8.3 独立我是错误君 我是没错但是改了更好君 我是段落结构意见君 我是精彩部分君
Currently, more and more children come into the college(colleges) to improve their skills(窝觉得加上specialized更好) for a good work in the future. However, in the university, thestudents might not practice their work skills every(very吧- -) well, because their parents often doeverything they can do for theirchildren to make sure that children need not to suffer from any trouble.Nonetheless, for me, nothing is more evident than that failureis the mother of success(有点chinglish了,failure teaches/breeds success). The children would not grow up with the parents(parents’) help.
My main reason, pervasiveand persuasive, associates with the point that one(a)personcould practice himself in dealing with troubles only when facing the problems.If he does not facing the problems, he may not know how to communicate andcooperate with others. There is a greatest example for this point. Steve Jobs,the ex-CEO of the Apple, was expelled by his own company, just because he cannot(这里应该用could啦,人已经没了) deal thepersonal relationship with(deal with我没查到可以分开用啊,应该是deal with the employees’ relationship会好一点吧?) his employees. After left his company, Steve Jobs just recognizedhis fails.
At the same time, it should also be emphasized that independentworking is the most important quality for a person to live in the society. If aperson does not have this quality, he could not finish the work which hiscompany assigns to him. And no people(no one) iswilling to help him like his parents (加上did不会引起歧义).There are lots of young person in our society like what I just said. They havehigh education(educated)background, but they cannot completethe assignment of their job. So(不要再用so来总结啦!改成therefore或者hence什么的吧!) that encouraging children to dotheir work independently is necessary.
At the first thought, some opponents might claim that parents helpchildren to do their work can make the assignmentfinish(finished) perfectly. Persuasive as it seems to be, a close analysis wouldreveal how flimsy it is. In fact, the mistakes and troubles for a person couldnot avoid(be avoided). We should make a right attitude to face them. If we always find someone else to help us, not only wecould not learn a lesson from the problem, but also we could not grow up.(题目说的是家长和孩子帮助的问题,我觉得这里应该把we换成children才对,这样更加切题)
Obviously, all the evidence confirms an undoubted conclusion thatencouraging children to do their work independently is necessary for their road(road其实很少用作途径来讲啊,换成way或者access会更好吧)of growing. Making mistakes is not terrible. However, the worst thing is (加上that,表语从句的连接词不能省略)a person just want to seek help from others but not to find(a)way(什么way呢?不够具体啊,换成solution会不会更好呢?) by himself.
写的挺好的,但是总感觉少了一段呢,一般都是三个理由啊,这里才两个,反驳不算啊,反驳+立论才算是一个独立的理由呢,其实我也经常写两个理由的作文,但是鹤鹤说还是三个理由更好,所以加油吧~ |