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[SC总结] [原创]总结“-ing分词短语”在句中的用法

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发表于 2005-4-29 23:35:00 | 只看该作者


一、逗号+ ing分词短语



258.  The British sociologist and activist Barbara Wootton once noted as a humorous example of income maldistribution that the elephant that gave rides to children at the Whipsnade Zoo was earning annually exactly what she then earned as director of adult education for London.

(A) that the elephant that gave rides to children at the Whipsnade Zoo was earning

(B) that the elephant, giving rides to children at the Whipsnade Zoo, had been earning

(C) that there was an elephant giving rides to children at the Whipsnade Zoo, and it earned

(D) the elephant that gave rides to children at the Whipsnade Zoo and was earningA

(E) the elephant giving rides to children at the Whipsnade Zoo and that it earned

OG解释说B选项giving rides to children at the Whipsnade Zoo是非限定性修饰,这种情况 the structure of noted... that the elephant, giving rides ..., had been earning falsely implies that the reader already knows about the elephant--that is, that the existence of this particular elephant is not new information.


256. The nephew of Pliny the Elder wrote the only eyewitness account of the great eruption of Vesuvius in two letters to the historian Tacitus.

(A)  The nephew of Pliny the Elder wrote the only eyewitness account of the great eruption of Vesuvius in two letters to the historian Tacitus.

(B)   To the historian Tacitus, the nephew of Pliny the Elder wrote two letters, being the only eyewitness accounts of the great eruption of Vesuvius.

(C)  The only eyewitness account is in two letters by the nephew of Pliny the Elder writing to the historian Tacitus an account of the great eruption of Vesuvius.

(D)  Writing the only eyewitness account, Pliny the Elder's nephew accounted for the great eruption of Vesuvius in two letters to the historian Tacitus.

(E)   In two letters to the historian Tacitus, the nephew of Pliny the Elder wrote the only eyewitness account of the great eruption of Vesuvius.

In B, the verb phrase that begins being the only eyewitness accounts modifies the subject of the preceding clause, suggesting non­sensically that the nephew of Pliny the Elder himself was the eyewitness accounts.

120. The Parthenon was a church from 1204 until 1456, when Athens was taken by General Mohammed the Conqueror, the Turkish sultan, who established a mosque in the building and used the Acropolis as a fortress.

(A)  who established a mosque in the building and used the Acropolis as

(B)   who, establishing a mosque in the building, used the Acropolis like

(C)   who, when he had established a mosque in the building, used the Acropolis like

(D)  who had established a mosque in the building, using the Acropolis to be

(E)   establishing a mosque in the building and using the Acropolis as

in E, establishing and using modify Athens, thus producing an absurd statement




237. It seems likely that a number of astronomical phenomena, such as the formation of planetary nebulas, may be caused by the interaction where two stars orbit each other at close range.

(A)  may be caused by the interaction where two stars orbit each other

(B)  may be caused by the interaction between two stars that each orbit the other

(C)  are because of the interaction between two stars that orbit each other

(D)  are caused by the interaction of two stars where each is orbiting the other

(E)   are caused by the interaction of two stars orbiting each other



发表于 2005-4-30 00:15:00 | 只看该作者

肯定一下! 好贴!

发表于 2005-4-30 00:42:00 | 只看该作者

谢谢MM 的总结。 另外, 补充一个链接


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-30 0:42:27编辑过]
发表于 2005-4-30 12:19:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-5-1 08:16:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-5-1 12:58:00 | 只看该作者


修饰名词的话限制定语首选that 非限制首选,which   在题目中(做为考点的话)一般是这样来优先及, 但用ing修饰的也是可以的.(如:caused by the interaction of two stars orbiting each other=which orbit each other)



发表于 2005-5-1 13:36:00 | 只看该作者

"修饰名词的话限制定语首选that 非限制首选,which   在题目中(做为考点的话)一般是这样来优先及, 但用ing修饰的也是可以的."

如果是这样的话, 估计谁也不敢用, 因为这样排除的风险太大, 即使用了也绝对是提心吊胆. OG告诉我们, 这两个的选择完全基于句意和逻辑, 没有什么首选.

发表于 2005-5-1 19:37:00 | 只看该作者

nice 东东……


n,现在分词<n which 253
N+逗号+插入语+逗号+分词,分词是可以修饰N的。当然,是否最佳,是否最清晰,看情况 253
N,句子(插入语),that 因为that不能做非限定修饰,所以that强行指向N,而不是the nearest noun。这个强行指向是否合乎逻辑,临场判断。

发表于 2005-5-2 10:24:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用Avantasia在2005-5-1 13:36:00的发言:

"修饰名词的话限制定语首选that 非限制首选,which   在题目中(做为考点的话)一般是这样来优先及, 但用ing修饰的也是可以的."

如果是这样的话, 估计谁也不敢用, 因为这样排除的风险太大, 即使用了也绝对是提心吊胆. OG告诉我们, 这两个的选择完全基于句意和逻辑, 没有什么首选.

但偶觉得首选项这个还是存在的,但不是作为排除项,我的意思是,比如划线前是个名词,选项2个that开头,3个ving开头,我会先去竖着看that 如果都错再看ving.
发表于 2005-5-2 12:13:00 | 只看该作者

虚虚实实, 实实虚虚.

每个人做题的思路可能有差异, 自己觉得可以就行.

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