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大家好,这里是由KnightBM给您能带来的精选GRE写作资料分享帖,第十七贴 新GRE作文指导资料分享系列十七《看北美范文总结之政治类文章要点》 政治类总结 政治家的正直 (8政治家应该对公众保留某些信息) (167一个富有成效的领导人不可能总是说真话。正直对于政治家来讲没有用) //SARS时期Asian的一些国家隐瞒病情变化情况。 //艾森豪维尔Eisenhower曾经派遣飞行员pilot侦察spy苏联的军事情况。 //Nixon的watergate //Enron Gate,和Bush //国家军队的实力、军队部署。国家关键的科技发展计划等不能轻易公布。 提纲小结: 支持保留信息 必须承认,无法避免的一些涉及国家安全的机密,政治家很难将所有信息都公布。世界各国之间都是相互竞争的,有些国家之间还是相互敌对的antagonistic。 反对保留信息 1、政治家可能滥用权利,这种后果甚至会威胁到国家安全。 2、政治家不能随意决定哪些消息可以公布,否则很可能滥用权利,为自己争取利益。这样会造成政治corruption和人民权益的损害。 政治家的道德 To be an effectiveleader, as we known, one should possess wisdom, competence, enlightenment,tolerance, shrewd, prowess, resolution, and so on. (43要想成为富有成效的领导,国家官员就必须要保持很高的道德和伦理标准) (169认为政治和道德是分离的那些人,总是对二者不明白的人) //Enron Gate,和Bush 布什指责本·拉登bin Laden及其基地组织要对这些袭击事件负责。10月,他对包庇本·拉登的阿富汗塔利班政府发动了军事行动,击溃了基地组织,迫使塔利班政府下台。2002年后期,布什与英国首相T.布莱尔谴责伊拉克的萨达姆Saddam政府违反联合国决议,继续持有并发展生物、化学和核武器。他们认为已在11月恢复的联合国武器核查不可能发现这些武器,但他们未能说服法国、俄罗斯及联合国安理会的其他成员。2003年布什和布莱尔带头发动了一场对伊拉克的战争,推翻了萨达姆政权。虽然没有发现所谓的武器,在美国协助伊拉克进行民主选举的同时,战斗却在继续和扩大。 //Nixon的watergate scandal //Clinton的sex scandal 提纲小结: 支持道德要求 high standards for one's own public morality areprerequisites for successful social-spiritual leadership. 1、如果官员滥用权利,为自己争取利益。这样会造成政治corruption和人民权益的损害。 2、如果官员道德标准低,就会损害国家名誉,降低人民的信任,影响到其政治举措的实施。 反对道德要求 官员不是道德家moralist,我们没有必要强求他们要比一般人的道德标准高很多,他们也会犯错误。 政治家的独裁 Hitler. Stalin 政治家的丑闻 Nixon Watergate scandal 政治决策和人民意愿 (24当具有权利的人慎用权利时,他们最有富有成效) (45政府官员应该依靠他们自己的判断,而不是不加判断的执行人民的意愿) (79多数政策应该由政治家和政府决定。他们更见多识广,所以可以比公众由更好的判断和想法) (202不像杰出的思想家和艺术家,最有效的政治领导人通常为了妥协屈从公众的意见) //种族歧视。 //SARS时期Asian的一些国家隐瞒病情。 //艾森豪维尔Eisenhower曾经派遣飞行员pilot侦察spy苏联的军事情况。 //Nixon的watergate //Enron Gate,和Bush //购买阿拉斯加Alaska //abraham lincoln 提纲小结: 支持政治家自行决定: 作为当权者,眼光要长远,应该负起责任,敢于作出决定。 反对政治家自行决定 1、当权者如果滥用权利,可能会造成国家秩序的混乱,这种后果甚至会威胁到国家、公司的安全。 2、如果当权者滥用权利,为自己争取利益。这样会造成政治corruption和人民权益的损害。 3、很多人民的意愿是为了社会更加健康发展,政府应该听从这种建议。 政治和人们生活的影响 (97很不幸,但是事实是政治决定和活动影响到人们生活的方方面面) (123可以通过短时间和别人的交往判断他的政治理念。他们的各个方面反映他们的政治信仰) (193不是那些醒目的政治事件而是那些很少被关注的社会变革具有最持久的影响力) //比如市长的施政方针,对平常人就有比较大的影响。推行减少浪费, //种族歧视。race discrimination. //911 //和政体有关。比如,在独裁统治的社会,可能表现不明显。 //看人是否激进。激进的人往往更容易表现出自己的政治倾向。 //看时间。总统大选的时候更容易表现出来。 提纲小结: 政治对人们来说不是一种不幸或者负担。政治是关系到国家兴衰的大事,每个人都有必要关注。 (195政治的目的不是追求理想,而是寻求共同点和有效的共识。) //每个总统、市长mayor竞选时,总是花大力气在宣传上。 //george washington //martin luther king. //abraham lincoln (224审查制度很少很少有是正义的) 购买阿拉斯加 Purchase of Alaska March 30, 1867 In 1867, Seward, Secretary of U.S., agreedto purchase Alaska from Russia for $7 million. At the time,the public thought Seward was crazy to spend so much on a piece of land thatwas mostly unexplored. Ultimately, buying Alaska proved to be a very good move. The discoveryof gold and petroleum in Alaskaended people’s debate. 马丁路德金和种族歧视 Martin Luther King's contributions to ourhistory place him in this inimitable position. In his short life, Martin LutherKing was instrumental in helping us realize and rectify those unspeakable flawswhich were tarnishing the name of America . In those days American Blacks were confinedto positions of second class citizenship by restrictive laws and customs. Tobreak these laws would mean subjugation and humiliation by the police and thelegal system. Beatings, imprisonment and sometimes death were waiting for thosewho defied the System. Hope in America was waning on the part ofmany Black Americans, but Martin Luther King, Jr. provided a candle along witha light. Today Black Americans have federallegislation which provides access and legal protection in the areas of publicaccommodations, housing, voting rights, schools, and transportation. On December 10, 1964, Dr. King received theNobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway . 水门事件 Consider also less egregious examples, suchas President Nixon's withholding of information about his active role in theWatergate cover-up. His behavior demonstrated a concern for self- interestabove the broader interests of the democratic system that granted his politicalauthority in the first place. 克林顿性丑闻 The sexual scandal of President Clinton andMonica Lewinsky is not only a shame of them, but also in defiance of thesocietal moral standards based on love, honor, honesty, and duty. Clinton 's reckless and immoral behavior and its public dissemination had reinforcedthe publication of sexual acts over the internet, radio, and television, and wouldinextricably aggravate the wrongdoings of the adolescence. 法西斯制度 In an autocratic society, people are notonly encouraged but actually coerced into suppressing individual personality;and indeed these people are afraid to think and behave differently—not for fearof being excluded but rather for fear of punishment and persecution by thestate. The modern Communist and Fascist regimes are fitting examples. Every society has its own bundle of values,customs, and mores which most of its members share. 政治词汇短语 an understanding of national values and a commitmentto national loyalty. Lincoln, the 16thpresident of the Unite State , led the Unionduring the Civil war and emancipated slaves in the south. 政治家的才能 Firmness, far-sightedness, wise leadership,warmth, generosity, strong conviction, charismatic oratory and propaganda 政治好句 histories that tell the national story, emphasizingdistinctive features of the national experience, are meant to drive home anunderstanding of national values and a commitment to national loyalty. |