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发表于 2012-6-2 21:33:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Communication skill is the most important character of those who are successful.

The statement raised by the question is about communication skill is the most important character for the persons who are successful. Some people think it is true. Considered the competitive environment in the modern world, people who have good communication skill can help them to solve problem easily and build up relationship with other people in a very short time. However, the others may refute this perspective. In their idea, a person’s success depends on many different factors. Communication is just one of all these characters. For my part, I will agree with the later one- communication skill is not the most important character that contributes to a person’s success.

First a person’s success relies on many different factors, featuring consciousness, intelligence, and even physical health. All these factors are all important. We cannot deny any one of them or just focus on one factor solely. It is common in our daily life that many famous persons can achieve success even without a very good communication skill.  Forrest Gump is an outstanding example. He has some problems in his mental. By this way, Forrest is not very well in many sides of life, including communication. However, with extraordinary perseverance, he also achieves his own success finally.

Furthermore, in my opinion, if a person wants to be successful, he needs to find what his advantage is. I think this advantage can be the most significant resource people can use to help them to achieve their goal. For example, as the greatest inventor in the history, Edison created thousands of new products and technologies. Some of these inventions have changed the world absolutely. Edison cultivated his innovation when he was child and got fun from creating new things. This passion of inventions leads him to get what he wanted finally.

It is undeniable that good communication is a key ability for every people in the society. Communication can bring us more social resource and connect the individuals with the whole world. As citizens in the modern world, people need to focus on all fields. The success of a human-being contains not just communication but also many other things.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-2 23:33:41 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-6-3 22:36:10 | 只看该作者
The statement raised by the question is about (whether) communication skill is the mostimportant character(性格品质。Element, ingredient 好点吗?)for the personspeople success,后面可以去掉)whoare successful. Some people think it is true. Considered the competitiveenvironment in the modern world, people who have good communication skill canhelp them to solve problems easily and build uprelationship with other people in a very short time. However, the others mayrefute this perspective. In their idea, a person’s success depends on manydifferent factors. Communication is just one of the allthese characters. For my part, I will 为什么will? agree with the later one-communication skill is not the most important (你已经用了important 好几次了,好多词可以换:crucial, significant, vital, critical…etc) character that contributesto a person’s success.

First a person’s success relies on many different factors, featuring 什么意思或者你解释一下这里的用法? consciousness, intelligence, and even physical health. All thesefactors are all important. We cannot deny any one of them or just focus on onefactor solely. It is common in our daily life that many famous persons canachieve success even without a very good communication skill.  ForrestGump is an outstanding example. He has some problems in his mental. By thisway, Forrest is not very well in many sides of life, including communication.However, with extraordinary perseverance, he also achieves his own successfinally.

Furthermore, in my opinion, if a person wants to be successful, he needs tofind what his advantage is. I think this advantage can be the most significantresource people can use to help them to achieve their goal. For example, as one of the greatestinventor in the history, Edison created thousands of new products andtechnologies. Some of these inventions(个人认为特意写一个invention总比这样空泛的谈好,说个灯泡总比在这白吹显得实际,这样好像很空泛) have changed the world absolutely. Edison cultivated培养―不是发明哦,你是想说他从小培养出爱发明呢?还是?his innovation when he was child and got fun from creating newthings. This passion of inventions leads lead 单复数 him toget what he wanted (he want to be?)finally.

It is undeniable that good communication is a key ability for every people inthe society. Communication can bring us more social resource and connect theindividuals with the whole world. As citizens in the modern world, people needto focus on all fields. The success of a human-being contains not justcommunication but also many other things.

我明白你想说除了Communication skills 其他的都很重要,但好像先写communication 很重要再admittedly 其实很多skills 也重要那样会容易一点而且显得主题比较明确,总比point太多那样写好,因为阅卷人可能觉得有点乱  印象不怎么深刻

 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-4 11:08:53 | 只看该作者
The statement raised by the question is about (whether) communication skill is the mostimportant character(性格品质。Element, ingredient 好点吗?)for the personspeople success,后面可以去掉)whoare successful. Some people think it is true. Considered the competitiveenvironment in the modern world, people who have good communication skill canhelp them to solve problems easily and build uprelationship with other people in a very short time. However, the others mayrefute this perspective. In their idea, a person’s success depends on manydifferent factors. Communication is just one of the allthese characters. For my part, I will 为什么will? agree with the later one-communication skill is not the most important (你已经用了important 好几次了,好多词可以换:crucial, significant, vital, critical…etc) character that contributesto a person’s success.

First a person’s success relies on many different factors, featuring 什么意思或者你解释一下这里的用法? consciousness, intelligence, and even physical health. All thesefactors are all important. We cannot deny any one of them or just focus on onefactor solely. It is common in our daily life that many famous persons canachieve success even without a very good communication skill.  ForrestGump is an outstanding example. He has some problems in his mental. By thisway, Forrest is not very well in many sides of life, including communication.However, with extraordinary perseverance, he also achieves his own successfinally.

Furthermore, in my opinion, if a person wants to be successful, he needs tofind what his advantage is. I think this advantage can be the most significantresource people can use to help them to achieve their goal. For example, as one of the greatestinventor in the history, Edison created thousands of new products andtechnologies. Some of these inventions(个人认为特意写一个invention总比这样空泛的谈好,说个灯泡总比在这白吹显得实际,这样好像很空泛) have changed the world absolutely. Edison cultivated培养―不是发明哦,你是想说他从小培养出爱发明呢?还是?his innovation when he was child and got fun from creating newthings. This passion of inventions leads lead 单复数 him toget what he wanted (he want to be?)finally.

It is undeniable that good communication is a key ability for every people inthe society. Communication can bring us more social resource and connect theindividuals with the whole world. As citizens in the modern world, people needto focus on all fields. The success of a human-being contains not justcommunication but also many other things.

我明白你想说除了Communication skills 其他的都很重要,但好像先写communication 很重要再admittedly 其实很多skills 也重要那样会容易一点而且显得主题比较明确,总比point太多那样写好,因为阅卷人可能觉得有点乱  印象不怎么深刻

-- by 会员 teresaz318 (2012/6/3 22:36:10)

发表于 2012-6-4 17:25:58 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-6-4 20:43:59 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-5 22:44:06 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 Crystaljoy (2012/6/4 17:25:58)

 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-5 22:44:50 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 voilaasia (2012/6/4 20:43:59)

 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-5 22:45:06 | 只看该作者

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People now are less happy and less satisfied than people in the past.


With the development of the society, many people care more about the quality of their daily life and internal happiness. Some people think they are happier than the people in the past, because the technology in the modern society is advanced, and entertainment is also more available. However, the other people are not satisfied with the situation that they are in right now. They image the people in the past were happier and more satisfied with their life. For my part, I want to refute the former idea and agree with the later one.

First, advanced technology is not always a good single for modern people. Although many new products, such as internet, mobile phone, make people connect with each other. Many people may lose themselves in the e-world and generally unable to contact their friends in the real world. Actually, people spend a growing amount of time to stay online. With statistics, people in United States spend averagely 13 hours per week on internet. These 13 hours are taken from the social activities mostly. By this way, technology can be the main factor caused the unhappiness in the modern world.

In addition, pressure is another issue people need to consider if they want to pursue happy. In the past, people did not have too much pressure. The life pace is not so fast. Although the living standard is not as good as the one in modern society, people are more easily satisfied with their work and family. As Aristotle said, the real happiness is from the human’s internal world, without depending on anyone else. People in the past can be more independent than the people at now. Persons in the modern world always want to pursue a higher social status and greater reputation. All these things are illusions, since these halos rely on other people’s work and attention. By this way, human at now hardly obtain the real happiness from outside.

In conclusion, people need to concentrate on their own life and find what they really want to pursue if people want to find the real happiness in this highly developed world. Do not lose yourself in the virtual world or pursue something unreal. A person needs to find the way he wants to insist on and get the happiness from his own internal world.
发表于 2012-6-5 22:53:06 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 voilaasia (2012/6/4 20:43:59)

-- by 会员 h14zpsn (2012/6/5 22:44:50)

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