这是我们的projects的描述的表,具体project是啥貌似confidential的,我就不说了。msf的课的编号都是BAFI开始,是banking and finance的简写,就像macc是ACCT。前两个项目是跟keybank的,keybank上学期就跟msf做过一个非正式的项目,后来给了一个学生internship,还推荐了那个学生去minneapolis的一个银行工作了最后。第三个项目是跟transdigm,貌似是总部在Cleveland的的一个大的制造飞机零部件的公司,想并购另外一家公司让帮忙分析评估这个acquisition opportunity。
BAFI 501 – Action Learning
Project Preference Form
Please rank-order your preference for the projects below.We will try our hardest to ensure you get your first or second choice.Your first choice should be labeled “1”, and your second choice “2”.Only choose two of the three choices.
____Project 1 – Setting Commercial Loan Terms in Commercial Real Estate Lending
____Project 2 – Incorporating International Bonds in a Fixed Income Fund
____Project 3 – Evaluating an Acquisition Opportunity for a Strategic Acquiror