Mostly, children would findthemselves (may encounter some) difficultieswhen doing their homework. When this occurs, they may turn to their parents forhelp so that they can finish their homework with high-efficiency. In myopinion, however, this condition should be avoid as children may grow relianceon their parents which may hinder their ability to settle things on their ownin the future career. So in my point of view, children should be encouraged todo their work independently.
To begin with, it's obvious that themore when people using their minds more(感觉这样指代会清楚一些), the cleverer they will be. For example,many successful scientists such as Newton and Einstein preferred to solveproblems on their own. Although they may suffer a lot of trouble, they wouldfinally succeed due to their persistence in pursuing the resolution of theproblems they encounter. Therefore, with a more independent mind, people wouldbe shaped (应该是被动吧)to more intellectual ones.
In the second place, everybodymay find that doing our work independently would bring us huge sense ofachievement. Remember the time back to our high school time when we weredoing our math homework, each time you solve a tough problem on your own handyou may felt like defeating some scaring monster. This will undoubtedly giveyou a lot of confidence and strength to face the upcoming problems or exams. Onthe contrary, if one keeps asking for help every time they stuck into aquestion, they may lose their courage to overcome difficulties gradually.
Last but not the least, it isapparently that the help offer by parents to their children's homework will letthese children gradually lose their ability to solve the problem on their own.What's more, it's uneasy for a child to solve the problem in a real testindependently once he get accustomed to seeking for help of his parents. Takeone of my friends for example; she really does her work in a fast speed withthe help of her family. However, on the final examination she always findsherself lack of time in accomplishing her paper. This reveals the bad feedbackof her method towards work. Accordingly, the parents' assistance will harmtheir children's self-development and weaken their self-confidence.
To sum up, although asking for help to the parents may bea good way to settle children's problem, children should better do their workindependently. Only in this way will (你是想用倒装吗?) their children will be more intelligentand thus more confidence than those who always turn to their parents for helpwhen they meet a problem. 第一篇作文, 我觉得你的基础不错, 有自己的基本的模板, 句型上也还可以。 但是我觉得还是中式表达方式居多, 应该多看看范文。 |