OG上的解释感觉并没有否定that/those of 因为前面没有类似的结构所以不对,而是因为that/those的指代会和harvest引发语义重复。 以A选项为例,OG的解释是:This version exhibits redundant word choice. The pronoun those refers to the tons of the 1978 harvest. Both harvests are measured in tons, and it is clearer and simpler to compare with the harvest itself, not with the tons of the harvest. 所以我才会问,如果those指代了tons,为什么不提less的错误呢?是不是会和:“think of 41 million tons of rice as the collective equivalent of the 1979 harvest ”的解释有关系? 而E选项中,OG的解释是:Since the comparative adjective should refer to rice production, fewer is not appropriate. Furthermore, the pronounthat refers back to India’s rice production [fewer than the rice production of India’s 1978 harvest] and is redundant. The word harvest is sufficient here to express the comparison. 是不是由于语义上和年份更相关的应该是该年份的产量,而不是该年份的吨数,所以推出比较的对象是production而不是tons? -- by 会员 yiqing2012 (2012/10/21 23:10:38)
1+1=3, OG的解释是说1+1=2所以之前的等式是错的
殊途同归 我可以很确定的告诉你这里的those不能指代到之前的tons,理由就是我之前说的 在几乎所有的those/that of引导的比较问题,OG的选项前面都会有个与that/those of对称的结构来认为that/those是指代 noun/nouns of中的noun/nouns -- by 会员 DUKB24 (2012/10/21 23:16:50)
thks a lot~~ 我最近刷第三遍OG的时候非常苦恼,因为发现了很多OG解释里没有提到的问题,而且很多问题论坛上也木有人讨论过,所以不知道对错。。。 可不可以再问一个问题啊~因为每次你回答的都比较清楚而且有说服力~:
4. At the end of the 1930s, Duke Ellington was looking for a composer to assist him—someone not only who could arrange music for his successful big band, but mirroring his eccentric writing style as well in order to finishthe many pieces he had started but never completed.
(A) someone not only who could arrange music for his successful big band, but mirroring his eccentric writing style as well in order to finish
(B) someone who could not only arrange music for his successful big band, but also mirror his eccentric writing style in order to finish
(C) someone who not only could arrange music for his successful big band, but also to mirror his eccentric writing style in finishing
(D) that being someone who could not only arrange music for his successful big band, but mirroring his eccentric writing style for finishing
(E) being someone not only who could arrange music for his successful big band, but mirror his eccentric writing style as well, finishing
答案很清楚,但是对于D的解释:Instead of the shorter and clearersomeone who, this version uses the longer phrasethat being someone who, which is overly wordy. Furthermore, the verbs are not in the same form and so the construction is unparallel. Finally, the best way to express the causal relationship between the composer’s qualities and finishing Ellington’s pieces is to use the conjunctionin order to. that being 结构肯定不对,但解释没有说that的指代问题,好像默认指代了composer,而不是him,这里的that可以跳跃to assist him 来修饰composer吗(因为我只知道that的跳跃修饰最大只能跳跃介词短语)?同理,同位语跳跃的修饰中也可以跳跃to do?
Instead of the shorter and clearersomeone who, this version uses the longer phrasethat being someone who, which is overly wordy. Furthermore, the verbs are not in the same form and so the construction is unparallel. Finally, the best way to express the causal relationship between the composer’s qualities and finishing Ellington’s pieces is to use the conjunctionin order to. that being 结构肯定不对,但解释没有说that的指代问题,好像默认指代了composer,而不是him,这里的that可以跳跃to assist him 来修饰composer吗(因为我只知道that的跳跃修饰最大只能跳跃介词短语)?同理,同位语跳跃的修饰中也可以跳跃to do?