Here is one email from Yale MBA admission, Columbia sent me the same message. I can totally understand your situation, it is a complete waste of time to go back to finish Bachelor's degree when you have already had a Master's,. I have been working for 7 years, four of those are with a fortune 100 global company, , top sales/business development role in my current company. Dear Jenny, Thank you for your interest in the Yale School of Management MBA program. Our MBA program is a full-time, two-year study with fall admission only. The combination of an associate degree along with a master’s degree will meet our educational requirements. The fall 2009 application and brochure will be available on our website in mid-late August 2008. blocked::" href="" target="_blank"> Please visit the following site to be placed on our mailing list or to request a brochure via mail blocked:: blocked:: http://admissions.som.yale.e" href="" target="_blank"> Please keep in mind that the application may only be obtained online. I hope this information is helpful. Best regards, |