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[学校信息] 美国马凯特大学商学院简介-Marquette University (Jan. 2013 更新中英版本)

发表于 2013-2-26 12:55:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
马凯特大学(Marquette University) 商学院(Graduate School of Management)

Notice: 请大家仔细阅读权威的英文版本获取更多信息!!Please also see the English version at the bottom of the posting!关于申请的问题,欢迎大家直接发邮件到GSMInquiry@marquette.edu或是QQ: 2517586451。


When you contact us by e-mail or QQ, Please use English.


为了保证面试的公平公正, 所有参加面试的同学会被安排通过QQ视频,skype视频或者其他的视频方式来进行面试。我们不会安排现场老师和同学当面交流的面试。


同学们有关申请的问题可以直接给马凯特商学院研究生录取委员会发邮件,(QQ: 2517586451).] 2517586451).
(QQ: 2517586451).请同学们用英语描述你的申请问题并且发到上述的邮箱或者qq在线用英语询问。上述的联系方式是马凯特大学官方联系方式,你们可以得到关于申请的官方权威回答。




为了最终决定录取的结果, 我们也会考虑学生申请所写的各项材料,例如个人陈述,推荐信,各项活动,实习,个人兴趣等。请是看综合实力的,所以有一些弱项的CDer们不用泄气,可以申请试一试。





马凯特大学——Marquette University

马凯特大学(Marquette University) 是美国一所天主教会私立大学,成立于1881年,以17世纪的传教士Father Jacques Marquette,S.J.命名。在1907年,从Marquette College 改名为Marquette University. 1912 年,马凯特大学成为第一个招收女性学生的天主教大学。

马凯特大学2013年本科综合排名在Business Week上全国排名77,在US News 上供应链管理专业的本科排名是16名,金融专业是17名,会计专业是23名,企业管理专业是24名。

2013年,马凯特商学院研究生国际商务项目排名22,EMBA排名15, 兼职 MBA 项目排名 65th.



历史上第一批来到密尔沃基的欧洲移民是由法国传教士和皮毛交易商组成的。1818年,法籍加拿大传教士Solomon Juneau在密尔沃基定居,并于1846年与周围的两个小镇合并为密尔沃基市。大量的德裔移民在1840年代的到来使密尔沃基市人口大量增加。


Milwaukee的企业有Harley-Davison Motorcycle Co.(哈雷机车),全球最大的工业自动化企业Rockwell Automation,美国第二大啤酒公司Miller SAB, 知名电控企业Johnson Controls Co., GEHealthcare Global Diagnostic Imaging的总部也在Milwaukee。另外,四大会计师事务所在我们城市都有分部。密尔沃基距离芝加哥有2小时车程。威斯康辛是美国的农业大州,盛产各种丰富的农产品和奶制品,又称DAIRY LAND。在此地居住的生活费用总体来讲偏低。学校毗邻美丽的密歇根湖,景色优美。因为地处较北,冬天比较漫长,相当于中国沈阳的气候。但室内有充足的暖气供应。夏天虽短,却是乘凉游玩的好季节。





马凯特大学商学院研究生总共开设四个专业MSA, MSAE,MSHR和 MBA。一个学分是1025刀。


MSA (30-36 cr. hrs.)     $31,000 – $37,000;

MSAE (30-36 cr. hrs.)    $31,000 – $37,000;

MSHR (30-32 cr. hrs.)    $31,000 – $33,000;

MBA (37-50 cr. hrs.)     $38,000 – $52,000.

密尔沃基最低生活标准是1000美金一个月,包括食物,住宿,书本费和一些其他的生活必备支出。以下是预计的生活费:MSA (2 yrs.)         $24,000

MSAE (2 yrs.)     $24,000

MSHR (1.5 yrs.)      $18,000

MBA (2.5 yrs.)       $30,000






秋季新生入学时学校有非常详细的新生ORIENTATION2010年秋季我们开始实施叫做Immersion Week for Orientation的项目,针对如何在美国的商学院学习,话题包括如何撰写专业论文,如何进行小组作业,如何做好PRESENTATION等等。培训涵盖每天的早餐以及各种TOPIC以解决新同学在未来几年的学习中可能遇到的一切问题,提前做好培训工作。我们会给春季的新生发光盘涵盖以上内容。此外,学校的国际学生办公室(OIE也提供专门针对全校国际学生的ORIENTATION,主要讲解国际学生生活、找工作等需要注意的问题,OIE的员工十分友好负责;也有针对研究生的ORIENTATION,帮助研究生尽快熟悉学校各种信息系统和设备以更好更快地进行研究和学习;此外,学校有着丰富的信息系统资源,譬如CAREER SERVICE OFFICE提供免费的简历指导,面试指导,有ON-CAMPUS JOB POSITION DATABASE(校内打工信息系统), 有每年举行的CAREER FAIRMILWAUKEE的大公司都会来学校招聘或者宣讲。


学校有专门的public safety 来负责学校的安全。在天黑之后在学校范围会有校车专门接送学生,只需要打电话告诉他们你的具体位置,上车之后出示MU ID 即可。这样即使晚上在图书馆通宵也不用担心,一个电话,校车就会送你回家。


一般来说,学校是不给研究生提供住宿的。 初到MU,学校会给新生安排临时宿舍以便过渡。GSM的工作人员也会带大家去周围看房。MU附近房源充足,还是比较好找房子的。我们也会定时汇总房源信息告知大家。

对于商学院研究生新生,我们会在密尔沃基机场,或是密尔沃基coach station (飞到芝加哥的同学可以坐coach到密尔沃基)进行接机。

An Introduction to Marquette University, Graduate School of Management (Jan. 2013 update)

Marquette University

Graduate School of Management

Anxious about Interview?

Please note: Not all students will be interviewed prior to the admission decision. Interviews are reserved for cases where further clarification about your classes, test scores, or other academic record may be needed before an admission decision can be reached.

To ensure consistency and fairness, all interviews will be conducted by QQ-video, Skype-video, etc. There will be no on-sight, face-to-face interviews.

Updates and Inquiry:

Please direct all of your questions to the Admission Committee members of Graduate School of Management (GSM) at
">] (QQ: 2517586451). Please send your questions in English and only to the above e-mail or QQ addresses. By doing so, you would be assured of the relevance and accuracy of the information provided to you.

Some Basic Admission Requirements:

We look for candidates from government accredited four-year degree programs with cumulative GPA of at least 3.0/4.0 (around 80/100 in the Chinese system). Rank and quality of the university also considered an important factor (211 and 985 universities are highly regarded by the admission committees).

Officially, the minimum total TOEFL score accepted is 88, with all components (reading, writing, speaking, or listening) at least 20 points per section. Please note that these are minimum requirements. In 2012, the average TOEFL score for our admitted students was about 95. Currently, we consider IELTS overall score of 6.5 with no components below 6.0 as acceptable.

There is no minimum requirement for GMAT or GRE scores, however, in general, if the total GMAT score is less then 600 or if any component is less than 30% below, it is considered undesirable. In 2012, the average GMAT score of our admitted students was 670.

In making admission decisions, we also consider the student’s essays, letters of recommendation, leadership activities, internships and other professional activities, as well as extracurricular activities and personal interests. Applications are considered based on overall strength of the candidate in all of the above areas. Applications with areas of weakness are still encouraged to apply.

School Codes to be Used for Online application and Reporting of Test Scores

TOEFL and GMAT send points CODE: 1448 (MU)

The GRE send sub CODE: 5786 (MU)

Information About the University and the City

Marquette University

Marquette University was founded in 1881 by John Martin Henni, the first Catholic bishop of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. It was named after the 17th century missionary and explorer Father Jacques Marquette, S.J., and its mission was to provide an affordable Catholic education to the area's booming German immigrant population. The school attained its status as a university in 1907 and changed its name from Marquette College to Marquette University. Marquette University High School became a separate institution the same year. ??In 1912, Marquette became the first Jesuit university to admit women.

Located on a 93-acre (376,000 m2) campus in the Milwaukee neighborhood of University Hill, on the former Wisconsin State Fairgrounds. Lake Michigan is roughly one mile east of campus. Many of the halls and chapels on campus are beautifully constructed in traditional European styles. The oldest of these, St. Joan of Arc Chapel, was originally built in France in the 15th century and donated to the university by in 1964.

Marquette's undergraduate program ranked 77th in BusinessWeek's 2013 rankings. U.S. News listed Marquette's undergraduate majors in supply chain management as 16th, finance as 17th, accounting as 23rd and the entrepreneurship program as 24th nationwide.

U.S. News put Marquette's graduate international business program at 22nd overall in 2013 and the executive MBA program ranked 15th. The part-time MBA program was ranked 65th.

Marquette University official website:

The official website of the Marquette University Business School:


The first Europeans to pass through this area in Wisconsin were French missionaries and fur traders. In 1818, the French-Canadian explorer Solomon Juneau settled in the area, and in 1846 Juneau's town combined with two neighboring towns to incorporate as the City of Milwaukee. Large numbers of German and other immigrants helped increase the city's population during the 1840s and the following decades.

Today, Milwaukee is the largest city in Wisconsin, with a population of about 600,000. It is the county seat of Milwaukee County and is located on the southwestern shore of Lake Michigan. Milwaukee is also the main cultural and economic center of the Milwaukee–Racine–Waukesha Metropolitan Area, which has a population of around 2 million. ??Milwaukee was once known almost exclusively as a brewing and manufacturing powerhouse, but it has undergone a lot of change in the last 15 years. New additions to the city have included the Milwaukee Riverwalk, the Midwest Airlines Center, Miller Park, an internationally renowned addition to the Milwaukee Art Museum, and Pier Wisconsin, as well as major renovations to the Milwaukee Auditorium. ??A plethora of museums, restaurants, and theatres can be found around town, and Milwaukee is enjoying an increasingly vibrant music scene.

Milwaukee has a large industrial and business community. The world headquarters of Fortune 100 companies such as Johnson Controls and the Health care division of General Electric as well as those of several Fortune 500 companies such as Rockwell Automation, Harley-Davidson motor cycle company, Manpower, Miller Coors, and…. are in Milwaukee.

Milwaukee Leading Industries (Source: Milwaukee Metropolitan Association of Commerce - MMAC)

In total, the Milwaukee region flourishes with more than 50,000 business establishments, 1 million employees and a gross regional product of more than $99 billion. Roughly one-third of the region's businesses drive the export of goods and services beyond regional borders, bringing new income into the region. These regional driver industries include:

?Power, automation and controls

?Food & beverage manufacturing

?Information technology


?Water technologies

?Financial services

?Medical technology and biomedical

Additionally, Milwaukee is a short distance from Chicago (less than hours by car), which is a metropolis with much to offer both in cultural activities as well as business opportunities.

Other Important Information (employment, costs, university/GSM services)

International Students’ Prospects for Internships and/or Employment

Please note. Despite the fact that the employment market in the U.S. has slightly improved in recent months, most employers are apprehensive about hiring international (F-1 Visa) students for internships and, even less so, for regular employment. Marquette University international students have had some success, especially during the last year, however, overall the placement rate in internships and employment has been less than 10% and much less with regards to regular employment. Students in the MSA program have been a bit more successful in securing internships or regular employment. Students in the MSAE program have also had some success. Students in qualitative or more culturally-focused fields such as MSHR or MBA have had the least success in securing any kind of employment.

With the above said, we have two career services centers on campus; one for all university students and one for the College of Business Administration and Graduate School of Management. Each year, several career fairs and other employment related events are arranged by these two units. Students would also have access to career resources such as search engines, resume writing services, interviewing skills, and other services intended to provide information and assistance to the students seeking employment.


Marquette University GSM offers master degree programs in Accounting (MSA), Applied Economics (MSAE) and Human Resources (MSHR) as well as a part-time MBA program, which allows full-time enrollment needed by international students. The tuition fee is $1025 per credit hour of a graduate business class. The typical numbers of credit hours and their corresponding approximate tuition/fees required to complete the various programs are as follows:

MSA (30-36 cr. hrs.) $31,000 – $37,000;

MSAE (30-36 cr. hrs.) $31,000 – $37,000;

MSHR (30-32 cr. hrs.) $31,000 – $33,000;

MBA (37-50 cr. hrs.) $38,000 – $52,000.

Cost of Living:

The minimum cost of living in Milwaukee including accommodation, food, books, and minimal expenses; is approximately $1,000 per month. Below are the approximate durations of studies and their corresponding approximate costs:

MSA (2 yrs.)$24,000

MSAE (2 yrs.)$24,000

MSHR (1.5 yrs.)$18,000

MBA (2.5 yrs.)$30,000


Marquette GSM students are eligible for Graduate Assistant positions. However, new students are not eligible during their first semester. Search for graduate assistantship positions generally begins during the second semester.

Deposit Refund Policy:

The deposit to enroll at Marquette University is $3,000. If you pay the deposit and ultimately decide not to come to Marquette, the university will refund $2,500 of your deposit. $500 is non-refundable.

Immersion Week and Orientation Programs for GSM International Students:

At no cost to the student, GSM will provide a week-long Immersion Week for students enrolling in fall semesters. Students enrolling in spring semesters will be provided with a CD containing the material and some videos of the Immersion Week. The immersion week is intended to familiarize the international GSM students with living and studying in the United States and at Marquette University as graduate business students. Lectures will be arranged in classroom conduct, team membership, class participation, research methods, presentation skills, and case analysis. The students will meet with their academic advisors in formal and informal settings during this week. Daily continental breakfast, a welcome Luncheon, a networking reception (including domestic students), and a concluding dinner will be provided at no cost to the students.

The University will also have an orientation program for international students. Several of their sessions are required for all international students. Attendance at both the Immersion Week events and the University’s “required” sessions are mandatory for all GSM students.

Safety & Security:

Marquette University is dedicated to student safety and security. The university has a Public Safety office, which continuously patrol the campus. There is a also a city police department adjacent to the campus. The campus community receives regular safety notices and information.

For commuting after dark, the university has shuttle buses, which would pick up and drop off students until late in the night. Students are also asked to be diligent and vigilant and take precaution to ensure their own safety and security.


Marquette University does not provide on-campus accommodation (dormitories) for graduate students. Prior to your arrival at Marquette, GSM will provide listings of nearby apartments and sublease opportunities. During the first days at Marquette, GSM would work with you closely in order to address your arrival, accommodation-search, and settlement. When new students first arrive, we can arrange for temporary housing on campus in order to help with transition.

Airport Pickup Service

New international GSM students arriving at Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport or at Milwaukee Amtrak Station (if you fly to Chicago and take the Coach USA bus to Milwaukee Amtrak Station) can arrange to be picked up. Directions for getting to the University will also be provided.

For further information and answer to your questions, please contact], or QQ 2517586451.

You may also visit Marquette University official website: and/or

the official website of the Marquette University Business School:


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