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loveluyuanbai的作文帖 狠批~~

发表于 2012-9-12 23:21:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Nowadays, the qusetion are parents the best teachers has arosed much debate .Although parents have a significant impression on their children,someone still hold the point that parents simply have little academic knowledge and perhaps can not be the real teacher in the children’s lifetime.However,I do support the argument that parents are the best teachers for several reasons.

First, it is our parents who brought us to the lively world,it is our parents who teach us the first words.Actually, about approximate six years,most of parents not only need to burden the family staff,but also need to enlighten us.Without parents, we can not simply say a word.I did remember my childhood,once my parents had time,they would tell some facinated stories and lively histories to me.Even now, I like the history and would like to spend my life pursuiting it.Therefore,parents can make a enormous different on the knowledge level in the beginning of our life.

Second,parents always enlightens us in our socical life.How many times we spent a lot of time on several trival staffs but still can not figuer them out?How many times when we encounter a massive dificulty and can not handle?At the moment,who is the most expected person that we want to see?Oblivously,parents!Perhaps parents sometimes can not give us many practical suggestions and let us get out of the situation immidately.But at least,their socical skiils can give us some effective methods and give us more morale to face it.Eventully,with parents’power,we can beat it.

Though,lacking of newly information,parents may sometimes can not help us in some areas exactly,sometiomes can not be a teacher in the academic level,and parents sometimes may suffer in alcohol abuse or something that do not have postive effect on children at all .But in a large picture, parents can give us more and become best teachers forever.In conclusion,for the reasons that lists above,I think I raise the point that parents are best teachers.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-13 09:27:22 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-13 17:37:19 | 只看该作者
Nowdays,with the rapid development of our economy,people especially students always have to face several dilemmas when they actually get to the society and most of them could not handle them and some of the mmay be faced with even vital consequences because no one can get them out of the in this case, I totally agree with the argument that colleges or universities should offer more courses to prepare students for the future before they start working.Here are the line of reasoning.
In the first place,. the courses including the academaic classes and some indication lessons to our socical skills can even make a enoemous different on our working life Obviously,we can not say firmly that we have done that.There are mmassive problems here.For one thing,most of the colleges and universities even have nothing to do with their students’future careers,they have no courses for their working skills,some of them have not teachers who analyze the socical circumstance and employment.So imagine this ,when their students finishing classes and graduting,they may be don not know what exactly  the society is ,how to live in it,what they will do,they eventually could not even get through all this staffs.To let the students live better,we need at least provide some courses about social skills and social employment with them.
Furthermore, the colleges and universities with the abidding socical courses can even make a tremendous profit.As you can see,the employment now has been  a siginificant problem over the past 30 years. Parents perhaps have already considered that.what they,what they can do is just let their children go to a univeristy that provide such courses.They regard this course as a opportunity for their chidren to grasp the essence of the social skills and perform better in the employment market.Take account of this element,the colleges and univeristies need to attain new personals and add this kind of lessons.
In conlcusion, for universities and colleges,providing courses for students’furture working is not only a chance for stdents to gain valuable experience,but only a mean to let themselve gain a profit.
913独立Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Colleges or Universities should offer more courses to prepare students for the future before they start working.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-13 20:22:24 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-9-14 00:05:48 | 只看该作者
第一次批你的文哦,红色错误, 蓝色评论,高亮精彩

Nowdaysnowadays,with the rapid development of our economy,(这句可以不要)people especially students always have to face several dilemmas when they actually get to the society and most of them could not handle them and some of themmay be faced with even vital consequences because no one can get them out of the in this case, I totally agree with the argument that colleges or universities should offer more courses to prepare students for the future before they start working.Here are the linesof reasoning.(第一段太长了)

In the first place,.the courses including the academaicacademic classes and some indicationintroduction就是介绍性的课程 lessons to our socicalsocial skills can even make a enoemousenormousdifferent(difference这里要用名词形式)on our working life. Obviously,we can not say firmly that we have done that.There are mmassivemassive problems here.For one thing,most of the colleges and universities even have nothing to do with their students’future careers,they have no courses for their working skills,some of them have not teachers who analyze the socical circumstance and employment.So imagine this ,when their students finishing classes and gradutinggraduating,they may be don not know what exactly  the society is ,how to live in it,what they will do,they eventually could not even get through all this staffs.To let the students live better,we need at least provide some courses about social skills and social employment with them.

Furthermore, the colleges and universities with the abidding(abiding)socical courses can even make a tremendous profit.As you can see,the employment now has been  a siginificantsignificant problem over the past 30 years. Parents perhaps have already considered that.what they,what they can do is just let their children go to a univeristy that provides such courses.They regard this course as a opportunity for their chidren(children) to grasp the essence of the social skills and perform better in the employment market.Take account of this element,the colleges and univeristiesuniversities need to attain new personals and add this kind of lessons.

这里再来一个让步段就好了~~(说说more courses带来的不好的点,比如too pressure on students, burden on schools finance budget..
In conlcusion(conclusion), for universities and colleges,providing courses for students’furturefuture working is not only a chance for stdentsstudents to gain valuable experience,but onlyalso a mean to let themselvethemselves gain a profit.


1.感觉这个题理解上有点错,题目给的是more courses,而不是courses for working skills,这个可以作为一个部分写




 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-14 09:54:46 | 只看该作者
呃 写完忘记看一遍了 见笑了。。。等下修改下。。。我要加油啊!
 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-14 10:48:52 | 只看该作者
Nowadays,there has been a pervalent discussion over the issue whether colleges and universities should provide more courses for the students in the future before they start working.Obviously,there exists a dilemma that more courses can better equipped the students but on the other hand can also attain more pressure to students.As I am concerned,I support the argument that colleges and universities should prepare more courses for several reasons.
In the first place,more courses that colleges and universities provided are able to better equipped the students with more detailed academic knowledge and pragmatic social skills.As you can see,today’s society with fiecre competition easily lead to highly unemployment especially for those students who has inadequent social skills and academic knowledge. imagine this ,when their students finishing classes and graduating,they may be do not know what exactly  the society is ,how to live in it,what they will do,they eventually could not even get through all this staffs.To let the students live better,we need at least provide some courses about social skills and social employment with them. .In this case,the provided courses may exert a enormous power that let students do better in the circumstance.
Furthermore,the abiding courses can on the other hand make a tremendous difference on the colleges and universities issues. As you can see,the employment now has been  a siginificant problem over the past 30 years. Parents perhaps have already considered that.what they can do is just let their children go to a univeristy that provide such courses.They regard this course as a opportunity for their chidren to grasp the essence of the social skills and perform better in the employment market.Take account of this element,the colleges and univeristies need to attain new personals and add this kind of lessons.The most significant achievement may lies in the daily revenue.Imagine that,the more courses that the colleges and universities provided, the more revenue the colleges and universities may attain.Consequently,the colleges and universities can make a profit over this level.Over and over again,the increasing profit can also lead better equipment and better teaching staffs here,it is really can be said that one stone kills two birds immdiately.
Admittedly,there are some negative effects of the policy here.Heavy courses and much pressure can not even bear for some students,and more courses provided here must at the first time put ahead some funds and may be on the other hand let the colleges and universities overbear.But in my opinion,these problems all can be succseefully solved due to synthetic regulation as well.
In conclusion,t totally in favor of the argument’s viem of adding more courses to the students for their future working.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-14 18:59:43 | 只看该作者
914 独立作文
Recent years,there has been a heated debate over the discussion whether people are now easier to become educated than in the past.As you can see,with the rapid development of the social economy and the more variable education meams for people to choose,there are absolutely more opportunities to equip them with knowledge.As far as I am concerned,I totally support the argument for several reasons.
In the first place, the books and courses which provided in diverse education institutions are so variable that basically everyone can acquire a chance to learn,so easy to become educated.The diversity of books can broaden the horizon and the courses are able to taught to the people who enrolled about what we can do, who we are,whether we should to due to specific conditions.Meanwhile,in current decades,the rising economy on the one hand exert a powerful impetus to the development of the diversity of books and courses.In this way,not only students who in the colleges and universities can learn a lot,but also simple people who in the social can make a enormous differnence in their daily life.Therefore,with the adequant books and courses,people can be more educated in the society.
Furthermore,with the fully development of the internet and the sufficient usage of computers,the people nowadays can get close to the materials which are in the internet more easily.People ture on the light,power the computer,put the mouse into the explorer icon and they will get what they need.Additionally,the online matrials are so different form the solid staffs that can be took to anywhere,by this kind of way people can be more convenient to learn such massive knowledge and let themselves more easier to become educated.In this way,people find it undemanding to be educated in the internet.
Admittedly,sometimes the knowledge that provided recnet years may not be competitive to these which was in the past,sometimes the diversity of the knowledge can distract the attention which people can be more focused in the past,inevitably,a part of people may be lost in the society due to that much staffs.While in my opinion,statistics which conducted recent years still found that people have been more educated in contenmporary era.Still,these data can buttress the argument which I support above totally.
In conclusion, the people today can be more educated and more sophisticated than people in the past .
 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-15 20:29:19 | 只看该作者
Some people think university professors should spend more time doing research while others
think they should spend more time educating students. What is your view?

Nowadays,there has been a heated debate over the issue whether university professors should spend more time doing research while others think they should spend more time educating students.As far as I am concerned,I definitely in favor the argument that university professors should more time on the education of the students for several reasons below.
In the first place,we all can not deny the fact that students in universities are the main component.So obviously,in students level,professors in universities should do more education stuffs in order to edify the core of universities rather than just spend hundreds and thousands of days and nights playing their own stuffs in  experiments.
While,some professors would justify their statement by leaving the explanation that the more experiments are turned into work,the more students are taught successfully.But,here is the dilemma,if professors spend that much time on the research ,they can not portion out a considerate share for their for students. Over and over again,students who are not adequately put focus on,may heavily suffer bad grades in their academic study.A experiment conducted by the government give some statistics showing that with a overlook at the students,and a overdo focus on the research issues,the universities can suffer a bad consequence.
Furthermore,universitise or colleges are not some sort of research instutions,which  always need sufficient time to do variable experiments.On the other  hand, universities and colleges are the education institutions which should totally put their responsibility on the students level,and spend more time on the students themselves.So,if the professor in the university,the only compatible method for the professor Is always lies on the students.How to let the students know which lessons are their total interest and which lessons are some sort of lessons they should not spend that much energy on?That question can be always in peofessors mind ,not some researches.
Admittedly ,a considerate protion of  researches are regraded as a kind of necessarity to not only professors but also universities.Imagine that,when the researches that professors conducted here are triumphant,meanwhile,the professors and universities also make a profit,which can be a sufficient fund for the university budget and the university equipments’development.But,the advantage of the research which conducted successfully can not outweight the negative influence of the overlook of the students issues.
In conclusion,the more attention of the professors should always be paid on the students ,not the researches the professors conducted.
发表于 2012-9-16 11:36:35 | 只看该作者




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