各位CDer,多谢各位最近的支持。我收集了几个大家关心的问题,咨询了项目录取负责人Al。下面是问题以及他的作答。欢迎大家提出更多的问题~ 1.申请,面试,录取之间的比例问题: The numbers depend on the quantity and quality of the applications we receive. I interview about half of the students who apply. The number I admit will depend on each round and how many deposits we get, so that is impossible to answer. Last year, I admitted about 35% of the applicants. We plan to have a class of 35-40 students 2. 多少个申请者可以得到奖学金? Approximately half of the students who are admitted will receive a scholarship offer. 3. 是否需要WES成绩认证. I cannot admit a candidate without the WES if they are not on the right grade scale...but they may apply and I can let them know if the WES is necessary. An affidavit indicating the equivalent grade point on a 4 point scale would be sufficient. 4. 国际学生就业率多少? What I have been told about this varies depending on what the criteria is, but it is typically 80-85% of international students have a job offer. -- by 会员 plplklkl (2012/11/28 3:02:58)
lz问一下,这个项目优势在哪里? |