------------------------------------------ AA:The following appeared as part of an article in a computer magazine. “A year ago Apex Manufacturing bought its managers computers for their homes and paid for telephone connections so that they could access Apex computers and data files from home after normal business hours. Since last year, productivity at Apex has increased by 15 percent. Other companies can learn from the success at Apex: given home computers and access to company resources, employees will work additional hours at home and thereby increase company profits.” Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc. AI:School should focus more on the physical education than on the academic skill。
阅读: 灰色经济。坛子里的英文版和考试原文还是相当接近的。文章不长。 一、类比题:为了减少一个国家的灰色经济,政府采取的手段,应该和下列哪个比较相像:选校长的制定制度又不能管的太严,以至于学生都去偷偷干(do stealth)。 二、哪个国家比哪个国家的对于灰色经济的条文更复杂费用更高,或是两者皆是? The regulation for gray economy is more complex, more costly or both In Greece than in Swiss;
蛾子和蝙蝠 tiger moth有毒而且很难吃,年轻的蝙蝠吃过一次之后就不再吃了。Tiger moth发出一种clicking,蝙蝠能听到。当蝙蝠听到这种声音它就知道是这种蛾子发出来的,就不吃了。有一些别的蛾子通过模仿Tiger moth的click来逃避蝙蝠的捕食。早就有科学家提出关于动物声波模仿能力的假设。最近的实验证明了这种假设的确成立。 科学家做了实验。把小蝙蝠养大,这些蝙蝠从来没有尝过tiger moth。然后让他们吃Tiger moth,蝙蝠很倒胃口,并记住了Tiger moth的声音。实验一,给他们喂味道也很差的蛾子,这种蛾子的声音和Tiger moth的很像。蝙蝠不吃。实验二,给他们喂一种较milkweed的蛾子,这种蛾子很美味,也会模仿Tiger moth的声音。蝙蝠也不吃。 结论是两点:1。动物可以把自己变得很难吃来逃避天敌。但是只有天敌吃过以后才会知道。所以可以模仿很难吃的动物,这样逃掉的可能性加大。2。动物如果不能把自己变得很难吃,可以模仿很难吃动物的声音。 1。主旨题: 一、Present two experiments with different results。 二、Confirmation of previous hypothesis and present two new findings。 2。实验二里的蛾子和那种动物最象?(找答案:根据两个特点假装声音而且肉很香)
PS:一个混合物的成分是Walnut,Almond和Chocolate,他们的重量和单价分别是(有图表)(w,3.5),(a,4),(c,4.5)。In the mixture, there is three times as much walnut as almond and there is twice as much chocolate as almond. The total cost of the mixture can be expressed in term of a as ? 考试的时候紧张没搞清到底谁是谁的几倍,童鞋们好好研究一下吧。