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发表于 2012-7-13 21:17:41 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-14 17:34:02 | 只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that the advices from our grandparents have no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 years

In my very young, my grandma taught me a lot of things, which called virtues and spirit. The experience has an indispensable function in my life nowadays. Sometimes people may believe that grandparents' advices are useless for their grandchildren because of the world being rapid changing. With the technology development, life has great difference compared with in old days, this reflects in many aspect of our daily life. For instance, we have internet, more efficient transportation, and priory condition; on the other hand, I believe that some aspects of advice are still significant to learn of life, spirit, personality.

Although world changes rapidly, but good personality are permanent. Faith, perseverance, courage, confidence are the summit of humankind personalities. When I was young, my grandma convinced such personalities to teach me. Obtaining these significant personalities, vastly guides my life as a crucial role of education I receive. Perseverance is a good example, let me keep strong that get rid of tough time step up to higher stage of study. My grandma also told me to learn about love, learn to love family and friends. Love enhances relationship between one and another and love opens a way to harmony as well as well-being. All of these contribute to our happy life.

Admittedly, we can hardly drop out the world as it alt so fast. During the past 50 years, we witnessed the incredible events: the born of computer and internet, the evolution of cell-phone and transportation's efficiency. At this point, being absence of these kind of knowledge, old generations couldn't keep up with the step of time. Even my mom is on scarcity of such electronic devices, my grandma as well.

Nevertheless, the suggestions or advices given by grandparents are somehow a kinds of communication fulfilled with love and care. Every time listening to their story is like scanning a part of history, as a Chinese old saying” olds are rich in family”. By convincing the story which seem as a fortune, will we be able to avoid making mistakes, furthermore, find a easier way direct to success.

In summary, time can change everything but our heart. Even if technology alters our life style, we still need something called old-fashion to pure our mind.
发表于 2012-7-15 09:10:11 | 只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that the advices from our grandparents have no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 years

In my very young, my grandma taught me a lot of things, which called virtues and spirit. The experience has an indispensable function in my life nowadays. Sometimes people may believe that grandparents' advices are useless for their grandchildren because of the world being rapid changing. With the technology development, life has great difference compared withthat in old days, thiswhichreflects in many aspect of our daily life. For instance, we have internet, more efficient transportation, and priory condition; on the other hand, I believe that someaspects of advice are still significant to learn of life, spirit, personality.

Although world changes rapidly, but good personality are permanent. Faith, perseverance, courage, confidence are the summit of humankind personalities. When I was young, my grandma convinced such personalities to teach me convince sb with sth. Obtaining these significant personalities, vastly guides my life as a crucial role of education I receive. Perseverance is a good example, let me keep strong that get rid of tough time step up to higher stage of study. My grandma also told me to learn about love, learn to love family and friends. Love enhances relationship between one and another and love opens a way to harmony as well as well-being. All of these contribute to our happy life.

Admittedly, we can hardly drop outare almost be driven out  ofthe world as it alter so fast. 不通了吧这句,应该是几乎吧,而不是几乎不During the past 50 years, we witnessed the incredible events: the born of computer and internet, the evolution of cell-phone and transportation's efficiency. At this point, being absence of these kind of knowledge, old generations couldn't keep up with the steppace of times. Even my mom is on scarcity of such electronic devices, my grandma is as well.这个反例建议放在第二段或者倒数第二段,否则结构太乱了,你现在论据段里第一段是支持,第二段是反驳,第三段又支持,这种结构不符合ETS

Nevertheless, the suggestions or advices given by grandparents are somehow a kinds of communication fulfilled with love and care. Every time listening to their story is like scanning a part of history, as a Chinese old saying” olds are rich in family”. By convincing the story which seem as a fortune, will we be able to avoid making mistakes 不需要倒装, furthermore这个是副词,不能连接2句句子, find a easier way direct to success.

In summary, time can change everything but our heart. Even if technology alters our life style, we still need something called old-fashion to pure our mind.

 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-15 12:10:36 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-18 11:06:18 | 只看该作者

With our world developing dramatically there are variety of changes had occurred, especially since human-being entered twentieth century when many breakthrough around the world such us computer, bio-technique, space exploration, etc., people changed too. However, technological development also brings us a lot of side effects: air pollution, desertification, greenhouse effect, etc. Do people nowadays feel happier and satisfied than before? That's we want to talk about below.

It is unarguable that environment of most areas getting worse than before attribute to the rapid industrialization for economy development, numerous wastes do not be process so that it do harm to water and forest. The gas pollutes the air with lots of toxic gas and greenhouse gas. The fuel they need is also a problem, as they cut off trees from forest so this severely threat animals lived there. The earth is suffering these pains. And on the other hand, many groups of people living in urban areas face another kind of unpleased problem which is called pressure. Many challenges bother us in many respects. If a young do not work hard for example if he just spend 8 hours in his work, consequently, he would be fired and replaced by another who want to dedicate 10 hours' effort to his work while have the same salary. Furthermore, the extremely high prices of houses and automobiles suffocate everyone who wants living in the city. Take Chinese young people for example, usually a couple has to work 30 years for owning an apartment and it probably be recycle by the government after 70 years. It seems hard to live in this planet, because it fulfilled with dangerous.

Apart from those challenges mentioned above, we are luckily enjoying our daily life. The progress of technology allows us communicate with people around the world by information highway. People can live longer than before thank to mature medical treatments, and sports activities are an inseparable part of what people do every day. To our world, the automation substantially boosts productivity, and releases workers from labor work. We have more workforces entering into service market. And finally, the most crucial point is that peace is the theme of human beings' society. Without wars, we enhance international communication and compete in the economy. Therefore, we live in a far harmonious world than past, so people are happier and more satisfied than people in the past.

From my prospective, although there are side effects on environment and intense pressure, world still develop on a health stage. Most of us enjoy the convenience of technology, and most important we are living in a peace world so we appreciate all merits of them. In a word, we are satisfied and happy.

发表于 2012-7-20 07:53:14 | 只看该作者

With our world developing dramatically there are variety of changes had occurred, especially since human-being entered twentieth century when many breakthrough around the world such us computer, bio-technique, space exploration, etc., people changed too. However, technological development also brings us a lot of side effects: air pollution, desertification, greenhouse effect, etc. Do people nowadays feel happier and satisfied than before? That's we want to talk about below.LZ  ETS规定首段要提出论点啊,你不能模棱两可。

It is unarguable that environment of most areas getting worse than before attributing to the rapid industrialization for economy development, numerous wastes do not be process dealed with so that it do harm to water and forest. The gas pollutes the air with lots of toxic gas and greenhouse gas. The fuel they need is also a problem, as they cut off trees from forest so this severely threat animals lived there. The earth is suffering these pains. 这里开始可以分断And on the other hand, many groups of people living in urban areas face another kind of unpleased problem which is called pressure. Many challenges bother us in many respects. If a young do not work hard for example if he just spend 8 hours in his work, consequently, he would be fired and replaced by another who want to dedicate 10 hours' effort to his work while have the same salary.  这里开始可以分断Furthermore, the extremely high prices of houses and automobiles suffocate everyone who wants living in the city. Take Chinese young people for example, usually a couple has to work 30 years for owning an apartment and it probably be recycled by the government after 70 years. It seems hard to live in this planet, because it fulfilled with dangerous.

Apart from those challenges mentioned above, we are luckily enjoying our daily life. The progress of technology allows us communicate with people around the world by information highway. People can live longer than before thank to mature medical treatments, and sports activities are an inseparable part of what people do every day. To our world, the automation substantially boosts productivity, and releases workers from labor work. We have more workforces entering into service market. And finally, the most crucial point is that peace is the theme of human beings' society. Without wars, we enhance international communication and compete in the economy. Therefore, we live in a far harmonious world than past, so people are happier and more satisfied than people in the past.

From my prospective, although there are side effects on environment and intense pressure, world still develop on a health stage. Most of us enjoy the convenience of technology, and most important we are living in a peace world so we appreciate all merits of them. In a word, we are satisfied and happy.
 LZ思维很广,举得东西有很多很多。可惜没有一条深入写,你的结构有问题,不要把优点写一段,缺点写一段,而且你缺点写的比优点多,最后 的总结居然是你支持优点,这有点出乎我意料。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-20 23:59:27 | 只看该作者

When it comes to the question that how to discuss upsetting or controversial problems with others, telephone or voice messaging must be the first choice for most of people because of its efficiency or direction. However, upsetting or controversial are mainly serious, a phone call or messaging without consideration might make things worse. Thus, email or text messaging are superior when deal with such situation.

To begin with, email or text ensures us think deeply. With fully considering, problems could be simplified for searching an effective way to cope with. If people use telephone or voice messaging comfort one another, they probably think over the just on one side ,as consequence they may trap into the upsetting or controversial too so that it makes no effort finding out solutions, even worse the helper is similarly confused by the same reason.

Besides, messages and emails are more convincing than phone calls and voice messages in most cases, as a recent research reports that compared with written messages, speaking messages carry much more misleading when conveying the same massages. For example, since most young people called nerds are in favor of staying home all the day, so they are lack of speaking skills. As a result they prefer communicating by typing words, even discuss upsetting or controversial can be better solved by text messaging which give them chance seek one another for help or search on the internet.

Undeniably, speaking messages sometimes has advantages on efficient and brief. To some situations, a phone call or a voice message is helpful as well as timeless. On the other hand, even though telephone or voice messaging are good at efficiency, so is test messaging do.

Admittedly, telephone and messaging have their own merit, especially in saving time and more real. Generally speaking, email and text messaging is the best options in the case of facing upsetting and controversial problems.

今天not in the mood
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-21 21:27:29 | 只看该作者
When we do some works in a team, conflict that one is unsatisfied with another's work cannot be avoided. Some believe that whether a person accept criticism from one another in a team or not will not affect his achievement. However, lacking the ability of tolerating or accept criticism means also lack in ability of team collaboration, even worse it might influence other members and fail in the project. Thus, accepting criticism is necessity of one's spirit.

To begin with, working in one team means everyone should observe team rules, and gives or accepts advice or criticism mutually. In most cases, a team member should not only focus on his work, but also by giving suggestions to other members to avoid mistakes. Team spirit is a crucial point when members spare effort in pursuing goals, so the stability is used to determine if a team will achieve. Accepting other's criticism helps team members to find out shortage of his work, and maintain it. Furthermore, it is a good way enhances relationship between team members.

Besides, criticism is like a spur, it stimulate our mind to make sure our work correctly and efficiently. In addition, by accepting criticism, will we be able to figure out weakness of ourselves. Last semester, our teacher had assigned a presentation about global warming and we must work in group finding material in library. Xiao Ming, one of my team members, always criticized about my work, and I did not accept his criticism at first. Then we made final check of our presentation, it turned out those materials I collected were totally irrelevant to our topic, and Xiao Ming's was right. As a result I had to do the same work again and apologized to him for ignoring his criticism. I learned a lot from this event that no one is perfectly right and we everyone make so many mistakes that there is necessary to detect them by criticism.

Undeniably some people are excellent than anyone of us, and he makes great contribution to the team. It seems that criticisms suggested by others are useless. However, without the rest of members' help, the goal couldn't be achieved, it doesn't just matter the personal achievement but sense of team honor.

According to the point I mentioned above, criticisms help us figure our weakness and stimulate us to do work better, both of which are essential condition leading to success. Without team spirit, a man will never success.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-21 23:05:08 | 只看该作者
7.21 又写了一篇

Many people would believe one can succeed because his own effort. However, it is essential that team work is of great importance while reach success, without the help of other team members, even though one is good at every subject, he will never success.

Team spirit is fairly vital way to success, without team spirit, a team would separate into pieces. So those who accept other's criticism help members stick together to reach the goal, they probably become success. On the other hand, those who do not accept other's criticism affect others in relationship so they cannot success. It is not only lack of team spirit, but also in shortage of collaborated ability. For example, those who do not accept criticism are always over confident, and underestimate others in one team, they believe that most of work can be done by themself and they can be regarded as team leader. Actually in a team, those people do less work than any one another, at the same time they complain the most. It is realy harm to a team. They cannot succeed in a team, not saying succeed by themselves.

Besides, the most reason those who do not accept other's advice or criticism may be they do not trust others for some reasons. Without mutual trust, they do not believe anyone. Imagine that if you are not being trust by one of those, would you help him when he is in trouble? It apparently turns out that they cannot succeed due to non-trust others.

Undeniably, some of them do be great at one or two subjects and take an important position in a team. They might be expertise and experienced, therefore the whole team cannot move on without their help. For instance, one of my friends is the chief engineer of his team, with experience and particular technique. He never accepts others' criticism even suggestions. As a result he also never succeeds because he would immediately be replaced by one who has the similar background. As my experience tells me, even if one occupies a vital position but he rarely hear others' advice and criticism. For long-term profit, other members finally would drop him out of the team.

In conclusion, accepting others' criticism is rational and perhaps the best option in a cases of success or not problem. And in a team, those who do not accept others' criticism cannot succeed indeed.
发表于 2012-7-22 15:33:14 | 只看该作者


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不过如果,你觉得这样分数会低得话,建议你看看杨鹏难句什么的, 那个写起来会让人觉得很高深。


When we do some works in a team,(it comes to team work), The conflictsthat between one is unsatisfied with or another's work cannot be avoided. Somebelieve that whether a person accept criticism from one another in ateam or not will not affect his achievement. However, lacking the ability oftolerating or accept criticism means also lackingin ability of team collaboration, even worse it might influence other membersand fail in the project. Thus, accepting criticism is necessity of one'sspirit.

To begin with, working in one team means everyone shouldobserve team rules, and gives or accepts advice or criticism mutually. In mostcases, a team member should not only focus on his work, but also by givingsuggestions to other members to avoid mistakes. Team spirit is a crucial pointwhen members spare effort in pursuing goals, so the stability is used to determine if a team willachieve. 这句话看不懂,无法理解)Acceptingother's criticism helps team members to find out shortage of his work, and maintaincorrect (应该是帮助发现错误然后改正吧, maintain 我理解得意思是保持)it.Furthermore, it is a good way enhances cohesiverelationship between team members.

Besides, criticism is like a spur, it stimulate our mindto make sure our work correctly and efficiently. In addition, by acceptingcriticism, we will be able to figure out weakness of ourselves. Last semester,our teacher had assigned a presentation about global warming and we must workin group finding material in library. Xiao Ming, one of my team members, alwayscriticized about my work, and I did not accept his criticism at first. Then when it comes to we made final check of ourpresentation, it turned out those materials I collected were totally irrelevantto our topic, and Xiao Ming's was right. As a result I had to do thesame work again and apologized to him for ignoring his criticism. I learned alot from this event that no one is perfectly right and we everyone everybody make so many mistakes that could be avoidby there is necessary to detect them by acceptcriticism of others.

Undeniably , some peopleare more excellent than other anyone of us, and he makes great contribution to theteam. It seems that criticisms suggested by others are useless. However,without the rest of members' help, the goal couldn't be achieved, it’s not doesn't just the personal achievement mattersbut sense of the team honor. Or it’s the teamhonor matters rather than personal achievement.

According to the point I mentioned above, criticisms help us figure out our weakness and stimulate us to do work better,both of which are essential condition leading to success. Without team spirit,a man will never success.
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