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发表于 2011-12-28 13:19:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

It seems a paradoxthat our efficiencies are much higher than ever before while our leisure time isincreasingly diminishing, but it is actually the reality. The greater ourmobility, the more our destinations each day; the more time-saving facilitieswe use, the more activities we try to attend each day; with more convenientaccess to information, we try to assimilate more of it each day. Nowadays weare forced to do more by the superiors, the competitors, or even by ourselves.Fortunately, we have more opportunities and choices than our predecessors, butat the same time, unfortunately, we have to confront with much more challengesand suffer from much more pressure. Therefore, people may be not able to enjoytheir leisure time much in such an increasingly competitive society,consequently resulting in some serious social problems, such as unemployment, resentment,high suicide rate, anti-social behaviors, and so forth.


The twin robotgeologists, the Mars Exploration Rovers, has successfully launched on thesurface of Mars this year. The rovers have started their mission of looking forsigns of past water, which would be helpful for further determination whetherlife ever arose on Mars.

With the help ofthe Hubble space telescope, we can get more close to the universe and observethe stars, planets, nebulas, galaxies much more conveniently.

In 1895, whenWilhelm Roentgen was working in darkened room, trying to determine the penetratingpower of cathode rays, he noticed that a faint light appeared. These rays hadspecial penetrating power to pass through various substances, and they are thevery X-rays which comprehensively utilized in medical services and scientificresearches.

Althoughscientific research has produced substantial social benefits, it has also posedseveral troubling ethical problems. Public attention was drawn to reportedabuses of human subjects in biomedical experiments, especially during theSecond World War. The physicians and scientists who had conducted biomedicalexperiments on concentration camp prisoners were judged guilty in trials.(科技和道德)

In 1928, AlexanderFleming left some unwashed plates containing some bacteria in his lab while hewas on holiday. When he came back, he found that a mold was all over the plateand all the bacteria were dead. This amazing mold, Penicillin, could inhibitthe growth of many deathful bacteria, and was later comprehensively used inmedical treatment.

公司的偶然发现A researcherworking for 3M, amaterials company, had planned to make the world greatest glue. However, in theresearch he found the world’s worst glue, a sticky substance that never sticks.This glue is one of the best things 3M
ever invented.
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发表于 2011-12-28 15:06:13 | 只看该作者
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