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[排名] Financial Times 公布 2012 全球MBA最新排名

发表于 2012-1-30 14:22:27 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


斯坦福大学商学院(Stanford Graduate School of Business)凭借其毕业生的赚钱能力,首次荣登英国《金融时报》全球商学院排名的榜首。

位于加州帕罗奥多的斯坦福商学院,击败了2011年的并列冠军——伦敦商学院(London Business School)和宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(Wharton business school),夺得了今年的冠军头衔。




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 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-30 14:22:55 | 只看该作者
School name Country
1 4 4 3 Stanford Graduate School of Business US
2 3 3 3 Harvard Business School US
3 1 2 2 University of Pennsylvania: Wharton US
4 1 1 2 London Business School UK
5 7 6 6 Columbia Business School US
6 4 5 5 Insead France / Singapore
7 9 8 8 MIT: Sloan US
8 8 6 7 IE Business School Spain
9 9 11 10 Iese Business School Spain
10 6 9 8 Hong Kong UST Business School China
11 11 - - Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA) India
12 12 9 11 University of Chicago: Booth US
13 14 15 14 IMD Switzerland
14 25 28 22 University of California at Berkeley: Haas US
15 20 20 18 Duke University: Fuqua US
16 21 22 20 Northwestern University: Kellogg US
17 15 13 15 New York University: Stern US
18 18 18 18 HEC Paris France
19 18 13 17 Dartmouth College: Tuck US
20 13 12 15 Indian School of Business India
20 15 16 17 Yale School of Management US
20 27 16 21 University of Oxford: Sa?d UK
23 23 - - National University of Singapore School of Business Singapore
24 17 22 21 Ceibs China
24 30 36 30 Cornell University: Johnson US
26 26 21 24 University of Cambridge: Judge UK
27 58 42 42 Warwick Business School UK
28 - 28 - Chinese University of Hong Kong China
29 24 28 27 University of Michigan: Ross US
30 36 25 30 Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Netherlands
31 29 40 33 Manchester Business School UK
32 31 33 32 UCLA: Anderson US
33 21 19 24 Esade Business School Spain
34 33 27 31 Nanyang Business School Singapore
35 41 34 37 Carnegie Mellon: Tepper US
36 34 26 32 Cranfield School of Management UK
37 University of Hong Kong China
38 41 31 37 University of Virginia: Darden US
38 32 41 37 City University: Cass UK
40 38 34 37 Emory University: Goizueta US
41 35 36 37 Australian School of Business: AGSM Australia
42 28 38 36 SDA Bocconi Italy
43 38 38 40 Georgetown University: McDonough US
44 46 45 45 University of Toronto: Rotman Canada
45 44 44 44 Rice University: Jones US
46 37 32 38 Imperial College Business School UK
46 53 63 54 Melbourne Business School Australia
46 73 57 59 Indiana University: Kelley US
49 59 Pennsylvania State University: Smeal US
49 52 48 50 University of Rochester: Simon US
51 - 65 - Coppead Brazil
51 44 54 50 Texas A & M University: Mays US
51 49 52 51 University of Texas at Austin: McCombs US
54 - - - Peking University: Guanghua China
54 60 89 68 University of Cape Town GSB South Africa
56 62 46 55 University of North Carolina: Kenan-Flagler US
57 46 52 52 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign US
58 40 43 47 University of Maryland: Smith US
59 49 54 54 York University: Schulich Canada
59 74 54 62 Purdue University: Krannert US
61 - 49 - Washington University: Olin US
61 51 57 56 Vanderbilt University: Owen US
61 64 57 61 University of Southern California: Marshall US
61 57 95 71 McGill University: Desautels Canada
65 61 94 73 Hult International Business School US / UK / UAE / China
66 Sungkyunkwan University SKK GSB South Korea
66 72 67 68 Ohio State University: Fisher US
68 46 49 54 University of Western Ontario: Ivey Canada
69 74 47 63 Boston College: Carroll US
70 55 87 71 Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School Belgium
71 41 24 45 Lancaster University Management School UK
72 - 75 - University of Minnesota: Carlson US
73 86 78 79 University of Washington: Foster US
74 97 - - Georgia Institute of Technology US
74 63 67 68 Wisconsin School of Business US
76 77 - - Incae Business School Costa Rica
77 - 65 - Michigan State University: Broad US
77 68 61 69 Boston University School of Management US
79 57 George Washington University US
80 78 79 79 Wake Forest University: Babcock US
81 53 72 69 University of California at Irvine: Merage US
82 80 82 81 University of British Columbia: Sauder Canada
83 - - - University of Pittsburgh: Katz US
83 88 89 87 University of Edinburgh Business School UK
85 80 71 79 University of Notre Dame: Mendoza US
86 Northeastern University US
86 68 75 76 Birmingham Business School UK
86 78 98 87 University College Dublin: Smurfit Ireland
89 68 67 75 Thunderbird School of Global Management US
90 64 64 73 University of Iowa: Tippie US
91 - 73 - Aston Business School UK
91 68 - - SP Jain Center of Management Dubai / Singapore
93 - - - Universit?t St.Gallen Switzerland
94 55 74 74 Durham Business School UK
95 80 67 81 University of South Carolina: Moore US
95 64 93 84 Ipade Mexico
95 90 89 91 Bradford University School of Management UK
98 91 83 91 Brigham Young University: Marriott US
98 88 96 94 SMU: Cox US
100 84 99 94 Babson College: Olin US
发表于 2012-1-30 14:38:57 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-1-30 14:46:09 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-30 14:56:38 | 只看该作者

This Ft ranking aims to give athorough assessment of Mbaprogrammes worldwide througha survey of business schools and alumni.

To participate, schools must meetstrict criteria. Most notably, schoolsmust be internationally accredited andthe programme must have run for atleast four consecutive years. this year,150 business schools took part.

Two online surveys are used tocollect the required data. the first iscompleted by the schools, and thesecond by alumni who graduated in2008. For schools to be eligible, a20 per cent response rate is requiredfrom alumni, with a minimum of 20responses. this year, a total of 9,466responses were submitted by alumni,44 per cent of graduates contacted.

Data from alumni questionnaires areused to compile eight of the 20 criteriathat determine the ranking. together,these carry 59 per cent of the ranking’sweight. Published figures for thesecriteria include information collated bythe Ft over three years where available.Data gathered from the 2012 Mbasurvey carries 50 per cent of the totalweight, and those from the 2011 and2010 rankings account for 25 per centeach. except for salary data, if only twoyears of data are available, the weightingis split 60:40 if data are from 2012and 2011, or 70:30 if from 2012 and2010. For salary data, the weighting is50:50 for two years’ data, to negate anyinflation-related distortions. “Value formoney” is based on 2012 figures only.

The first two ranking criteria examinethe difference in alumni salariesfrom the start of their Mbas to the presenttime. the salaries of alumni in thenon-profit and public service sectors,and those in full-time education, areremoved. Purchasing power parity ratessupplied by the International MonetaryFund are used to convert the remainingdata to Us$ PPP equivalent figures,to allow for differences in purchasingpower between countries.

Following this conversion, the meanaverage “current salary” is calculatedfor each school and weighted, for largerschools, to reflect variations betweensectors. the resulting figure, “weightedsalary”, carries 20 per cent of the ranking’sweight. the “salary increase”, alsoaccounting for 20 per cent, is calculatedfor each school according to thedifference in average alumni salarybefore the Mba to the present time,three years after graduation – a periodof typically four to five years. half ofthis figure is calculated according tothe absolute salary increase, and halfaccording to the percentage increaserelative to pre-Mba salaries.

Eleven criteria, collectively accountingfor 31 per cent of the final rank,are based on data from school questionnaires.these criteria includethe diversity of teaching staff, boardmembers and Mba students, accordingto gender and nationality, and theinternational reach of the programme.For gender-related criteria, schools thathave a 50:50 (male: female) compositionreceive the highest possible score.

The table’s final criterion, “Ftresearch rank”, is calculated accordingto the relative number of articlespublished by schools’ full-time facultymembers in 45 internationally recognisedacademic and practitionerjournals. the rank combines the absolutenumber of publications, betweenJanuary 2009 and october 2011, withthe number of publications, weightedrelative to the faculty’s size.

Following calculations for each criteria,an Ft score is calculated for eachschool. First, a Z-score – a mathematicalformula that creates numbers reflectingthe range of the points – is calculatedfor each of the measures. these scoresare then weighted and added together,giving a final total from which theschools are ranked in descending orderto compose the Ft’s Global Mba Ranking2012. – Adam Palin

Judith Pizer of Jeff Head Associates actedas the FT’s database consultant. The FTresearch rank was calculated using theScopus database of research literature.
发表于 2012-1-30 14:58:25 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-1-30 15:10:42 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-1-30 15:48:49 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-1-30 16:48:00 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 ballackahn (2012/1/30 14:58:25)

发表于 2012-1-30 16:55:54 | 只看该作者
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