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1月5日下午考的,先来放狗吧,大家最关心的。 逻辑: 1、画馆参观 某画馆对于来参观的人每幅画只给1分钟的解说时间,然后就让参观者参观下一幅。反对者说,这样做不行,应为1分钟根本不能让一个参观者understand一幅画,应该延长时间。画馆的管理者说延长时间是浪费的,因为less than 1of 10的参观者is interested in understanding画。问:管理者和反对者争论的焦点在哪里? A. whether 每个参观者都understand画 C.whether有必要延长解说时间 其他都不靠谱 我选了C,排除A是因为最后一句话是interested in understanding,而不是understanding.
2.商店广告 low service store每年的广告预算都很多,但是high service store并不经常做广告,他们是通过好的服务来吸引顾客的。但奇怪的是,high service store在报纸上做广告的量却远大于low service store, since----- 答案:因为low service store经常门面广告(好像还有其他原因)rather than报纸广告来吸引顾客 其他答案都是无关选项,像什么low serviece广告预算高啦什么。
3、药瓶更换 某药厂A生产销售一种药,药瓶是children resistant,但是很多成人抱怨说这种药品使用起来很不方便,并且很多这种药的使用者都是没有小孩的,所以该公司决定采用一种新的药瓶来装这种药,和原来的一起销售。A公司的负责人说这种做法能够make profit by increase it's sales. 问assumption. 有两个选项需要斟酌 C. 生产这种药的其他竞争者还没有计划要替换该药瓶; E. A公司生产旧药品的设备可以经过微小的改装生产新的药品,并且支出很少的费用 因为结论说了by increase it's sales,所以答案选C
4、埃及药草 这个是补充以前的残狗的。 埃及人很早以前就被认为在其酒里放入草药,因为草药在酒精的饮料中更容易吸收有利于身体要素的吸收。最近专家的的假设获得了证实,他们在jar里发现了两种草药元素的残迹(还有反应物好像),问assumption. 我选了jar和描述是同一个时期的。这题大家还是看看吧,有两个答案没看懂。
阅读补充基金上没有的-作家的早期作品,10月基金中有,并有原文,但考试文章没这么长,也是两段,第二段只有最后那个案例。 经过检索,我在《African American Review》 (Summer, 2006)考古到了阅读基金“54.早期作品”的原文:《The art of Tom Dent: notes on early evidence》原文有大量例证多达三四页,我经过比对前人的机经,将文章精简到精确符合机经描述的以下两段(想看未删减的童鞋可以直接检索文章名找到那片超长的文章): Unless one is engaged in the task of writing a fairly comprehensive biography, the study of a writer rarely begins with attention to her or his juvenilia. A writer's early attempts to overcome various anxieties of influence, to master the intricacies of language, and to forge a distinctive voice are either dismissed or trivialized. This habit, or perhaps convention, precludes opportunities to inquire into the origins of the writer's ultimate achievement and power. Valid inquiries, of course, can be initiated at points other than the formative years. Nevertheless, our insights into the writer's style and aesthetic might be strengthened by trying to identify the literary origins of creative production. This procedure is especially germane in efforts to account for Tom Dent's importance as an African American writer and intellectual. The governing presupposition for these notes is a claim about quality in writing. The art or skill that makes good writing is a possession of value and an activity of mind that is never exactly, as Richard Wright accurately proposed in "Blueprint for Negro Writing," on the page. The art is in perspective. The page is a catalyst for the engagement of the reader's mind with that of the writer; they collaborate on a vision of reality, agreeing or disagreeing as the case might be. Thomas Covington Dent (or as he preferred, Tom Dent), a New Orleans writer best known for his work with Free Southern Theater and his extraordinarily popular play Ritual Murder, his electric mentorship of younger writers and artists, and his work in oral history that culminated in Southern Journey (1997), certainly had perspective in the sense that Richard Wright intended; Dent also had subtle political and historically analytic perspectives on African American cultures. These perspectives are richly manifested in Dent's fledgling work as a journalist, specifically from writing produced during his tenure as editor-in-chief of the Maroon Tiger, the Morehouse College newspaper, during 1951-52. His editorials in Volume 53, Numbers 1-6, provide early evidence of what we are beginning to understand about his orientation toward reality, his aesthetic preferences, his complex and historically grounded modes of thought and expression. This evidence, crucial for a full assessment of Dent's later work, marks Dent as a writer from the Black South who sought more than the vapors of fame.
第一段讲很多研究忽视研究作家的早期作品,而对早期作品的研究则对研究该作家观点和写作手法的形成有很大的价值。 第二段讲对dent的早期作品研究发现他的作品的观点什么的在他早期editorial的作品中就体现了,云云。举例说一个B Den什么的人,对American African历史和政治有subtle 观点,发觉他的观点主要源于他早期当editor的工作,在那时候,他的编辑就显示了他独特的观点,所以证明研究早期作品作用很大。
一道题问作者认为dent被认为影响很大的原因?定位到第二段第一还是第二句,是dent对Africa American文化的见解 有一道问B Den 的American African历史和政治有subtle 观点来源于什么? 应该选他的work 说他读大学时当编辑,对他后面很有影响,一题是逻辑题,看哪个选项weaken了这种说法。开篇有个和juvenile很像的词,大概就是说青少年的意思 还有formativ(adj. (影响)形成[构成, 发展]的)这个词我选了C, 说人后期和前期作品中有很大的break. Q1. Which of the following would the author most likely to agree regarding the study on the early works of the writers一道题问作者认为对作家早期作品的研究有什么特点?我选了这种研究比较少,也就是uncommon(罕见的)还有一个选项是trivialized,刚查了是被轻视的意思,我觉得可能是后者,大家参考下其他考友的JJ吧~ --> It is uncommon. (A confusing but incorrect choice is: The study is often trivialized. ) Q2. Which of the following would most seriously undermine the author's argument in favor of the study on works produced by fledging writers -->Writers often make some radical change at some point of their career (2)主题题:如该题是内容型:推测应为其主题句改写,即虽然作家早期的作品常常被人忽略(没有学者愿意研究),但是研究这些作品(or经历)对其后来的成就有正面的积极意义.大正小负.;如果是写法型主题题,推测应为:提出一个现象,举例说明这个现象.(举例说明早年作品or经历对后期作品有影响) 最后一个题问的是文章的大意是?选项好像都是关于dent的,我选了对dent的早期作品研究的价值。 (3)有道题是问举黑人作家的例子的目的(很可能是in order to题),第一段的最后一句总结句的同义变换. 从来在所有的论坛上都是潜水的,但这次希望我提供的信息对大家有用,真心感谢考试这段时间CD对我帮助,没有你们,我恐怕也支持不下来。 这次考了660,想申请中欧,应该差不多不准备再考了。 这个分数对于很多大牛来说算不了什么,不过楼主今年34岁高龄,公司高管,毕业到现在已经11年,读的又是文科,已经15年没碰数学和11年没碰过英语,这几年又一直疲于应酬和交际,天天电话不停,要静下心来看书对我而言着实不易,考试的时间也一拖再拖。虽然考试对我而言并不陌生,高考、研究生考、律考、CPA无一不是一次过关,但是GMAT真是我至今所付出最多的一次考试,而且9月份一战还惨败580。 GMAT曾3次把我拖入绝望。第一次,听新东方的课、背单词(楼主单词都忘了,红宝石10个单词倒有9个不认识的),做OG,结果做题一半以上都是错的,而且时间爆长,一开始一道SC要5分钟,一篇RC要40分钟,真的觉得自己老了不能再读书了。第二次,在看过PREP、做完OG,准确率好不容易到了60%~70%,上电脑做题,嘿,准确率一下子又下来了,而且时间还是爆长,因为原来在书上做是可以涂涂改改,画画重点的,上电脑就只能靠“眼睛”了,而且时间越来越长了,第三次,做GWD,第一次做GWD,准确率30%,汗~~~而且75分钟我大概只能做20题左右,直到考前十几天,75分钟还是只能做30题,准确率50%。那时候真觉得绝望了,其后请假10天,每天两篇GWD,到最后几天错误率总算降到8个左右。 我不想说天道酬勤,我只希望告诉所有的CDER们,如果你还是学生或者毕业没几年,请珍惜这个机会,因为到了我这个年纪,有时候真是心有余而力不足,我复习都后面不但脑子转不过来,眼睛也罢工了,不得不滴眼药水,而且还经常头晕;并且由于工作的原因,即使最后一个月我回绝了所有的应酬,复习也经常被公司的杂事打断,我最后只能手机搁震动,每3个小时看一下手机回电话,这中间还不包括公司、家庭等各方面的压力,这都是我之前所有考试都没有遇到的“非考试因素”,所以请珍惜你们现在拥有的一切吧。 真心祝福所有CDER们都能梦想成真。 |