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ETS 的解释OG164

发表于 2004-5-9 17:21:00 | 只看该作者

ETS 的解释OG164

164. The commission proposed that funding for the park’s development, which could be open to the public early next year, is obtained through a local bond issue.

(A) that funding for the park’s development, which could be open to the public early next year, is

(B) that funding for development of the park, which could be open to the public early next year, be

(C) funding for the development of the park, perhaps open to the public early next year, to be

(D) funds for the park’s development, perhaps open to the public early next year, beB

(E) development funding for the park, which could be open to the public early next year, is to be


Choice E, which seriously distorts meaning, says that the commission proposed development funding and that such funding could be open to the public....

其他错误撇去不看,为什么E中which 的先行词不是park呢?

发表于 2004-5-9 22:23:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2004-5-10 22:56:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2004-5-10 23:14:00 | 只看该作者
Personal prescription:  forget about it.
发表于 2004-5-11 01:27:00 | 只看该作者
ETS always right, what ever it says
发表于 2004-5-11 04:10:00 | 只看该作者


可能与for有关吧。for the park可能是修饰fundings;而b中funding for development 都是修饰of后的park的。


发表于 2004-5-11 04:24:00 | 只看该作者

My grammar sucks as well.

It is said that "which" could describe either A or B once it follows the structure as "A of B". So what does it usually mean once following the structure as "A for B"?

In the ETS explanation of this subject, "which" describes A. -- could it be generalized?

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-5-11 23:34:09编辑过]
发表于 2004-5-18 03:45:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用雪落无声在2004-5-9 17:21:00的发言:

164. The commission proposed that funding for the park’s development, which could be open to the public early next year, is obtained through a local bond issue.

(B) that funding for development of the park, which could be open to the public early next year, be

(E) development funding for the park, which could be open to the public early next year, is to be


Choice E, which seriously distorts meaning, says that the commission proposed development funding and that such funding could be open to the public....

其他错误撇去不看,为什么E中which 的先行词不是park呢?

"Which" can refers to A or B in phrases such as "A of B" or "A for B" as it's illustrated in OG (#119, #137... pls. search through OG). Every time bunnier made up a rule, it was quikcly overturned by another ETS' SC. Except for a few tabus, the usage of "which" is quite flexible. Its reference can be determined with at least 3 methods: (1) subject and verb agreement; (2) the logic of relationship between "A of B" and "which"; (3) the logical meaning of the entire sentence.

In this case, 其他错误一定要看, because other errors may contribute to the confusion of which's reference. The bottom line is that when a sentence introduces any confusion, it is wrong. The "forest" must be more concise, relative to other answer choices.


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-6-2 3:23:53编辑过]
发表于 2004-7-26 18:00:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用X_TonY_X在2004-5-10 23:14:00的发言:
Personal prescription:  forget about it.

现在回顾一下,倒是这句说对了,funny, isn't it?
发表于 2005-11-24 15:39:00 | 只看该作者

6 楼的说得对, 是和for有关!

E项中的for the park 作 proposed的目的状语, 这样, which 就指代了宾语development funding;

B项中的of the park 是名词所有格,自然是后面的which定语从句所修饰的对象.

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