者
9 17 独立
Grades (marks) encourage students to learn?A\D

Do you still remember how happy you used to be in kindergarten when learning is still a fun process where As are not the ultimate goal? Do you still remember you and other kids do mathematics and write simple prose or poems for parents just because you want to instead of for grades? Do you still remember how you feel when your name did not appear at the top on the rank list posted on the wall of your high school front gate? If you do, you must have noticed the disadvantages of grading in students’ learning process in today’s society.

First, it seems that teachers tend to abuse strict mark principles to such an enormous extent that it rather than encourage students, starts to devastate students’ interest to learn. According to a survey conducted by Peking University, the most well-known and outstanding university in China, 91.7% middle school and 99.8% high school students are ranked for every single test and examination. If this is the case, on no account will students still learn for fun or the passion for knowledge anymore. Everyone attend school just to beat others. When asked what she would do after the university-entrance examination in China, my 17 year-old-cousin simply replied, “Burn all the books”.

Apart from ruining the fun for studying, grading criteria are quite slippery for many subjects where answers are far more complicated than right or wrong. Therefore, the assertive grading may kill students’ potential cruelly. This varies from writing part for Chinese, drawing, music, art appreciation as well as other subjects involving novelty and creativity. How could teachers access students drawing skills? Is a student who is able to draw a more straight line much better than one who can not? When Van Gogh was alive, there was no one in this world could appreciate his painting. Because of the cruel and inhuman marking and ranking system, maybe another Van Gogh is killed during his youth.

Of course, grading can motivate students to some extent, as it can help students to position themselves and set further goals. However, when taking students’ interests, passion for knowledge and potential in to consideration, its disadvantages outweighs its merits.
发表于 2012-9-17 22:01:12 | 只看该作者
The lecturer refutes the idea made in the passage, as the "let it burn" policy is not always damaging. The fire in fact is a natural part of a cycle, and it creats when it damages.
First, contrary to the writer who only sees the tremendous damage after the fire, the professor points out
+thata high diversity of vegetation may come into being because of the fire. For example, small plants may eventually get a chance to grow because of the open and unsheltered ground after fire. Some plants (此处不对,听得不细,这里是树种子,也就是seed不是树。) which only grow when exposed to high heat also start to accumulate.
Second, because of a higher diversity of vegetation, the number of new kinds of wildlife may increase as well. For example. small animals like rabbits and
heirs(考试时候不会拼就不写,千万别写错别字,应该是: hare, 野兔的意思) may find Yellowstone as an ideal habitat(这个对吗?很不准确,这里应该解释一下为什么find it as ideal habitatsmall plant 的作用说出来,否则白写。). Predators depend on those small animals may also appear. In this way, food chains will become stronger, which challenges the point made in the passage.
Third, there are several other factors lead to the failure of tourism in that year, such as less rain-fall and strong wind.
(这里应该紧接着强调一下,the factors are coincidence to be together, which could hardly appear simultaneously. 听得要仔细啊!重点把握住啊!However, tourists still go to Yellowstone the next year and also each year after. Therefore, what the listening material mentions makes what has been demonstrated in the passage invalid.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-17 23:39:19 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-18 17:11:32 | 只看该作者
918-综合 tpo 22
The article argues that ethonol fuel is not a good replacement for gasoline by providing several reasons, while the listening material considers those reasons as unconvincing and invalid.

First, according to the lecturer, the use of ethanol fuel will help to solve global warming, one of the environment problems caused by the use of gasoline. When corns and sugar canes, the source of ethanol fuel grown, they absorb carbon dioxide as part of nutrition, which helps to remove carbon dioxide from atmosphere. This contradicts the idea in the passage.

Second, the professor points out the use of ethonol fuel does not necessarily reduce food source for animals. It is possible to make ethanol from cellulose, which is the main opponent for the parts that are not eaten by animals. This point directly contradicts the assertion made in the passage.

Third, although it is true that the present relatively low price of ethanol is because of tax subsides provided by the government, this subsides will not be always needed. In the future, when more people start to buy ethanol, production will increase and finally lead to a drop in prize. According to the data, if the number of customers becomes three times greater, the price will drop 40%. Therefore, the professor contradicts with the idea made in the article.

第二点没听清……看了原文之后又写的……= =
 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-18 21:09:13 | 只看该作者
9 18 独立
In order to solve the problems of the present and the future, people should review the past.
20:31-9:01  ( 9:08)

According to Francis Bacon, one of the most intelligent philosophers in human history, “The only thing we learn from history is that we have never learnt from history.” As far as I am concerned, though well-known Bacon is, his statement is too definite and assertive to be true, and experience, or rather cases of solving problems in the past,can nevertheless provide us with valuable information to deal with present problems, not only for individuals, but also for countries or even the whole world.

First, cases of solving problems successfully in the past could provide us with a formula, like a formula in mathematics which allows us to handle all problems falling in that pattern. According to a survey conducted by Peking University, one of the lead university in China, 89.7% people always find it much easier for them to learn a third language if they have gone through the miserable process of mastering a second language. The underlining reason is that people have developed their own unique ways to learn a foreign language by struggling with the second language, and just adopt this technique when learning a third one. More surprisingly, there is an Indian professor in our university who masters eight languages fluently and elegently. When asked why, he simply answered, “It is hard to learn a second language. After that, everything just flows out naturally.”

Even if the previous experience does not turn out to be successful, looking back and learning are still beneficial. Edison knew 1388 ways not to make a bubble. The point is not he failed, but he learnt from the former failure and ruled out 1388 materials not suitable to make a continuously luminous bubble. As a result, he lit up the whole world.

Apart from individuals, experience and lessons learnt from the past also helps the present and the future of a country, or even the whole world. Tense the relationship between China and Japan is, Chinese government is strongly opposed to warfare even if protest of Chinese citizens arises in every single province in China, simply because of the former experience of how much people will suffer from war. If each and every country could bear what they have leant in the previous war, the world will definitely become a more tranquil and harmonious place.

Of course, there is no definite thing. Over-emphasizing on the past could also restraints our minds and narrows our horizon. However, learning from the past to a modest extent can definitely help us, meaning human race both individually and as a whole, to distinguish right from wrong and conduct work more efficiently.
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