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关于作文的一个tip,进考场一开始是不计时的,可以坐三五分钟,没人管的,要是害怕,那个turtorial的10分钟(好像应该是10分钟。。。)也可以充分利用。。。完全可以坐下来先写下七总罪,然后有时间的话再把自己的templete最快的写到draft paper上面。。。
AA:an island country called Bxxx hosted an international soccer game three years ago, and the number of tourists increased by 25% comparing the three years before and after the game. So the minister of the country says that they need another push to host a same level game for the same level increase.
AI: No.28, effective learning is good at a good quality of other students than a good teacher
Math: 203, 1/x-1/y=70/xy, x/y=1/6, Y=84 1: E 252: V=24 312: r=10 317: D 389: A 2: 1/2 [(D^2-a^2)^0.5] +1/2 [(D^2-b^2)^0.5] 31: R3=12 5: 6 110: 12 316: 13 242: B 67
补充 179/295/394: the package ratio = the item's volume/the package's volume, 16 spheres(d=1) and 16 cylinders (the d of the square is 1 and the height is 1) are placed in a 4*4*1 box, S=package ratio os sphere and C=package ratio of cylinder, Answer is C is 50% greater than S.
127: abc are positive integers, ask when (a^2-c^2)(c^2+b^2) is greater than (a^2+c^2)(b^2-c^2) solution: (a^2-c^2)(c^2+b^2) =(ab)^2-c^4+(ac)^2-(bc)^2, (a^2+c^2)(c^2-b^2)=(ab)^2-c^4-(ac)^2+(bc)^2 A: a>b, B: a>c, my answer is C. (ac)^2-(bc)^2=c^2 (a^2-b^2) > -(ac)^2+(bc)^2=-c^2 (a^2-b^2)
116: (1/2)^(-1/3), (1/4)^(-2/3)… five factions… 刚才看了jj,方法太纠结。。。因为那个幂的分母都是2或者3,我全部六次方后,看出median
270: 变体,a. =0, b. [3b]=0, 问[2b]=0? my answer is yes, D. because [3b]=0, 0>b>-1/3 --> 0>2b?-2/3 --> [2b]=0 --> correct
223变体: nail grows 0.1mm/day, ?km/hr, my answer is 4 * 10^-9 0.1mm/day = 10^-7 km/day --> (1/24) * 10^-7 -->0.04 * 10^-7 = 4*10^-9
339/368/370: 这道题浪费我5分钟,它问得是参加胸透的女人有多少,我没看清,算出来女人是300个,男人200, 结果答案没有300, 重算了两遍,最后看懂问题,选择200
204:选d,两个条件都可以, a. given the cost price 100 and the profit 80, so the profit margin is 80/100 b. given the discount rate of 10%, so the retail price is doubled cost price times 90%, so the retail price is 180% of the cost price ,then profit margin is 80% 0= 425: 选a如果问的是能否求到何时最大值 f(x)=k(x-a)(x-b), k is negative, 画图得一个开口向下的抛物线,a. f(20)=f(1020)=0-->x轴交点,max profit = f(520) b. f(90)=9000-->k(90-a)(90-b)=9000, idk if the profit can be calculated or not… didn't do it… chose A, maybe this was the mistake of the missing point
190. f(x) = [square root of (x-1)] / x+1, the domain should be x equal or larger than 1, because (x-1) inside the square root should be larger or equal to 0
r is the range of the temperature of last month, what is r? a. the lowest temperature of last month, b. the lowest temperature of last month is 40'F lower than the highest temperature. I chose B
a company, 4/5 customer buy advertisements, and 1/3 of these order online ad only, how many people order not online only? 8/15
(X^2)(Y^3)Z>0? a. xyz>0 b. xy^2>0 maybe some mistake in questions, but my answer is C, together.
if x>y? a. x-y=3, b. x^2-y^2>0, my answer is A
残狗 m and n are positive integers, m% of an hour equals some minutes, n% of an hour equals some minutes, … 求补充
逻辑 5. 生物学研究成果,我选错了。。。应该是 当时成果是否available to others 7. 价格信息,填空:迫使周围降价 45 大型车 削弱 选那个pedestrain的 52/90 当兵, 说欧洲都是长子继承,然后小孩子没有钱,就去参加crusade了, 59 support: no wind or tiny wind is extremely unlike to happen 65 E 制造更实用的药 81 好汽油,说很多人在浪费汽油 加强 我选的those who drive better car do not drive more than others
补充: 有个p开头的药,什么90年之后人们对这个p药的resistance提高了,一般resistance是由医生discriminate(好像是这个词。。。) prescription或者patients do not follow prescription造成的, 这里说1990之后的是因为病人不按时吃药造成的,求support 选项很纠结,我选了一个 the resistant rate of other antibacterial does not increase 选项还有一个什么病人用这个p的开始会有过敏反应,还有医院在用cost price去卖的这个药
阅读 全中!jj答案很给力。。。木有记住阿。。。掩面。。。
2 外来物种引进
10 妇女发明容器 主旨:为什么时间有差 作者在什么地方和那个Brown意见不一样?schedule冲突
26 投资实验 except: political alliance between countries competitive advantage: Pxxx and outdated why globalization? i chose something related with the high cost of tech development
35/46 动植物细胞 主旨:novel theory 3rd paragraph highlight: explain the function of … except function: trigger junction cell: information channel
ro Light">my parents, xxx photographers, enjoy attracting birds..., keep watching them through the window and capture pictures XXX ro Light"> chose: watching them through the window and capturing ... ro Light"> enjoy后面的并列
计算机部门很重要,要给别的部门提供信息什么的 xxx provides information to other departments, the department of information has greater demand of their resources. 我选了个larger demand of resources. department 是单数,有their的去掉,然后这里的demand应该也是单数吧
考了好几个a number of
a number of people without xxx, connections with government insiders and backing companies, has xxx 选的答案是,without xxx, nor connections... nor ..., has
literature foundation experts asserts that the foundation of Slovenia literature was based on the linguistic construction by two brothers, A and B, who ...
还有几条超级纠结的 关于动物重新野化的 xxx the success will increase when they are reared with its own species, exposed to the predators and preys they will face with, introduced before finally released to the environment they will live in. 不记得选什么了
nobel奖的某个人 for his contribution xxx, Nobel prize of peace...
--备考经历 说实话,根本没想过要考gmat,因为没有打算读研。。。结果朋友说gmat要改版了,cd很好用,去考考吧。。。
好吧,我就报名了。。。4/18报名的4/24,但是当周有别的考试,到了周六才开始复习,周一就去考了。。。就看了三天jj,妹的,我连考试格式都不懂,当天早上才看ai和aa,草拟了个template,果然悲剧了,610。。。math 50 verbal 26。。。画圈圈。。。浪费钱阿,有木有。。。最后悔的是看数学,记不住还浪费了大量时间看jj,考试还是自己做,没能秒选。。。逻辑就更郁闷了,undermine或者most weaken神马都不懂,弱暴了,各种选错,记住jj,不会对应p用木有。。。ps,这次考完才发现gmat考的不是数学,不是语法,主要就是逻辑,要求是细心和思维的谨密(从小到大的弱点的说)。。。。
逻辑,也是纯jj,但是不是光看,是自己通过看题目,先推答案,然后再比较,因为大部分的答案自己都是可以common sense推测出来的,这样,自己脑子走过一遍,考试的时候潜意识也会记住的。。。然后去逻辑小分队,研究了一下考试的出题方法,哪些词是削弱,哪些是增强,哪些是推断神马的。。。这个也是感谢春哥,我今早上用了春哥的整合版,非常有用阿,一折叠就只能看题目和要求,自己想答案了。。。
作文,上次考试看了那个什么七宗罪,考试没记住。。。这次动脑子了。。。21号写了templete,之后每天睡前扫一遍,充分利用潜意识。。。FINADEG(我觉得英文缩写容易记)。。。七个要点,自己写了个intro和ending,背了些能用的什么groundless一类的词。。。然后看topic自己找flaws,没具体写出来,但是要得是感觉。。。就是用FINADEG这几个词,圈圈画画,过了一遍。。。态度这么好,结果考的不是jj的。。。- =