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1. 德国经济、失业率与消费:
文章说德国的失业率高,一些经济学家认为根本原因是政府给失业人员的福利太好了,从而导致这些失业人员在家里享受优厚的福利而没有动力去找工作。因此,政府采取了措施来降低失业人员的福利,以迫使他们出去找工作。没想到适得其反。由于市场上总的工作机会并没有增加(job supply没有增加),而很多失业工人因为福利降低而涌向市场找工作(job demand大幅增加),这相应地提高了各个公司和老板的negotiating power,最终导致求职者的薪水被万恶的唯利是图的资本家们乘机压低。这相应地使得很多有工作的人开始恐慌,他们担心失去工作,因此未雨绸缪,相应地降低了消费能力。这又导致市场相关公司的销售额降低、利润减少,能提供的工作机会更少了,而员工福利嘛,也肯定是更加不好了。很明显,降低失业人员福利以促进就业、振兴经济的初衷不仅没有达到目的,反而形成了一个恶性循环,造成德国经济更加低迷。而要想破解这里难题,根本解决方案不是降低失业人员福利,而是想办法提升社会的整体消费能力。
Q3下面哪项是德国福利改革的结果except?其中四项是结果(如企业利润下降、政府税收降低、工人消费下降,还有一项记不清了,在文章中很容易就找到了)。而选项the members of labor union减少在文中并没有提到,完全符合题干的except要求,是正确选项。
2. GIS(Geographic Information System)
第二段:由于有了computer technology, GIS系统得到了很好的发展。Engineering firms可以用它来进行XX(具体内容忘了,应该是工程研究方面的内容);marketing firms可以用它来进行市场调研,制定相应策略;政府可以用GIS来做XX(本段因为没考细节,具体内容记不清了)。该段主要就是讲GIS系统现在的发展和用途。
第三段,政府的GIS系统信息不容易accessible,所以现在一些公司开始联手开发自己的GIS系统。举例说人们尽管不能从政府出得到信息,但是通过自己实际调研,可以了解有关infrastucture的信息如马路的状况、灯杆的状况、路灯是否烧坏(burnout),实际上暗含infrastructure状态不太好之意,后面好像还就此出了一个inference题。有时候人们甚至从社区里走一趟,就能很方便地了解到好多信息,从而fill the gap(此处有题,问the gap指的是什么?)
Q1: 问第一段中英国的例子的作用,答案是GIS系统的起源。
Q2: 第三段倒数第几行被填补的gap的意思,记不太清了。好像是E选项。其它选项中和engineering firm及marketing firm相关的是无关选项,因为不在同一段落,且内容部沾边。还有一个选项很有迷惑性,似乎和政府相关,楼主反复通读了几遍第三段后,放弃了和政府相关的那个迷惑选项。
3. 机经17交通规划,下面机经阅读汇总中的的英文原文和考试文章高度接近,大致内容和主人公完全一样,只是行文略有不同。下面是就是楼主直接引用的机经阅读汇总中的原文:
An unassuming Dutch traffic engineer showed that streets without signs can be safer than roads cluttered with arrows, painted lines, and lights.
And Monderman certainly changed the landscape in the provincial city of Drachten, with the project that, in 2001, made his name. At the town center, in a crowded four-way intersection called the Laweiplein, Monderman removed not only the traffic lights but virtually every other traffic control. Instead of a space cluttered with poles, lights, “traffic islands,” and restrictive arrows,Monderman installed a radical kind of roundabout (a “squareabout,” in his words, because it really seemed more a town square than a traditional roundabout), marked only by a raised circle of grass in the middle, several fountains, and some very discreet indicators of the direction of traffic, which were required by law.
这一段说的是M自己闭上眼睛,倒走到他设计的路中间,结果并没有像在普通道路上一样——所有的车刹车再启动,而是车辆依然有序行驶。As I watched the intricate social ballet that occurred as cars and bikes slowed to enter the circle (pedestrians were meant to cross at crosswalks placed a bit before the intersection), Monderman performed a favorite trick. He walked, backward and with eyes closed, into the Laweiplein. The traffic made its way around him. No one honked, he wasn’t struck. Instead of a binary, mechanistic process—stop, go—the movement of traffic and pedestrians in the circle felt human and organic. 实验一年后的结果:拥挤减少、事故减少A year after the change, the results of this “extreme makeover” were striking:Not only had congestion decreased in the intersection—buses spent less time waiting to get through, for example—but there were half as many accidents, even though total car traffic was up by a third.(对应题目:1问公交车怎么样的2改革给D这个地方带来了什么影响)Students from a local engineering college who studied the intersection reported that both drivers and, unusually, cyclists were using signals—of the electronic or hand variety—more often. They also found, in surveys, that residents, despite the measurable increase in safety, perceived the place to be more dangerous. This was music to Monderman’s ears. If they had not felt less secure, he said, he “would have changed it immediately.” Monderman believed that the best way to change people’s behavior was to change the context. (出题点:改变了人的观念)This simple insight was one of the foundations of his traffic revolution,which took root a decade before he remade Drachten.:(他说在实施这个理论前必须做好多准备工作学习了N多东西(有题) In the mid-1980s,Monderman, then a regional safety inspector for Friesland, was dispatched to the small village of Oudehaske to check the speed of car traffic through the town’s center (two children had been fatally struck). Previously, Monderman, like any good Dutch traffic engineer, would have deployed, if not an actual traffic light, the tools of what is known as “traffic calming”: speed bumps, warning signs, bollards, or any number of highly visible interventions.(交代了背景:作为交通安全官员,M被发配到一个小村里去检测城镇中心的车速。按常理,控制车速的手段不外乎装红绿灯、减速带等) 但是M觉得在这个town,既没有必要也太贵。But those solutions were falling out of favor with his superiors, because they were either ineffective or too expensive. At a loss, Monderman suggested to the villagers, who as it happens had hired a consultant to help improve the town’s aesthetics, that Oudehaske simply be made to seem more “villagelike.” The interventions were subtle. (正评价,嘿嘿)Signs were removed, curbs torn out, and the asphalt replaced with red paving brick, with two gray “gutters” on either side that were slightly curved but usable by cars. As Monderman noted, the road looked only five meters wide, “but had all the possibilities of six.” The results were striking. Without bumps or flashing warning signs, drivers slowed,(出题:M在两地措施的共同之处) so much so that Monderman’s radar gun couldn’t even register their speeds. 通过这种改进(把town改造的更villagelike,车速都自然降低了,雷达都检测不到……好夸张啊-。-)Rather than clarity and segregation, he had created confusion and ambiguity.(出题,这两个的目的:M的总目的)注意这段:因为他的方法制造了一种错觉,司机不知道哪条是他该走的路,所以开车不会很莽撞,反而更小心Unsure of what space belonged to them, drivers became more accommodating.(两处措施的相同点) Rather than give drivers a simple behavioral mandate—say, a speed limit sign or a speed bump—he had, through the new road design, subtly suggested the proper course of action. And he did something else.He used context to change behavior.用观念改变行为(两地措施相同点) He had made the main road look like a narrow lane in a village, not simply a traffic-way through some anonymous town. Q1:问文章主旨,答案是介绍了某人改善交通状况的一种方法及其效果。迷惑选项有介绍了什么实验之类,还有改善交通都要采取M的这种思路,语气过于霸道,以偏概全,M的方法虽然有效,但文中并没有说这种方法放之四海而皆准。
Q2:好像是从文中能infer出什么?答案是公交车穿过路口更快,因为spend less time waiting to get through.
Q4: M的措施的总原则是什么?答案选制造confusion and ambiguity,因为这样司机开车才会更加小心,以避免出事。
4. 机经8.建造temple,机经阅读汇总上的英文原文和考试文章高度相似,主要内容和主人公完全一样,只是行文略有不同。请千万重视。以下是机经阅读汇总上的英文原文:
Proto-historic Hawaiian temples on the island of Maui may have mushroomed up within just 30 years, not 250 as previously supposed, scientists say. The findings could significantly alter researchers' understanding of the pace of precontact sociopolitical change in the Pacific.
Hawaiian genealogies and oral histories hold that sometime around 1600 A.D. a ruler named Pi'ilani united two opposing chiefdoms on Maui into a peaceful kingdom, marking the emergence of a religious state on the island. Archaeologists had been unable to confirm that sequence of events, however, in part because of the limitations of carbon dating. (一种炭14元素测时间技术) In the new work, Patrick V. Kirch and Warren D. Sharp of the University of California and Berkeley used another kind of radiometric technique involving thorium-230, rather than carbon-14, to date bits of branch coral that were collected from living reefs and left as divine offerings at seven different temples during construction.(部分细节定位题) Dates for these corals, which had been incorporated into walls and platform fill, all fell in a narrow range of 1565 to 1638 A.D., give or take a few years on either end. Moreover, dates on the samples that best reflect the time they were harvested from the sea--those from the coral branch tips--ranged from 1608 to 1638 A.D., an interval of just 30 years. These findings thus point to intensive temple-building during that time. Because temples served as centers for control of production and the collection of surplus goods, the team contends, it seems likely that the construction boom accompanied a profound shift in sociopolitical structure. (第二段有细节题,看仔细) Kirch and Sharp observe that the conquests described by local oral traditions coincide with these new dates, and would have more than doubled the size of the Maui polity to upwards of 2,360 square kilometers--the magnitude of expansion expected with the formation of an archaic state. "The temples provide tangible archaeological evidence of the speed with which a fundamental sociopolitical transition occurred in proto-historic Hawaii," the authors conclude. Indeed, they note, it may have happened in the span of a single generation of Hawaiians. (证明夏威夷社会政治的发展比预想快,在一代就完成) Q1:TOPIC证明夏威夷社会政治的发展比预想快 topicQ2: What can infer EXCEPT (细节题)Q3: why scientist can not prove Hawaii happened in a single period of history originally?: the limitations of carbon dating.Q1:问主旨,答案是一种新的方法证明了oral history关于那个岛社会政治发展比原来人们认为的250年要快。