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作文:AA-->shopping mall construction in Oak & Elm AI-->International cooperation on limit to children's access to adult material
数学:最近期末一口气记了太多东西,猛然间有点想不起来呃,所以按照机经顺序挨个评论吧。。。 【碰到了但是木有多余补充】:JJ2, JJ9, JJ21, JJ53(条件A中的数字是EF=6), JJ66, JJ75, JJ100, JJ122, JJ152, JJ173, JJ220, JJ264 (=JJ275), JJ272, JJ307
【补充】:JJ10&45&198--> 几个单位分别是yard, rod, furlong, [Q] how many square furlong is 1 acre?
JJ61-->Three kilometers. The speed for the first km is S1, the second S2, the third S3. What is S2? [Con.1]The average speed of the first two kms is X (some number, sorry I forgot...). [Con.2] The average speed of the last two kms is Y (some number, can't remember...) I chose E. JJ143--> Which one is parallel with line "8x-2Y=some number "? E:-4X+Y=some number
【Comment】相对于后面的Verbal, 基本上数学JJ还算是比较有用的,所以LZ现在很后悔最后只花了一个下午加一个晚上看数学JJ。。。目前有一些残狗的印象是关于直角坐标系的,反正应该很简单,因为LZ没有更多映像了…Anyway,最难的几个题已经都在JJ里出现过了。如果想起来的话再补充好了。
语文:【语法】1) 说some cultural relics _____ industrial regions of the world. 选项有be located in, being located in, be within. 似乎是选了be located in的那个。
2) 说某个Russian的领导人suggested Russian join XX organization但是被否定了,于是_______. 选项里面是not +dissuade的各种形式,以及内容说这个领导人又在some American leader visiting Russia的时候重提了这个idea.
3) Except for some varities in Britain etc., a plant "V" ____. 选项的意思是那个植物因为种子生长不用fertilization, 所以基本上这个植物的每一株都是clone. I'm sorry that I can't remember the exact options...
【阅读】碰到的是 JJ13--> Q1: What is the function of the first sentence of the paragraph 1? (The sentence is telling you that "the dinosaurs died out b/c of the 'KT'.") Q2: Which of the following would the arthor agree most concerning the asteroid? (I chose the one with the element "i???".) Q3: How could scientists judge an abrupt distinction of plant? (I chose the one with carbon...) Q4: What is the main idea? (I chose the one similar to "although the dinosours died out b/c of the asteroid, the main causes of the two plants T& are on volcanic eruption. ")
JJ17 木有补充了,JJ挺详细的,可惜LZ木有好好看…
JJ26 JJ里面V3比较准确,不过那个举例是说某个K科学家做了个实验,说sunbird如何根据阳光改变方向。 Q1: What did K's experienment prove? (I chose the one with "sunbird, direction, etc.") Q2: What is the main idea of the article? (I chose the one with "explain a phenomenon and related research") Q3: Can't remember...
JJ29   1-The slow speed of downloading time will not affect the customer's attitude towards the E-commercial. An investigation/research of S (someone) has proved so.
P2-However, there may be other factors to consider. i.e. cases of slow speed accumulated may affect the attitude of customer. Though according to S, the store may not have the incentive to improve the downloading speed by cutting the content of their website page.
Q1--> What is the main idea? Q2--> The theory of S could explain which of the following? (I chose the one with "lack of incentive to improve the speed") Q3. Can't remember...
【逻辑】JJ 23, JJ24, JJ36。
补充: (I am trying to state it in English, but the original sentences could not exactly be my word...)
说,Government should encourge private tourists for space travel. In fact, the government spending on astronomical research are not enough for its development, because tax payers are usually not willing to pay unless the research program itself could bring benefit to them. In last year, there are XX private tourists who have donated 5 million $ to the research. [Q] Which of the following has weakened the argument? --Tax payers will not pay unless they get benefits. (I didn't choose this one.) --不好意思真想不起来我选啥了。。。印象中在比较后面的选项的位置。。。@@
All right, 差不多先这样吧。晚上回去再想想~~
【总体comment】 LZ已经是三战了,大四正在申请的童鞋真心伤不起(就为了这个烂GMAT, LZ很多学校都一直hold在手里不敢递啊(>< 有木有!!!)... 还好已经收到了不看重GMAT的保底学校的offer,不然LZ可真要抓狂了)。。。 Anyway, 总之经历了第一次完全木有准备670,第二次只刷JJ木有联系pace以致于发挥失常640,到现在和10门期末考试一起刷了两周就去考试于是总算差不多得到了一个还可以接受的上7的分数,LZ对于GMAT已经彻底淡然了~~总体来说,JJ有用,但是本次考试LZ感觉还是有50%都不在JJ,所以还是要好好准备提高实力的--&&一定要调整好心态,这个真的很重要。LZ第二次失败就完全是心态不好(因为我到现在都想不出我是怎么考出这个成绩的。。。),放轻松些,都随缘:看得太重反而会马失前蹄的。 然后关于GMAT报名的问题,LZ也啰嗦两句吧。LZ第一次是很典型的提前了两个月报名,结果发现暑假各种事情各种忙碌,一水过去就悲剧了。。。第二次是提前了两周抢考位,中间因为和期中考试冲突改签了一次,但是后来发现还是各种木有时间好好复习。。。第三次LZ彻底铁了心,一切随缘,于是在考前一天才报名。。。事实证明,这样的决策在有考位的情况下也是木有问题的,因为GMAC要求只要提前1business day报名就可以啦。 最后的最后,强推一下之前ptlove4ever童鞋的临考前总结,尤其是CR的部分,LZ觉得看了之后很受启发。