楼主好,小菜刚看了你的帖子,先说一下:麻烦楼主的字大一点,要不即使是想帮你看的人,也看不清啊~~我是放大150倍才看的,记得改下你的字体大小~~ 然后小菜说一下这道题吧,个人意见,不知道对不对,我没有og13,这题貌似是新的吧,这题是选c吗? 如果是的话,那我分析一下~ 这题although开头~全句看完,就有种感觉,后面未划线部分的:heirlooms 一定在although的从句中作主语,而although又一定是要有svo的,所以A肯定就不对了,压根就没有sv~ B一看,就是改变原意了~原句主要想说的是heirlooms 的问题,而这个就成了heirloom tomatoes这个东西了~ C,个人认为是正确答案~ D,我一看就没有转折的感觉,因为原句还是多少有点比较的感觉——although里面有个less than,所以到了主句,就有了heirlooms 的more than,即有点的东西,正好对比,看上去也很舒服~所以这就直接排除了~ E,虽然有了although,但是那个位置,使得里面的they有点歧义:逻辑上指heirlooms ,但语法上可以指代Heirloom tomatoes~ 不知道对不对,open to discuss~ -- by 会员 bob9603 (2012/7/9 0:15:26)
谢谢楼上!!!好感动你的耐心解答!也谢谢提醒~以后一定会积累发帖经验! 不过这题OG答案是选B...我实在各种搞不懂...在此贴一下OG的解释..看哪位好心人也能帮忙分析分析..
A This is ungrammatical. If heirloom tomatoes is the subject of are more flavorful... then heirlooms has no predicate and is nonsensically superfluous. If heirlooms is the subject, heirloom tomatoes has no predicate.
B Correct. The noun heirloom tomatoes is mentioned early in the sentence, followed by a parenthetical definition, and is the subject of the verb appear, and heirlooms is the subject of are.
C The noun heirloom tomatoes appears too late in the sentence. Parsing is made harder by introducing the pronoun they and revealing its antecedent later in the sentence. The sentence is also ungrammatical. If heirloom tomatoes is the subject of are more flavorful...then heirlooms has no predicate and is nonsensically superfluous. If heirlooms is the subject, heirloom tomatoes has no predicate.
D Beginning the sentence with the explanatory clause grown from seeds... gives it too much importance. It could be construed as the reason why heirloom tomatoes appear less appetizing,which is contrary to the truth. The sentence is also ungrammatical.
E Rhetorical structure requires that although appear in the beginning of the clause to which it pertains. Placing it later necessitates the pronoun they with antecedent heirloom tomatoes, which is redundant. The sentence is also ungrammatical. |