AD:USC,UFL , PPD, Denver, Emerson OFFER:WPI REJ:Columbia, Northwestern, Bentley 石沉大海:Clemson
一年前的今天,2010年5月12日,还记得熬夜背机经,睡梦中还在幻想513第一次GMAT就能上六破七 六是上了,不过后面是两个零,于是开始了四次征G、三次杀T之路 整整一年,恍若隔世,尤其是翻看那张杀G的帖子的时候,总是各种滋味 http://forum.chasedream.com/GMAT_Preparation/thread-490388-1-1.html 而今,终于拿到了它,真心喜欢的它,USC-communication management 于我而言,它很珍贵,很珍贵,虽然不是大牛校,不是最好的专业 但却是我这一年最美的回馈,最值得的等待,也是一段故事最好的结局
(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
小妞总共申请了10所学校,专业是marketing,其中也申请了一些例如international business、global business等相关专业
1. 哥大-marketing:秒拒小妞 early deadline:2-1
Application Instruction Link
项目的介绍在才子的帖子里面有说明,小妞这就不多说了,不过小妞一向觉得顶尖的学校,梦想中的学校一定要果断申请,无所谓结果,就算属于圆梦行为,也要果断尝试,世事难料的,多给自己一些机会和运气,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……所以后来的筒子要果断申请哇哈哈
-Scanned TOEFL score (我是用的查分网页截图)
G/T Official Score (G/T成绩网上官方送分)
In 300-700 words please indicate your expected track (Market Research; Branding and Communications; or Innovation and New Products) and describe your reasons for pursuing a Master of Science in Marketing. In addition, please indicate which elective courses you plan to take, making sure that the selected courses fit with your chosen track. As the MS program aims at building expertise and analytical skills in one of the three tracks, it is important that MS students take electives from within and outside the Business School . Depending on the chosen track, we encourage applicants to consider Ph.D. courses as well as university classes offered by Economics, Engineering, Journalism, Psychology, Sociology, Statistics, Teachers College, etc. The following links provide the list of courses offered by the business school and the university.http://www4.gsb.columbia.edu/ms/marketing/academics/degree https://boss.gsb.columbia.edu/registrar-student/Home.tap http://www.columbia.edu/cu/bulletin/uwb/
In 200–300 words please describe your short-term and/or long-term career goals. How do you envision the Master of Science in Marketing degree will help you attain your goals? Please be specific.
2.Northwestern –IMC:连面试的机会都木有给小妞,平邮拒信,无email通知
Application Instruction Link
G/T Official Score (G/T成绩网上官方送分)
1. Describe your interest in Medill's Integrated Marketing Communications program. What experiences have led you to apply? How will this program help you achieve your career goals? What experiences have drawn you toward a career in integrated marketing communications and what steps you have taken to prepare for or advance your career?
2. What do you think works? Imagine you are asked to give advice to a CMO of a multi-channel, global retail brand/company. The CMO has asked you to describe what you think the marketing communications priorities should be for the next three years in order to grow brand awareness among 18-30 year-olds. What would you say?
3. Choose a statistic that made a strong impression on you (any fact or set of facts expressed in numbers, percentiles, etc.) Identify your source for the data (publication, web page, broadcast report and date, etc.) What do you find significant about this statistic? Why should anyone else care about it?
4. What do you see as the biggest challenge you would face as a student in Medill's IMC program, and what strategies you would use to overcome it?
3. USC-communication management-marketing track
这个是我大爱的项目,因为在LA哈哈哈,而且美女多,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
Application Instruction Link
üTwo letters of recommendation required
G/T Official Score (G/T成绩网上官方送分)
üConfidential statement of financial support
4. university of florida- Master of Arts in International Business
Application Instruction Link
- Resume (email to jeff.alfred@warrington.ufl.edu)
-2 letters of recommendation
G/T Official Score (G/T成绩官方送分)
-Official Transcripts (1)
Explain your purpose for graduate study, including your current degree goals and reasons for selecting a particular field of study. Please limit the essay to 400-500 words. (or 4985 characters)
5. Pepperdine MS Global Business
无敌海景学校,就是贵~!其他的我也不知道说啥袅,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
Application Instruction Link
-Two letters of recommendation
-Funding Documentation (bank statement)
-International Student Data Form (attached)
G/T Official Score (G/T成绩官方送分)
6. WPI M.S. in Marketing and Technological Innovation
Application Instruction Link
üThree letters of recommendation required
G/T Official Score (G/T成绩网上官方送分)
1.Describe your short-term and long-term career goals and how you expect the WPI Graduate Management Program to assist you in attaining them.
2.If there is any additional information you believe would be useful to the Admissions Committee, please attach an additional sheet of paper.
学时够长,课程够丰富,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……其他的我也不知道该说啥
Application Instruction Link
-2 letters of recommendation
G/T Official Score (G/T成绩网上官方送分)
What contribution will you make to the Daniels learning environment? Include examples of previous experience which demonstrate your readiness for graduate school, specific to the program for that you are applying (maximum 350 words).
Application Instruction Link
-Online Application ($75 )
G/T Official Score (G/T成绩网上官方送分)
10.Bentley- MS Marketing Analytics果断因为小妞托福99拒了