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ron关于og 12 125中助动词的用法(已解决)

发表于 2013-1-3 20:30:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
125. Today, because of improvements in agricultural
technology, the same amount of acreage produces
double the apples that it has in 1910.
(A) double the apples that it has
(B) twice as many apples as it did
(C) as much as twice the apples it has
(D) two times as many apples as there were
(E) a doubling of the apples that it did
详细参见此贴 别被两位版主的讨论误导了》 《
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发表于 2013-1-3 22:45:03 | 只看该作者

关于helping verb的更详细解释(RON):
1 * if you have than/as + subject + FORM OF "TO BE" as the second half of a comparison, then you must have another form of "to be" in the first half of the comparison.

2 * if you have than/as + subject + HELPING VERB as the second half of a comparison, then you must have the SAME helping verb (perhaps in a different tense) in the first half of the comparison.

3 * if you have than/as + subject + FORM OF "TO DO" as the second half of a comparison, then you must have an ACTION VERB (or another form of "to do") in the first half of the comparison.

here are some examples:
If current trends continue, by the year 2010 carbon emissions in the United States  will soar to a level more than one-third higher than that  in 1990, according to official projections.


parking spots are disappearing much more quickly today than they were yesterday.
james can negotiate with salespeople more effectively than stephanie can.
i can run much faster than i could before my most recent knee operation. (note that "could" is the past tense of "can", so these are the same helping verb.)
parking spots disappeared much faster today than they did yesterday.
tanya eats more slowly than she did when she was a teenager. (note that "did" doesn't have to have the same tense as the action verb)


example #3:很confusing的一点,这里不同的时态eats 和did(这个did竟然不是用ate;而这一点在manhattan的章节中清楚说明是要用the working verb,在不同的tense时态中)



并列句也就是所谓的two independent clause,而比较句是一个independent clause里面内置的比较结构

一个是两个句子,一个是一个句子;所以,可能是为了清晰或者unambiguous,第一个的helping verb的补出在

时态不一致的情况下,是要补出 exact working verb

open to discussion
 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-4 10:16:19 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-4 10:19:26 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-1-4 12:01:12 | 只看该作者

关于helping verb的更详细解释(RON):
1 * if you have than/as + subject + FORM OF "TO BE" as the second half of a comparison, then you must have another form of "to be" in the first half of the comparison.

2 * if you have than/as + subject + HELPING VERB as the second half of a comparison, then you must have the SAME helping verb (perhaps in a different tense) in the first half of the comparison.

3 * if you have than/as + subject + FORM OF "TO DO" as the second half of a comparison, then you must have an ACTION VERB (or another form of "to do") in the first half of the comparison.

here are some examples:
If current trends continue, by the year 2010 carbon emissions in the United States  will soar to a level more than one-third higher than that  in 1990, according to official projections.


parking spots are disappearing much more quickly today than they were yesterday.
james can negotiate with salespeople more effectively than stephanie can.
i can run much faster than i could before my most recent knee operation. (note that "could" is the past tense of "can", so these are the same helping verb.)
parking spots disappeared much faster today than they did yesterday.
tanya eats more slowly than she did when she was a teenager. (note that "did" doesn't have to have the same tense as the action verb)


example #3:很confusing的一点,这里不同的时态eats 和did(这个did竟然不是用ate;而这一点在manhattan的章节中清楚说明是要用the working verb,在不同的tense时态中)



并列句也就是所谓的two independent clause,而比较句是一个independent clause里面内置的比较结构

一个是两个句子,一个是一个句子;所以,可能是为了清晰或者unambiguous,第一个的helping verb的补出在

时态不一致的情况下,是要补出 exact working verb

open to discussion
-- by 会员 DUKB24 (2013/1/3 22:45:03)

DD, 你不知道昨天我也在纠结这个问题,哈哈!


我之前总结了几种句子的变体,结合大家的总结,我觉得这个helping verbs in different tenses的问题无论在comparison还是independent clause里面都是通用的。
the main verb form in the first and second part of a whole sentence should be the same, including helping verbs, to be, to do, etc.

Take helping verbs for example:

a simple form changed from OG13-sc-125:
BM produces twice as many cars as it did last year. --- it's correct, for both claues own the same helping verb "do", just in different tenses (does vs did).

BM will produce twice as many cars as it did last year. --- incorrect, for "will" and "did" are two totally different forms of helping verb.
Correct one: BM will produce twice as many cars as it produced last year.

BM has produced twice as many cars as it did last year. --- for the same reason, incorrect.
Correct one: BM has produced twice as many cars as it produced last year.

Even in the independent clauses:

examples in MGMAT:
I have never seen an aardvark, but last year my father DID.  ---incorrect.
I have never seen an aardvark, but last year my father SAW one. ---correct.

Now the point is what if we change the tense of the helping verb "have"?

I have never climbed over this mountain, but my (passed away) father HAD. ---it seems ok, right?
another: I didn't succeed climbing over a mountain as this high, but now my father DOES. ---also ok, right?

in conclusion, I think the key point is when in verb omission, we should assure that both main verbs' forms  of two clauses/two parts of comparison are the same, (though might in different tenses).

求DD和大叔鉴定^ ^
发表于 2013-1-4 12:02:24 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 starlitcream (2013/1/4 10:19:26)

star, 那页上面说的是“省略助动词与否,关键在于是否引起歧义”。是两个问题~
 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-4 12:33:31 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-1-4 12:51:33 | 只看该作者


?parking spots aredisappearing much more quickly today than they were (disappearing) yesterday.


?parking spots are disappearing much more quickly today than they were (disappearing) yesterday.



?James cannegotiate with salespeople more effectively than Stephanie can(negotiate with salespeople).

?I canrun much faster than I could (run)before my most recent knee operation.


?I can run much faster than I could (run)before my most recent knee operation.



?Parking spots disappeared much faster today than they did yesterday.

?Tanya eats more slowly than she did when she was a teenager.


?Parking spots disappeared much faster today than they didyesterday.

?Tanya eats more slowly than she did when she was a teenager.

?Tanya eats more slowly than she did when she was a teenager.
the same amount of acreage producestwice as many apples as it didin 1910.
?An action that occurred in 1910 requires a verb in the past tense. The two elements being compared must be grammatically parallel. The same amount … produces is paralleled by as it did (produce understood). The subjects amount and it are parallel, as are the verbs produces and did (produce).

发表于 2013-1-4 12:52:02 | 只看该作者
I have never climbed over this mountain, but my (passed away) father HAD. ---it seems ok, right?




had climbed?我觉得会不会是climbed比较好呢?


要是补出的是had,就要满足所谓的过去完成的满足条件,2个时间条件 1. 一个过去的动作 2.或者是一个second-time marker

发表于 2013-1-4 13:03:50 | 只看该作者
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