AA:The following is part of a businessplan created by the management of the Megamart grocery store: “Our total sales have increased this year by 20 percent since weadded a pharmacy section to our grocery store. Clearly, the customer’s mainconcern is the convenience afforded by one-stop shopping. The surest way toincrease our profits over the next couple of years, therefore, is to add aclothing department along with an automotive supplies and repair shop. Weshould also plan to continue adding new departments and services, such as a restaurantand a garden shop, in subsequent years. Being the only store in the area thatoffers such a range of services will give us a competitive advantage over otherlocal stores.” AI: Since science andtechnology are becoming more and more essential to modern society, schoolsshould devote more time to teaching science and technology and less to teachingthe arts and humanities 输血:99%来自JJ。除了第一题:N is odd,which of the following equation has the same result of n! (n!-3n!)/5n! (貌似差不多的表达式),非常简单吧?我用1来试,居然试了快3分钟找不到正确答案,然后就选了个差不多的走人,结果接下来一个超级弱智题,我就知道第一题悲催了。还好接下来全是狗,连变体都木有,数字都一模一样,除了人的名字和狗狗不同。我输血JJ500题一共做了4遍,所以连数字都记得。可是。。。结果。。。只有48分!!!记得有个题目,一线过2点,A(a,b),B(c,d),问slop是不是小于0。1)d>b,a>c,且c-a不等与0;2)x,y的截距为负。我先选B,后来觉得(1)也可以判断slop大于0,于是改选C。这也是一道JJ题目,小小的有点变体,我当时做JJ的时候有点小小的不同意JJ的答案。这是唯一一个我记得的不确定的题目,结果却考成这样,我对不起你们啊,对不起这个月整理JJ的所有伟大的筒子,对不起这么完美的JJ,对不起这么完美的狗狗整理者,对不起这么好的CDr,我暴殄天珍,我百身莫赎!让我下战用51分雪耻报国吧! V:鱼肚全是狗:第一篇,公司改组问题。鉴于我没有看鱼肚狗,现在写JJ的时候才去翻,所以把和原狗主不谋而合的答案写上来,供参考。 发现和狗相同的答案有:题目,第一段尾部,两行高亮,这部分是说,改变装修5 years后,结果不尽人意,于是manager decide to revamp. 问从这部分可以推出神马?我选的哪项大概意思是,manager 坚定认为办公环境的改变可以起到作用。这篇很短很简单,但是考场上真的和家里不同,哎。。 第二篇:。rension & expansion。和原狗主相同的答案:1. 全文讲了什么,我选了那个 argue infavor of 。。。。(R&E战略的抽象替换词) 2. 作者赞同以下那个观点,我选了如果community只去吸引单个企业在create morejob成效不大 。 3。第三篇:卫星E 题目和答案都不记得了。这是唯一一篇比较长比较难的,可见我V有多惨。 4。Coralreef 两段。 相同答案:问题里有“哪一项能weaken这种dust里的物质是珊瑚病的原因”,我选得是“dust里这种物质在几个世纪以来急剧减少” 最后一题:主旨A. Support a hypotheses that…… B. Explain that the damage ***by human activity (我肯定没选这个) C.Explain……D. Explain……E. ……这题我选的A,自我感觉良好,但是也仅供参考吧,我V死得很惨的。