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[资料分享] 看北美时的总结_教育学习

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发表于 2011-12-2 18:35:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

1关于socialized 的好处

A child is likelyto grow into an ineffectual, even an anti-social adult unless he or she isallowed sufficient opportunities for healthy interaction with peers.

To witness healthysocialization in action , one need look no further than the school background ,where children learn to negotiate, cooperate, and assert(维护) themselves in a respectful manners, and they canlearn about the harmful results of bullying(欺负弱小) andother anti-social behavior.

Grow to be effectiveleaders, tolerant and respectful members and good citizens.

 …is only one factor influencing the extent towhich an individual will contribute to a better society.

SB’s success hadmore to do with parental influence than with socialization.

When it comes towhether a child grows up to contribute to a better society ,the key determinant决定因素 is factors such as seminal childhood event , parental influence, rawintelligence ,and personal conviction (信念)


Education designedto satisfy with the different student's needs and interests is the requirementof the essence of education to assureeach student an equal opportunity to achieve individual accomplishment, tounearth the unique potential of body, mind and spirit.

Education designed to unearth the students’ unique potential ofbodies, mind and spirit, to assure all students can achieve their ownaccomplishments, and to help them grow to be respectful members and goodcitizens.

课堂内外  50


1.     有的并没有合适岗位 no appropriate profession

2.      浪费作学术和科研的时间

humanities 人文科学 :literature . philosophy, art

纯理论研究  pure theoretical field including mathematics,philosophy

for those who workin the pure theoretical field, it is meaningless to compel them to gain theexperience in the practical work.

distracting themfrom the research and instruction work they should concentrate on如:biology  biochemistry


开阔视野、了解前沿发展趋势;研究成果更快(by leaps and bounds)转化为科技产品。如:IT, 电子electronics 最新手机的技术,最新网络的程序medical 最新的药物,治疗方法

The professor withfield experience is better able to impart useful , up-to-date information aboutwhat work in the field entails

To some academicarea such as engineering, faculty members should be encouraged to work outsidefor some time in order to better orient instruction to students for futurecareer

提供一定的工作机会Also the professor can recommend thosestudents who did excellent on their study to some jobs, which relieve thepressure of finding jobs.

   教授很有建树引导学生兴趣 faculty who are actively engaged in their fields cometo class with fresh insight深刻的见解 and a contagious有感染力的excitement about the subjects at hand ,moreover they bring to theirstudents practical ,real-world examples of the principles and theoriesdiscussed in textbooks which sparking interest and even motivating somestudents to pursuer the field as a career.

   更早的和职业接轨;help students who areserious about pursuing a career in that field to make more informed careerdecisions如:管理学

management 商学commercialcollege绝对需要教授有从商经历:很多细节的信息,对市场的把握,案例的分析,消费者的心理

Skepticism should be encouraged at all but the mostbasic levels of education

If we were all toaccept on blind faith all that we are taught , our society would never progressor evolve.

Passive acceptanceof prevailing流行的 principles quells平息 innovation, invention, and discovery.

In fact , the verynotion of scientific progress is predicated on rigorous scientific inquiry -inother worlds, skepticism.

History is repletewith充满 examples of students who challengedwhat they had been taught , thereby pavingthe way for scientific progress.为科学发展铺路

If all thestudents are nurtured in the way to conform the traditional ideas or values, I’mhard-pressed to imagine what the scientificworld would be without the innovative scientistssuch as Einstein,establishing the relative theory by breaking down the traditional theory—thatthe time and space was linear, or that the literature realm would be withoutthe eccentric literati such as Shakespeare, opening atotally different door for the human literature world, or what will the artisticfield be without the idiosyncratic arts such as Leonardo da Vinci莱奥纳多·达·芬奇 to make the impressive paintings?

Students mustthink critically about the assumptions假定underlyingthe status quo现状; otherwise, tyranny暴虐, oppression镇压,and prejudice go unchecked. 不受抑制的


People mustcontinually question the fairness and relevance关联ofcurrent laws, otherwise, our laws would not evolve to reflect changingsocietal values and to address new legal issues arising from our ever-evolvingtechnologies.


Even in the art,students must challenge established styles and forms rather than learn toimitate模仿 them ; otherwise , no genuinely new artwould ever emerge出现.


Observation andcommon sense informs me that youngsters must first develop a foundation of experientialknowledge before they can begin to think critically about what they arelearning




Hold theultimately legal authority to make the decision (curriculum, books, schedule)

Familiarity with ,unique need of their children  besteducation choice, best suited


One of theirhighest priorities.

Parents, who have been together with children sincetheir birth, can play a significant role in educating them. Children can learnmany principles in life from their parents who are behaving as models for them.For example, study shows that many children tend to learn from their parents incommunicating with other people. If the parents always behave politely andconsiderately when talking with others in front of their children, it would be likelythat the children will do this in the same way as they are communicating withtheir peers or classmates. In addition, parents know the best of their ownchildren's characteristics, habits and interests, so they can give childrengood suggestions when they are confronted with difficult problems, and arrangethe most suitable after class schedules according the children's particularconditions. Therefore, parents are quite important in ensuring a good educationin life for their children.


Litter or noeducation

Not equipped to knowwhat ..

Lack specializedtraining to appreciate what pedagogicalmethod are most effective, what constitutes a balanced education, how developmentalpsychology affected a child’s capacity for learning at different levels and at differentstages of childhood.

In many jurisdiction  have the option of Schooling children at home

A child’sintellectual, social , and psychological development is at risk.



It is alsonecessary for communities where the children live to join the efforts ineducating children. Communities have a society-oriented educationalenvironment, which is not possessed by schools, to exert positive influence onthe development of children in the long run. For instance, the community canorganize children to work as volunteers for people who are in need of help,such as disabled children, neglected elderlyand so forth. These activities can cultivate the children with theawareness of lending a helping hand to people who are in need. This is a formof education that can be obtained only through hands-on activities andexperiences rather than school teaching. The function of community in educatingchildren also lies in the vacation programs. As many children are left at homeduring long vocations when their parents should go to work, the community canassume担任 the responsibility to look after andeducate children by organizing them to the community center and helping themspend their vacation time in a meaningful way which could involve doinghomework, communicating with others, visiting the nearby museum, playing gamesand so on.



Received abalanced , properly paced education


While parents and communities should be involved inchildren's education, they just play an auxiliary role by cooperating withschool education. The main duty of educating children should be and only can betaken by professional educators. Firstly, it is in the school where childrenlearn academic knowledge in a systematical way. Qualified teachers are trainedprofessionals who know the best of how to motivate children and help them learneffectively. Secondly, teachers can help children with psychological problemsthat only could be solved by people with certain amount of expertise. Sinceparents who are not professionals may find it difficult to help their childrenget rid of those problems, communication and cooperation with teachers can bean advisable solution. Thirdly, teachers can carry out long-term strategies in educatingchildren and help them develop skills continuously. Children spend most oftheir daily life at school where teachers guide them to practice many kinds ofskills in a coherent way. Different from parents who may be too busy to helpchildren with study everyday, teachers have enough time and also responsibilityto do so.


student-centerededucation plays a critical role in the realm of education

undue emphasis on过分强调 the student-center education will producea chilling effect on the development of the students.


the compulsory lessons, such as mathematics and physics,and so forth, in a state is mostly similarly, even the same, designed asunified form in different elementary schools or high schools without considering the individual's needs orinterests, just on the basis of the traditional or so-called principles orrules.


people assert thecharacterized development other than the unified one. In this sense, the schooldesigns a series of education methods determined on acase-by-case basis, such as the Englishspecialized classes for the students being well in language, or the gifted classes for the students with gifted talent.

education designedto satisfy the individual needs and interests serves to as important catalyst催化剂for individuals in life journey.

Over-specifiededucation will narrow down students’ ken/horizon视野andcapability of acclimation to future career

The traditionalteacher-oriented education often neglects the individual needs and interests ofeach student, which proves counterproductive.事与愿违的

教育上 pragmatic or idealistic

they tend to cutwhatever corners are needed to optimize their grade average and survive thecurrent academic term

In fact, a sense of missionabout one's area of fascination is strong motivation to participate actively inclass and to study earnestly, both of whichcontribute to better grades in that area. Thus, although the idealist-studentmight sacrificea high overall grade average, the depthof knowledge, academic discipline, and sense of purpose the student gainswill servethat student well laterin life.

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发表于 2011-12-2 19:14:51 | 只看该作者
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