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[原始] 1月4日考完来放狗

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发表于 2013-1-4 15:47:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

第一题  讲惩罚性管理和risks,员工变得不太cooperative
P1 讲现在企业流行使用惩罚性管理方式,
P2 但是有一些risks,但是哪怕是轻微的惩罚性措施也会让员工变得not cooperative


P1 主要内容是讲各阶段的变化,年份以30年为一个单位,显示女性人数
P2 主要内容是讲上一段的的现象的原因分析


P1 讲台风hurricane各部分的风力可以通过一种气象飞机来测量,
P2 讲具体是怎么做的测量,讲细节
  一个是台风外围,叫outer reach,测的部位也是surface,我猜就是台风最外圈的风力
  就是台风eye surface的风力,一般是fleight高度风力的90,
  同时台风outer reach surface的风力,一般是fleight高度风力的78%
P3 第三段紧接着第二段末尾的这个规律,讲了一个例外,
  一个是跟sea surface的热气流有关


再一个题目是考结尾那个convict和sea level surface热气流的,问的好像是
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发表于 2013-1-4 15:49:59 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-1-4 15:51:08 | 只看该作者
第一段:法国歌剧从某一阶段开始兴盛,这一阶段女人也开始写歌剧了。但是并不是从开始就很多,分了3个时间段,1960-1970-1980(貌似)。第一阶段女人写了7片,第二阶段女人们写了9篇,第三阶段一下写了70多篇。(我都阅读风魔了还说篇儿呢。。。)这一阶段写的歌剧里面有一个女人的某歌剧,和另外一个女人的某歌剧(都给具体名字了)是top2 of top10,非常流行(第一道题就是说这里面这两个点名的歌剧和其他的10个没点名的有啥不一样,还有一道题更阴险,说这里10个歌剧和其他的70个有啥不一样。)原文描述这两个歌剧的不过三四行,用了一个词:流行小说,然后居然问:这里两个歌剧特点是啥?我选得像流行小说。。。)    第二段就说了类似于3-4原 因说为啥歌剧流行,(这些理由我倒都还记得但是没必要写了,省的干扰大家:经济,人们欣赏水平什么的)第二段比第一段长。最后三行说:还有一个理由是,皇 家剧院也被剥夺了特权,这里就一句话带过,但是出题了:问那个时期的哪一个特点是(或者不是)那个时代推动女性歌剧的因素:有两个选项我确定是正确答案, 因为他们是矛盾的:一个选项说特权歌剧院没了特权,一个是说某些高等歌剧院干脆消失了。其中一个是对的。
法国歌剧前面两道题目感觉很烦,就第一段的那两句话,一下出了2道题目????感觉都不是很对径.(1)其中提到了2个歌剧的特点???(2)貌似那10个歌剧的特点.(3)然后就是问文章的organisation???感觉这个文章不是很难,但是就是前2道题目出的比较刁钻.我当时真没有看出来,从哪里可以推出其它10个歌剧的特点???貌似那句话中有个  had the distinction of the other 10 operas???????
法国opea的,我不知道我这片与之前的JJ,是不是同一篇,因为我的这篇,其本质根本就是在讲在18世纪末19世纪初的时候,法国有一大批女创作人然后 将为什么。还举了一点例子,第一段最后说了这个现象不但前无古人后无来者,在当时世界也是unique的(有题的,这里);第二段讲了为什么,第一是因为 opea变成了public的主要entertainment(这里也有题),各个剧院有竞争压力,题材不得不更新颖,第二是因为当时民主的风气很盛行 (之前好像还有一个原因,对不起我不太记得了)。最后一点谈到了皇家剧院(也是一个题,ms)
一个法国戏剧,说法国的这个戏剧发展史分三个阶段,前两个阶段都没什么女作家和作品,第三个阶段突然猛女大爆发,堪称欧洲乃至世界戏剧史上独一无二。第二 段开始探讨原因:1。这个戏剧到了18世纪末不是贵族独享,观众多样化造成戏剧市场的激烈竞争(考了一道题),于是一群女作家跳出来争霸。2。这个法国大 革命造成戏剧题材的民主化(考了一道题)3。过去写剧本要靠和皇室有关系,有pathronage,现在大伙都不吝了,所以女作家发现了能够cater的 市场。
发表于 2013-1-4 15:51:25 | 只看该作者
   1:P1讲的是一种测飓风风速还是什么的方法,到1987年都用这种,说通过这种方法能测到接近地面的一个速度事怎样的,然后30层楼高的速度比接近SURVEY的速度会预计高出多少X(一个数值),风眼又是数值的百分之几,风外围又是数值的百分之几BLABLABLA(第一段重要的主要就是这几个数字,出了一道数学题,考得就是什么样的数据能测出30层楼的速度是200,最后答案貌似是D,就是测到凤眼OR外围的速度也是200,很清楚的记得答案中有个200,别的可能有误,不难,大家自己算一下就可以。) P2讲的就是用一个1988年的示例这种方法哪里不准确,因为可能有BLABLA因素干扰,说要用这种方法的时候考虑进某几种干扰因素就行。(注意:SPEAKER没有说这种方法不可行,只是说怎么改进。会有主旨题,看懂文章不难。)
   V2:p1:原来只能测出flightlevel的风速,后来用 一个什么飞行器去中心测可以测得相对groundlevel的风速。然后给出数据说 max发生在多高,Strom eye 的风力最大,它的outside一般是90%,然后到达地面就70%了(数字不确定)。     P2:说现实中的一个hurricane不能用上面的方法测得,说上面的方法不准确,实际的风比用上面方法测得的要低,然后解释说有其他的factor会削弱这个风,列举了两个factor(此处有题)题目有一个非常扯:说什么30层高的楼,下面那个高度玻璃最可能碎。我选好像是strom eye 风速是200m/h的什么什么.....继续失忆 问了Main idea  还有最后那个的举例作用题
2.3.4 hurricane对maximum sustained风速的定位*V1另一篇是写风暴眼的,研究比较了风暴眼外围和中心的强度(storm wall& storm eye),有题问到有个房子在16th floor story?处在什么情况下其窗户最容易被风broken。我记得好像选了200mile那个V2P1: 过去对hurricane风速的研究使用的方法只能测量flight level的风速(1600 feet高度),后来一种新的技术(貌似是可以卫星定位之类的)可以测量相对ground level的风速。这里涉及到2部分风速的测量,near the eye & out of the eye,对于near the eye,max通常发生在一个XX高度,而对于out of the eye则发生在更高处。其中说到一个例子,说near the eye30层高处比地面处风速快20miles/h(有题)。然后说地面相对于高空风速,near the eye地面是高空的90%,out of the eye地面是高空的78%P2: 但是新的研究得到的结论也如何如何不特别有效,还有很多其他factors也会影响风速(有题)Questions:1). 提到P2中其他factors的作用不特别有效2). 貌似是primary purpose3). 最绕的一道是说given30层处的玻璃在200miles/h的风速下就会碎掉,则在以下那种情况下30楼的玻璃碎的可能性最大:LZ选的是flight level的地方风速200miles/h的时候考古:还有一篇是说探测风暴的,说有了一个飞行器可以到台风中心去探测风速,得到了一些数据,并且小小解释了一下这些数据和它的用处什么的;后来说这个方法不是很完美(不确定),说探测的数据和传统理论有出入(小解了一下传统理论)然后是科学家们提出了四点的解释.......V2又想起来一篇阅读是写hurricane dropwindsonde的,一个测量方法之类的,就是有很多数据,写不同高度测量的到的速度不一样。后面的记不清了。V3说以前条件不容许研究风暴中eyewall的具体问题。但是科技进步,利用太空中的航拍技术(我理解的)可以得到一系列的关于风暴的图片。可以显示EYEWALL的问题了。对比了在eyewall 和风暴周边的速度。一系列比较。最后还得出EYEWALL的速度其实是多方面受影响的:还和周围条件不然气候温度有关的V4Hurricane P1-如何探测风暴强度的一个research,提到一个aircraft带着A物体上升到空中可以探测到aircraft 自身高度以及below的位置的风暴强度(这里有一个推断题,推断A物体的一些特性,我选的是A物体只能探测到比自己位置低的风)接着讲通过这个探测,发现eye wall的风力强度最大,它的outside一般就是90左右的风力,而到了它相对的地面的时候风里就只有78%了(这里有一个推断题,说如果测到 eyewall风力为200km/h,那么某地的风力是多少)P2-提到现实中的一个hurricane, 说它实际上的风力低于用第一段提出的那个方法预测出来的风力,作者有一个judge说说明这种方法还需要更多的practice证据,来更好的验证完善它V5关于thunderstorm的预测方法,一个什么aircraft在天上预测天气,第一段讲这个东西怎么预测的,第二段讲有一次一个地方的thunderstorm没有预测准,具体这个东西是怎么工作的没有读懂,记得有surface level。V6(V35)我读的那篇和JJ里面的参考文章很像,原文曾多处比对eyewall, surface,的风俗和破坏程度和风俗,用一个三十层楼做比方,阅读题中还加入了计算,很雷,五个选项都是需要用文中数据计算的V7(740)探测风暴那篇我今天看的时候还是很模糊不是看的特别懂里面很多数字什么90% 78% 记得题里有一题好像是说在30层楼高的地方人会觉得以下哪个高度的玻璃最有可能会碎(我感觉就是问一下哪个地方风力最大吧)看了半天选了一个,就是这篇RC花了不少时间其他三篇有些问题不一样但是文章内容是很清楚的补充背景信息GOOGLE上发现没有原文。这里贴出来一小段是跟原文由关的,就当不充背景知识吧,原文除了这段还写了不通高度不同距离之间风速的区别;一下是GOOGLE的背景资料:Since 1997, forecasters have used Global Positioning System dropwindsondes, a measuring device dropped from hurricane reconnaissance aircraft into the eyewall—the windiest part of the hurricane. The sonde system measures temperature, barometric pressure, water vapor, and wind data every 15 feet on its way down. This new method gave meteorologists an important glimpse into the true strength of these devastating storms. The analyses of the dropwindsonde data indicated that, on average, the maximum sustained surface-wind speed was about 90 percent of the wind speed measured at the 10,000-foot aircraft level flown as Andrew approached south Florida. In 1992 Andrew's wind speed was estimated at 75 to 80 percent of the aircraft observations. The research findings resulted in an increase in the estimated wind speeds of Hurricane Andrew from 145 mph to 165 mph. Read more: Hurricanes - average, low, world, high, days, Hurricane and tropical storm season, Portrait of a hurricane, Hurricane casualties, The nations worst weather
发表于 2013-1-4 17:40:52 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-1-4 18:53:54 | 只看该作者
    1.3.9 监督员工V1 by  Rainbeauty (Q51 V33,710)
    阅读考了一题,关于那些诸如Total Quality Control这些对员工monitor的方法的负面影响的具体的题目,考了主旨的,选examine consequence的那个(貌似),两个人的study表明了什么(答案记不得了)
    paragraph1:说很多公司采用诸如TQM这样的方法监督员工,认为这样可以让员工更有ethics 但有2个人(名字记不住了)的study发现不是这样的 paragraph2:这2人做了实验,分别在有strong的员工监督环境下和free from那个的环境进行,发现后者环境中 员工更倾向于cooperate。这个正好也是与这2个人早些时候的study符合的。2个研究人员认为,是比较强的制约与监督机制让员工tend to defect能回忆的就这么多了 可能还会有出入 见谅~~~
    V2 by  小甜菜的宝宝(Q51)第一篇是监督员工那个,就是TQM压制员工导致员工不合作那篇。考题,文中一个expert说TQM使得员工更有ethics,expert被高亮,问后面反驳他的人会用自己实验的哪一个结果反对他。有点迷惑。背景文According to P. F. Drucker, the management philosophy known as Total Quality Management (TQM), which is designed to be adopted consistently throughout an organization and to improve customer service by using sampling theory to reduce the variability of a product's quality, can work successfully in conjunction with two older management systems.  As Drucker notes, TQM's scientific approach is consistent with the statistical sampling techniques of the "rationalist" school of scientific management, and the organizational structure associated with TQM is consistent with the social and psychological emphases of the "human relations" school of management.However, TQM cannot simply be grafted onto these systems or onto certain other non-TQM management systems.  Although, as Drucker contends, TQM shares with such systems the ultimate objective of increasing profitability, TQM requires fundamentally different strategies.  While the other management systems referred to use upper management decision-making and employee specialization to maximize shareholder profits over the short term, TQM envisions the interests of employees, shareholders, and customers as convergent.  For example, lower prices not only benefit consumers but also enhance an organization's competitive edge and ensure its continuance, thus benefiting employees and owners.  TQM's emphasis on shared interests is reflected in the decentralized decision-making, integrated production activity, and lateral structure of organizations that achieve the benefits of TQM. Question #19.  196-01    (22144-!-item-!-188;#058&000196-01)The primary purpose of the passage is to(A) point out contradictions in a new management system(B) compare and contrast the objectives of various management systems(C) identify the organizational features shared by various management systems(D) explain the relationship of a particular management system to certain other management systems(E) explain the advantages of a particular management system over certain other management systems Question #20.  196-05    (22190-!-item-!-188;#058&000196-05)Which of the following best describes the relationship of the second paragraph to the first paragraph?(A) It presents contrasting explanations for a phenomenon presented in the first paragraph.(B) It discusses an exception to a general principle outlined in the first paragraph.(C) It provides information that qualifies a claim presented in the first paragraph.(D) It presents an example that strengthens a claim presented in the first paragraph.(E) It presents an alternative approach to solving a problem discussed in the first paragraph. Question #21.  196-06    (22236-!-item-!-188;#058&000196-06)According to the passage, the rationalist and human relations schools of management are alike in that they(A) are primarily interested in increasing profits(B) place little emphasis on issues of organizational structure(C) use statistical sampling techniques to increase profitability(D) are unlikely to lower prices in order to increase profitability(E) focus chiefly on setting and attaining long-term objectives
发表于 2013-1-4 18:56:33 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-1-4 18:59:37 | 只看该作者
   1.3.9 监督员工V1 by  Rainbeauty (Q51 V33,710)
   阅读考了一题,关于那些诸如Total Quality Control这些对员工monitor的方法的负面影响的具体的题目,考了主旨的,选examine consequence的那个(貌似),两个人的study表明了什么(答案记不得了)
   paragraph1:说很多公司采用诸如TQM这样的方法监督员工,认为这样可以让员工更有ethics 但有2个人(名字记不住了)的study发现不是这样的 paragraph2:这2人做了实验,分别在有strong的员工监督环境下和free from那个的环境进行,发现后者环境中 员工更倾向于cooperate。这个正好也是与这2个人早些时候的study符合的。2个研究人员认为,是比较强的制约与监督机制让员工tend to defect能回忆的就这么多了 可能还会有出入 见谅~~~

   V2 by  小甜菜的宝宝(Q51)第一篇是监督员工那个,就是TQM压制员工导致员工不合作那篇。考题,文中一个expert说TQM使得员工更有ethics,expert被高亮,问后面反驳他的人会用自己实验的哪一个结果反对他。有点迷惑。背景文According to P. F. Drucker, the management philosophy known as Total Quality Management (TQM), which is designed to be adopted consistently throughout an organization and to improve customer service by using sampling theory to reduce the variability of a product's quality, can work successfully in conjunction with two older management systems.  As Drucker notes, TQM's scientific approach is consistent with the statistical sampling techniques of the "rationalist" school of scientific management, and the organizational structure associated with TQM is consistent with the social and psychological emphases of the "human relations" school of management.However, TQM cannot simply be grafted onto these systems or onto certain other non-TQM management systems.  Although, as Drucker contends, TQM shares with such systems the ultimate objective of increasing profitability, TQM requires fundamentally different strategies.  While the other management systems referred to use upper management decision-making and employee specialization to maximize shareholder profits over the short term, TQM envisions the interests of employees, shareholders, and customers as convergent.  For example, lower prices not only benefit consumers but also enhance an organization's competitive edge and ensure its continuance, thus benefiting employees and owners.  TQM's emphasis on shared interests is reflected in the decentralized decision-making, integrated production activity, and lateral structure of organizations that achieve the benefits of TQM. Question #19.  196-01    (22144-!-item-!-188;#058&000196-01)The primary purpose of the passage is to(A) point out contradictions in a new management system(B) compare and contrast the objectives of various management systems(C) identify the organizational features shared by various management systems(D) explain the relationship of a particular management system to certain other management systems(E) explain the advantages of a particular management system over certain other management systems Question #20.  196-05    (22190-!-item-!-188;#058&000196-05)Which of the following best describes the relationship of the second paragraph to the first paragraph?(A) It presents contrasting explanations for a phenomenon presented in the first paragraph.(B) It discusses an exception to a general principle outlined in the first paragraph.(C) It provides information that qualifies a claim presented in the first paragraph.(D) It presents an example that strengthens a claim presented in the first paragraph.(E) It presents an alternative approach to solving a problem discussed in the first paragraph. Question #21.  196-06    (22236-!-item-!-188;#058&000196-06)According to the passage, the rationalist and human relations schools of management are alike in that they(A) are primarily interested in increasing profits(B) place little emphasis on issues of organizational structure(C) use statistical sampling techniques to increase profitability(D) are unlikely to lower prices in order to increase profitability(E) focus chiefly on setting and attaining long-term objectives
-- by 会员 盐水柠檬 (2013/1/4 18:53:54)

发表于 2013-1-4 22:48:07 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-1-4 22:58:00 | 只看该作者
   1.3.9 监督员工V1 by  Rainbeauty (Q51 V33,710)
   阅读考了一题,关于那些诸如Total Quality Control这些对员工monitor的方法的负面影响的具体的题目,考了主旨的,选examine consequence的那个(貌似),两个人的study表明了什么(答案记不得了)
   paragraph1:说很多公司采用诸如TQM这样的方法监督员工,认为这样可以让员工更有ethics 但有2个人(名字记不住了)的study发现不是这样的 paragraph2:这2人做了实验,分别在有strong的员工监督环境下和free from那个的环境进行,发现后者环境中 员工更倾向于cooperate。这个正好也是与这2个人早些时候的study符合的。2个研究人员认为,是比较强的制约与监督机制让员工tend to defect能回忆的就这么多了 可能还会有出入 见谅~~~

   V2 by  小甜菜的宝宝(Q51)第一篇是监督员工那个,就是TQM压制员工导致员工不合作那篇。考题,文中一个expert说TQM使得员工更有ethics,expert被高亮,问后面反驳他的人会用自己实验的哪一个结果反对他。有点迷惑。背景文According to P. F. Drucker, the management philosophy known as Total Quality Management (TQM), which is designed to be adopted consistently throughout an organization and to improve customer service by using sampling theory to reduce the variability of a product's quality, can work successfully in conjunction with two older management systems.  As Drucker notes, TQM's scientific approach is consistent with the statistical sampling techniques of the "rationalist" school of scientific management, and the organizational structure associated with TQM is consistent with the social and psychological emphases of the "human relations" school of management.However, TQM cannot simply be grafted onto these systems or onto certain other non-TQM management systems.  Although, as Drucker contends, TQM shares with such systems the ultimate objective of increasing profitability, TQM requires fundamentally different strategies.  While the other management systems referred to use upper management decision-making and employee specialization to maximize shareholder profits over the short term, TQM envisions the interests of employees, shareholders, and customers as convergent.  For example, lower prices not only benefit consumers but also enhance an organization's competitive edge and ensure its continuance, thus benefiting employees and owners.  TQM's emphasis on shared interests is reflected in the decentralized decision-making, integrated production activity, and lateral structure of organizations that achieve the benefits of TQM. Question #19.  196-01    (22144-!-item-!-188;#058&000196-01)The primary purpose of the passage is to(A) point out contradictions in a new management system(B) compare and contrast the objectives of various management systems(C) identify the organizational features shared by various management systems(D) explain the relationship of a particular management system to certain other management systems(E) explain the advantages of a particular management system over certain other management systems Question #20.  196-05    (22190-!-item-!-188;#058&000196-05)Which of the following best describes the relationship of the second paragraph to the first paragraph?(A) It presents contrasting explanations for a phenomenon presented in the first paragraph.(B) It discusses an exception to a general principle outlined in the first paragraph.(C) It provides information that qualifies a claim presented in the first paragraph.(D) It presents an example that strengthens a claim presented in the first paragraph.(E) It presents an alternative approach to solving a problem discussed in the first paragraph. Question #21.  196-06    (22236-!-item-!-188;#058&000196-06)According to the passage, the rationalist and human relations schools of management are alike in that they(A) are primarily interested in increasing profits(B) place little emphasis on issues of organizational structure(C) use statistical sampling techniques to increase profitability(D) are unlikely to lower prices in order to increase profitability(E) focus chiefly on setting and attaining long-term objectives
-- by 会员 盐水柠檬 (2013/1/4 18:53:54)

-- by 会员 dnblade (2013/1/4 18:59:37)

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