——————————————————————————————————————— 阅读:4篇都中,我这里就不写题目了,自写答案关键词~ 考试时候有时间大家再过过细节 1)外来物种 I. aim of mention "naive predator" - too immature..... II. 主旨:讲predator受到的印象 III. what supports "optimistic prediction": won't attack CANETOAD after 6 months
2)Hawaii temple I. uneven II. why consider 250 years III. main idea: research show evidence that can improve scientists consideration toward the social reform in some area ocean
3)画家,(原来我也曾经高分区过。。。。。春哥理论。。。哈哈) I. photography in 20th century: not for sale II. "hand" : musician's hand on draft
4) 细胞,犀牛啊犀牛。。。 I. novel theory II. except: trigger (very sure) III. junction: adhurt information IV. elaborate molecule function ___________________________________________________________ 逻辑:JJ中的一半一半吧 (以春哥版序号为准) JJ12 average assesed value decrease, but tax bill not change (explain) : tax rate higher than last year JJ24. children on plane: plane safer than others JJ54: all mobile insurance are increase (evaluate) : whether other mobiles with same price change sales JJ85: the plan for nuclear should nor be accepted, because its not efficient enough JJ103: I choose C ( kinda of sure.........)
_____________________________________________________________ 语法:这一直是我GMAT所有项目里面最偏爱的 1)A consortium of historically Black colleges in the United States capitalizing on such schools traditionally rich relationships with Afircan nations, intergratingAfrican concerns into international business study. 正确