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[校友答疑] Johns Hopkins University Full-Time MS Finance官方答疑-更新1楼

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发表于 2012-11-27 22:15:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
值此新春佳节之际,Johns Hopkins Carey Business School祝各位申请人、约翰霍普金斯大学的校友们、以及海内外的华人同胞们:


约翰霍普金斯大学的著名校友、纽约市市长布隆伯格(Michael R. Bloomberg)先生决定向我校捐资3.5亿美金以提供奖学金及研究经费,布隆伯格先生现已累积向我校捐资超过10亿美金。我将在后续更新我校校长Ronald J. Daniels先生的致辞。


各位同学,关于大家所关心的成绩单问题,我已向Admissions Director考证,并得到官方答复。


在我与招生官老师沟通后了解到,2013年秋季的Full-Time MS Finance Program的招生工作即将大规模展开,请各位同学不要着急。我们也了解到其他部分高校或已发放首轮的录取结果,对于各位申请者关于录取的选择、焦急等待录取结果的心情我们非常理解,在此向各位申请同学表示深深的歉意。我们一直在尽一切努力尽快筹备、开展2013年秋季的全盘招生程序。


各位同学大家好:我是约翰霍普金斯大学Full-Time MS Finance项目招生办公室的研究生助理。由于我们的招生老师们经常会接到大量来自同学们的邮件以及电话来询问这个项目,并且由于这个项目刚刚于2012 Fall开设,网络上的信息比较少,所以老师们希望我来为同学们开贴答疑。


The Johns Hopkins University及Carey Business School简介:
约翰霍普金斯大学(简称JHU),是1897年成立于Baltimore, Maryland的美国第一所现代研究型大学。我校的医学、公共卫生、空间科学、国际关系、文学、音乐等学科均享誉世界,连续31年列为全美科研经费开支最高的大学。根据Wikipedia,我校有36名校友或教师获得了诺贝尔奖。同时,JHU亦是全美大学联盟(AAU)的14所创始学校之一。约翰霍普金斯大学在各类大学排名中均名列前茅:US News国家级大学排名13名,QS世界大学排名16名,上海交大世界排名17名Bloomberg School of Public Health历年来皆为全美第1,School of Advanced International Studies也是全美最顶尖的国际关系学院,而Peabody Institute也是全美最顶尖的三所音乐学院之一。
Carey Business School,作为约翰霍普金斯大学九个学院中最年轻的一份子也在不断的开拓进取之中。Carey的前身为1909年创立的School of Professional Studies in Business and Education。2007年,该学院分为教育学院和Carey商学院,其中Carey由投资银行家William Polk Carey捐资5000万美元成立。2010年,Carey推出的Global MBA项目被Forbes评为全美十大商学院创新项目。Carey也积极挖掘自身优势,开设除了许多特色项目,比如MD/MBA,MBA/Master of Public Health,MBA/MA Design Leadership等极具特色的优势项目;同时学院正在积极寻求与其他学院的优势科目进行合作,相信会有更多的特色项目。现阶段而言,Carey确实是一个较为年轻的商学院,但作为霍普金斯的一份子,Carey势必也必将努力跻身全美一流商学院的行列。

我们现在有2个金融学硕士的Option,分别是:1. Part-time MSF 以及 2. Full-time MSF
Part-time MS Finance: 主要是为具有工作经验的同学设立,而授课老师也主要是在金融行业从业的具有PhD学位的兼职教授。这个项目上课主要是在晚上和周末上课,以方便大华府地区的工作人士,甚至有同学从纽约赶来上课,课堂中的同学们年龄普遍较大,工作5-7年等的比比皆是。教授资料:
Full-time MS Finance: 主要为没有工作经验的刚从本科毕业的同学开设,授课老师主要是Carey的全职教授,并且录取时主要考察学生的GPA、GMAT、本科学习的内容等。这个项目在华盛顿特区上课。主要是白天上课。现在分为上午和下午两个班。每个班不到40个人。Accelerated MSF学生与Part-time MSF的同学的选修课是同时一起上的,所以Accelerated MSF同学的选修课是在晚上或周末上课的。

关于上课地点的问题:Johns Hopkins 主校区:整个Johns Hopkins University的主校区在Baltimore Homewood Campus,学校很大,非常漂亮,建筑风格很美。
Carey Business School主校区:Carey商学院的主校区在Baltimore Harbor East Campus,并不在JHU主校区内,是在Baltimore的一处海港旁边的Legg Mason大楼里,其中1至2楼为Carey所租用(窗外即是海港,非常美丽),这里主要是Global MBA的学生以及其他Base在Baltimore的商学院学生。
Washington DC Center: Carey还有其他的办公地点,但与同学们联系最为紧密的是Washington DC Center,该中心在华盛顿特区的闹市区DuPont Circle附近的1625 Massachusetts Ave NW。整个这个区域共有3个学院:分别是School of Advanced International Studies (全美顶尖的国际关系学院);另外是School of Arts and Science (文理学院)。学校周边是使馆区,有各国的使馆以及Think Tank (如Brookings Institution);同时有各种餐馆、酒吧,离DC各区的博物馆、World Bank、IMF等也很近,生活丰富多彩。

本届Accelerated MS Finance项目设计时长为12个月,分别为Fall1, Fall2, Spring 1, Spring 2, Summer。从第一年8月一直上课到第二年8月止。
学校正在酌情考量是否要把Summer空余出来以为同学们找Summer Intern之用,故有可能将会延长至一年以上。
全职教授一般来自名校,比如大家都很喜欢Microeconomics教授毕业于U Chicago, 曾在Ross School of Business任教。

1. 面试问题:今年招生委员会将着力于招生录取的选拔工作。整个申请在今年据说会有3轮审核:首先是书面材料审核,考察内容包括G、T、本科学习等;接下来是招生委员会老师面试审核;最终极有可能会加入教授委员会面试审核(未最终确定);但2013 Fall的同学们应该都会有面试这一环节了。这一环节的加入主要是着力考察申请者的口语能力,因为课程进度比较快,学校也不希望有同学过来以后长期无法适应。但各位申请的同学不要着急,材料审核工作仍在有条不紊的进行之中。
2. 托福单项25分问题: 在2012Fall的招生中,招生委员会提出了托福单项未达到25分需要上ESL课程的要求;但委员会正在考虑取消这一要求(未最终决定),于是在录取工作中加入面试以考察同学们的英语能力,招生老师们也了解到,分数并不代表能力。

Fall 2012 Class Profile:
GMAT 710, TOEFL 105, Undergrad GPA 3.5, Female 60%, Male, 40%, 3 months internship

申请流程之Transcript Evaluation
1. 所有在美国以外完成的学位都需要完全Course by course的认证,认定其等同于美国的同级别学位。
2. 即使您现在仍然是在读学生,不能在每年的4月1号(秋季申请截止日期)或者10月15号(春季申请截止日期)前完成学业,也需要提交Course by course的认证。
3. 如果您被录取,在您的录取信中将附加条件:您需要在第一学期结束前提交一份最新的能认证您获得了前述的学位的认证

Johns Hopkins Carey Business School
Office of Admissions
100 International Drive
Baltimore, MD 21202

其他申请问题:1. 现在申请是否为时已晚?
2. 如果在系统更新前提交了Part-time MSF的申请,是否会纳入Full-time MSF的考量?
请您在面试或与Admission Team的沟通中,表明您的情况,并且希望进入Full-time。按照去年的情况,所有的应届生均将被纳入Full-time MSF。
3. 如果有工作经验,可否申请Full-time项目?
4. 如果被录取了Part-time项目/Full-time项目,能否转入Full-time/Part-time项目?
5. “我的背景是......,能否被录取?”

基本上所有的课程的都会在Washington DC Center完成。但原则上,选修课可以选择Baltimore Harbor East Campus的课程。但路途相对遥远,学校也把Available的选修课放在Washington DC Center ,大部分的学生也选择在DC校区上课。 注意:所有在白天的课程只在Washington DC Center提供。
Full-Time MSF在读期间是否可以实习、工作:相信同学们最为关注的也是实习及工作问题。以下是JHCBS关于F-1学生工作、实习的政策。
Carey Business School在大家Orientation期间就会请International Office的老师为大家详细讲解CPT、OPT、On-Campus Employment、Internship、SSN等。

在Washington DC Center学习期间的住房问题:鉴于有同学已经收到Spring 2013的录取,相信有些同学需要Relocate到Washington DC来。在此,我尽我所能为大家提供一些住房信息。
1. Carey Business School不能为任何学生提供On-Campus Housing.
2. 由于国际关系学院(Nitze SAIS)与我们仅一街之隔。大家可以登录国际关系学院的Off-Campus Housing寻找有效信息。Link:
3. 由于Washington DC本身较小,同学们可以在附近的Maryland州、Virginia州的地铁沿线寻找住房。
4. 离学校较近的地铁站是: DuPont Circle, Farragut West, Farragut North, 可以根据住处远近寻找离上述地铁站不远住处。
5. 以下几个区域相对比较受欢迎:DuPont Circle, Foggy Bottom, Gallery Place (Chinatown), Friendship Heights, Bethesda, Georgetown, Pentagon City, Crystal City, etc.
6. 学校处于DC市中心。距离学校越近,房租相对越高。

Fall 1: Accounting and Financial Reporting, Economics for Decision Making, Statistical Analysis
Fall 2: Corporate Finance, Business Communication, The Firm and the Macro-economy, Elective (such as Corporate Governance, Entrepreneurial Finance, Environmental Finance, etc.)
Spring 1: Fixed Income, Investment, Financial Institution, Elective (Wealth Management, Advanced Accounting, etc.)
Spring 2: Financial Modeling, Derivatives, Leadership Ethics Seminar, Elective (Mergers and Acquisitions,Risk Management, etc.)
Summer: Finance Capstone, Elective
以上是Fall 2012届的同学们的课程的大致安排,但2013届应该会有显著变化(具体仍在研究之中)。


JHCBS将于2013年1月开始着力于2013 Fall Full-Time的招生录取工作,请同学们耐心等待,感谢同学们对JHCBS的厚爱。
Welcome to Johns Hopkins Community!
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-27 22:16:08 | 只看该作者
GMBA Student对于Johns Hopkins Carey Business School的看法(转载)以下是转发自GMATclub.com论坛中的一位Johns Hopkins Carey Business School GMBA学生对于JHCBS的看法,可供同学们在择校中作为参考。
I believe I maybe one of the mythical JHU full-time MBAs you are discussing and I'll be gladto weigh in! First off, this is a worthwhile discussion. Choosing to go to a"startup" b-school is a big decision. The best I can do is offer myperspective and explain the logic I used when deciding to come to Carey. I'lltry to address only the themes that you all brought up directly.

My background: I grew up in Africa, went to a Virginiastate school to study Computer Science, joined a software company that wasrecently acquired by Oracle, and started another company that raised some moneybut then failed in the economic downturn.

Accreditation: In my mind, this didn't matter atall. As many of you have mentioned, Johns Hopkins is a world-renownedinstitution of higher learning. They are not going to graduate incapablefull-time MBAs. I have had employers ask me about accreditation, but the questionalways more of a "why did you choose to go to a school with no trackrecord" question.

Alumni base: We've graduated thousands of part-timeMBAs for many years. While our alumni base may be more localized than some, itis active and passionate about the new program. At the end of the day, even analum won't just hand new graduates jobs. They may help get an interview, butafter that, you're on your own.

Name recognition: JHU is considered one of the mostrecognized educational brands worldwide. Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Berkeley,Columbia, and Yale are other names that carry similar heft. Ask people inEurope or Asia outside the MBA bubble about Northwestern, Chicago, UPenn (letalone the words Kellogg, Booth, or Wharton) and you might be left with some courteousnods. However, if you want admission to the "MBA world" of jobs, youmay want to go to one of those schools. I was willing to take my chances withJohns Hopkins on my resume. Similarly, the number of American hirers who haveheard of any European b-schools besides Oxford and Cambridge is small. (Sad buttrue)

Track record for recruiting: The only stats I know comefrom the inaugural class' internships last summer. We had a 99% internshipplacement rate (of all students, not just those who reported). Some of thecompanies we worked for include Accenture, Acumen Fund,
Amazon, Apple, Disney, Goldman,IBM, J&J, Kiva, Microsoft, Siemens, UBS, the US State Department, and theUnited Nations.

Finance placement: Some companies I know thatclassmates received offers from include: Deutche Bank, Citigroup, Barclays, BNYMellon, Brown Advisory, Stifel Nicolaus, UBS, and in the non-profit space,Grameen, Kiva, and Ashoka. I worked as a Senior FA last summer in InvestorRelations for Agilent Technologies (NYSE: A)

Ranking: Right now, we're not concerning ourselves withrankings. We have incredible students, brilliant faculty, and cool jobs.Rankings will come with accreditation and time.

Regional Perception: GW, UMD, and Georgetown are allgreat schools. However, I wanted a top-tier name on my resume that would get meinto the interview rooms at the most selective companies in the US (like Googleand Amazon). Georgetown, UMD, and GWUhaven't placed anyone at either company in the past year. We have and I believethat speaks to the quality of both our brand and our students.

At the end of the day, what matters most is what you want out of an MBA. Do you follow the statusquo, or are you willing to walk the road less traveled? Are you willing tochallenge yourself in the company of world-class faculty in a small-schoolenvironment? Do you want a mandatory abroad component that is more involvedthan the week-long "field-trip" common at most b-schools? Do you wantto work on commercializing a discovery from JHU's immense body of research?

It's not for everyone, but it was for me.

Jack Hirsch
Carey Business School '12
Johns Hopkins University

 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-27 22:16:24 | 只看该作者
相信同学们都非常关注JHCBS的Career Services团队所能为大家提供的服务。以下简要为大家介绍Carey日常的一些Career Services的活动。
1. Career Conference: 在Orientation期间会有一个为期2天的Career Conference。主要目的是为了更好的建立与Career Services Team的合作关系,同时会有关于Networking, Professional image, professional discovery等的presentation,并且也会安排与校友会面。

2. Professional Development Course: JHCBS将提供每周的课程贯穿整个项目,内容包括Professional Focus exploration, resume and cover letter development, interview skills training, negotiation, and more.

3. Individual Career Advising: JHCBS将在您到达Carey的第一天起即安排您与Career Adviser 1对1的面谈,同时将提供个性化的帮助与指导并建立个性化的求职档案。内容包括:Target List Generation, Networking Skills, Interviewing, industry preparation, and more.

4. Programming: Career Services Team将提供面对面的以及网上的Work shop以及event,包括:Online Programming以及Boot Camp.

5. Peer Mentor Program:Career Services Team也将请在校的高年级师兄师姐为新生提供帮助以及Networking的机会。

6. Employer Visit:公司的代表将来到JH校园为大家进行宣讲。2012-13年进行了On-Campus Recruiting的公司代表有:Booz Allen Hamilton, DaVita, Johnson&Johnson, MGM Resort International and Sodexo等等

7. Job Posting and Resume Collections:Career Services Team将会经常性的在学校的Database里更新本土及跨国公司的招聘机会;而Employer Relations Team也会针对与Carey有合作关系的公司进行Targeted Resume Collections。

8. Treks: Career Services Team也将积极的组织学生去公司实地考察、与Management Team面谈等。已经去访过的城市包括:纽约市、芝加哥、三藩市、休斯顿等。公司包括:BD Diagnostics, BNY Mellon, Facebook, Google, PwC, 以及Xerox等。

9. Alumni Services:作为JHCBS的一员,Career Services Team致力于与所有的校友以及未来的各位保持Lifelong Relationship。所有的就业指导以及咨询服务对所有的JHCBS学生开放。

From President Daniels: Announcing a historic gift to Johns Hopkins
Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students,

I am thrilled today to make an announcement of truly historic significance: Michael R. Bloomberg, devoted alumnus, visionary entrepreneur, extraordinary philanthropist and the distinguished Mayor of the City of New York, has committed $350 million to The Johns Hopkins University.

This gift is the largest that our university has ever received. With this gift, Mike’s lifetime philanthropy to Johns Hopkins will exceed $1 billion, which we believe makes him the largest single contributor to an American institution of higher education in history.

In announcing the gift today, Mike observed that:

“Johns Hopkins University has been an important part of my life since I first set foot on campus almost five decades ago. Each dollar I have given has been well-spent improving the institution, and just as importantly, making its education available to students who might otherwise not be able to afford it. Giving is only meaningful if the money will make a difference in people’s lives and I know of no other institution that can make a bigger difference in lives around the world through its groundbreaking research—especially in the field of public health.”

The majority of Mike’s most recent gift, $250 million, will endow 50 new professorships across the university to be known as the Bloomberg Distinguished Professors.

Each year for the next five years, ten new professorships will be created. The vast majority of the professorships will be used to recruit outstanding colleagues from across the country and, indeed, the world. Faculty appointed to these chairs will hold a formal appointment in two or more of the university’s divisions. The Bloomberg Distinguished Professors will enhance significantly the university’s longstanding commitment to research, teaching and service that spans disciplinary boundaries, which is manifest in areas as diverse as neuroscience, global health, international studies and biomedical engineering. These professorships will be a very tangible way for us to knit our one university even more closely together.

The Bloomberg Distinguished Professorships will be the cornerstone of a larger effort to raise $1 billion during our forthcoming campaign to facilitate and enrich our capacity for collaborative work across disciplines. In particular, the professors will help to anchor the signature initiatives, a set of compelling interdisciplinary priorities that are emerging through an extensive consultative process begun more than two years ago, involving all of the university’s deans and directors and more than 100 faculty members.

As I have reported to you previously, with generous investments from other donors and seed capital from the deans, the President and the Provost, we recently launched initiatives in individualized health and the science of learning. With the benefit of this most recent gift, we expect to announce shortly initiatives in three other areas: water sustainability, urban revitalization and global health. We also anticipate announcing additional initiatives centered on new and emerging collaborative scholarship, teaching and service opportunities.

$100 million of this breathtaking $350 million gift will be dedicated to need-based financial aid for undergraduate students, ensuring that the most talented and committed students are admitted to the university’s classrooms, regardless of economic circumstance. Over the next ten years, 2,600 Bloomberg Scholarships will be awarded. This gift adds to the $64 million that Mike has previously provided to undergraduate financial aid, and the $54.5 million in financial assistance he has provided to other students across the university.

The gift that Mike is announcing today builds on a truly remarkable legacy of giving to the university.

Mike graduated from Johns Hopkins in 1964 from the School of Engineering.

While here, he served on the Student Council, joined the Omicron Delta Kappa leadership society, and became President of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. To pay his tuition, he worked as a parking lot attendant at the Hopkins Club. In his senior year, he was elected president of his class.

Over the next several decades, as Mike built his own company in the financial news and information sector, he would give to his university in practically every way possible: through his leadership, his counsel, his expertise, and his philanthropy.

From 1987 to 2002, he served on the Board of Trustees and chaired the first several years of the Johns Hopkins Initiative Campaign, which concluded in 2000 and raised more than $1.5 billion. From 1996 to 2002, he served as the 13th chair of the Board of Trustees, helping to guide the university through a vast array of major strategic decisions.

Through the years, Mike has reshaped the university through his boundless philanthropy. His gifts have funded research, fueled public health initiatives around the world, provided an education to our neediest students, and helped to build a hospital and much of the physical structure of the university.

There is little doubt that the modern history of Johns Hopkins has been inextricably and profoundly shaped by the remarkable dedication and generosity of Mike Bloomberg.

He is a visionary philanthropist on the order of Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Leland Stanford and our own founder, Johns Hopkins.

We are so much better for his unprecedented generosity, leadership and service.

On behalf of the faculty, the students, the alumni, the patients and the staff associated with our university, I want to express our earnest appreciation and gratitude for this most extraordinary gift, from this most extraordinary graduate.


Ronald J. Daniels
 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-27 22:16:37 | 只看该作者
相信也有很多同学对于教授的背景信息感兴趣,在此我向各位提供部分授课老师的信息。以下只是教授Fall 2012 MSF的教授中的极少一部分的信息,JHCBS同时有大量Senior Professional Instructor,他们是具有业界多年全职工作经验的,并具有PhD的人士,JHCBS聘用挖掘这些SPI教授的目的在于更多的在课堂中加入实践的成分,希望学生可以将课堂理论真正与实际问题相结合,促进学生更好的吸收知识以及更好的就业。
Economicsfor Decision Making:
Mario Macis, PhD (Economics, University ofChicago), Assistant Professor
Was a professor at Ross School of Business,University of Michigan

TheFirm and Macro-economy
Isaac Megbolugbe, PhD (Real EstateEconomics and Finance, University of Pennsylvania), Associate Professor

Shabnam Mousavi, PhD in Economics, PhD inStatistics, Post Doctorate in Finance from Virginia Polytechnic Institute

Arefaine Ghebre-Yohannes, PhD (Economics,Northwestern University)

Federico M. Bandi, PhD (Economics, YaleUniversity), Professor

Accountingand Financial Reporting:
Xian Sun, PhD (Finance, RensselaerPolytechnic Institute), Assistant Professor

Ken Yook, PhD (Finance, University ofNebraska-Lincoln), Associate Professor


在JHCBS中,学生社团及各类组织是较为丰富的, 同时有相当一部分是与各位同学未来的职业发展规划目标相一致的。

Carey Student Clubs andOrganizations:


Carey Beer Club:

Carey Business Buddhist Club:

Carey Cross-CulturalCommunication Club

Carey Professional Exchange:

Carey Wine Society

Carey Women in Business:

(这里隆重推荐Equity Analyst Team,是非常专业的学生社团组织,同时人数少而精,Program Director也会亲自督导,对MS Finance的学生中想从事这个职业方向的同学是非常好的锻炼机会。)

Full-Time Student Association:

Golf and Tennis Club

International Student BusinessAssociation

Investment Banking Club

(同时也隆重推荐这个新成立的Investment Banking Club,会定期组织各类Guest Speaker Series,请各类教授、校友、业界人士来进行讲座,效果很好。)

Johns Hopkins Healthcare BusinessAssociation:

(Net Impact是一个为期几天的系列活动,最近一次在马里兰州举行,参会者可以与几千名商界人士、MBA等Network,有各种各样的讲座以及Networking机会,JHCBS Chapter将为参会同学提供折扣)

Professional Student Association:

(PSA主要负责举办各种Networking events,由于主要针对的是Part-Time学生,将有大量的Part-Time的及校友参加,Full-Time的学生也鼓励多多参与,可以与Part-Time学生以及校友们简历联系)

Social Innovation Lab

Strategic Leadership Club

Technology and Innovation Club:

与此同时,我们也希望2013级有更多有创意有想法的同学加入到Johns Hopkins Carey Business School,同时发起号召建立起各位同学自己感兴趣的社团,同时也服务于整个Johns Hopkins Community。并且,在建立新社团的过程中,与院内的教授老师、校友、学长们多多建立联系,进行Network,为各位的职业发展也添砖加瓦。
发表于 2012-11-27 22:16:44 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-11-27 22:17:21 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-11-27 22:20:47 | 只看该作者

发表于 2012-11-27 22:22:30 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-27 22:27:26 | 只看该作者

-- by 会员 Karmalot (2012/11/27 22:20:47)

 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-27 22:36:39 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 qazse000 (2012/11/27 22:17:21)

项目的Placement我手边暂时没有数据,正在找Career Services的Director要。但是由于整个项目新开第一届,应该没有很多的数据提供。
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