V狗: 洛基:有一题说什么Genuine political,貌似本月寂静有的。还有一题讲什么电脑和injuries,本月寂静也有的。还有一题讲engineers与teachers比那个工作更relaxed,最后问削弱的,我选的那个带frequent选项的,具体答案记不清了。还有一题GWD原题: During the month of May, crabs arrive on Delaware’s beaches to lay eggs. Certain shorebirds depend on these eggs for food during their annual spring migration to their northern breeding grounds. Delaware’s crab population has declined recently. This decline, however, poses no serious threat to the migrating shorebird populations: by remaining longer in Delaware, the birds will be able to eat enough crab eggs to allow them to complete their migration.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A. No other food available to the birds on Delaware’s beaches is as nutritious and accessible as are crab eggs. B. The decline in the number of crabs on Delaware’s beaches is due to the harvesting of crabs by humans. C. There are more crabs on Delaware’s beaches than in any other area that the migrating birds pass through. D. The crabs do not conceal their eggs. E. The earlier in the season the shorebirds complete their migration, the more likely they are to breed successfully. 月度:一篇讲什么reconstruction和马克思的,貌似本月狗有的。 还有一篇什么讲Rock Art,文章长度较长,大家注意。其他既不清了。
输血狗 1,第一题我的是(x-2)的三次方等于多少,不说了很简单 2. 还有一题前面狗有的(我刚才查了一下为111题),但说的不全,现在我把它补全,就是说一个什么出租车公司云云的,purchase 一个lot 是5辆车,release 一个 lot是3辆车(release可能就是让他报废的意思),并且规定无论是purchase还是release一个lot都算1次,结果一年下来一进一出公司多了14辆车,问最少的次数,转化成输血语言就是5x-3y=14,问min(x+y)且x,y为integers。我表达能力不强,不知道大家有没有看懂。算出来x=4,y=2,最小应为6 3. 还有一题讲programers和statisticians工资比较,Ds 题 programers的平均工资为x元,statisticians的平均工资为y元,问二者合在一起的平均工资为是否小于(x+y)/2 ? (1) programers平均工资比statisticians的平均工资少4200 元(数字可能不准确,但我记得是四千多)(2) programers人数>statisticians人数 这题和以前的狗狗,65题有点类似,但我估计可能那个网友记错了,应为我记得很清楚两个选项当中一个是大于一个是小雨的,这样一正一反,应该无法确定这题我选E的,或者有可能这题是变体。大家考的是注意一下,不要照搬寂静。 4.还有一体式7的548(很确定的,就是这个数)次方除以10余几,答案好像是1,蛮简单的,找规律。跟以前狗214题有点像,我估计可能那个网友也记错了。 5.还有一题很二的3的41次方加42次方加43次方,等于13乘以3的41次方,貌似以前狗有的。查过了211题。 6.还有一题是讲一个number line de 在一个number line 上a<b<c<d且ab=bc=cd 问a+c等于多少 DS(1)d-b=3 (2) 0处于a,d中点我选C的
坐稳狗 1。issue “It is unrealistic to expect individual nations to make, independently, the sacrifices necessary to conserve energy. International leadership and worldwide cooperation are essential if we expect to protect the world’s energy resources for future generations.” Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support
2。aa 关于cereal的以下是五月的考古狗 关于cereals 的, 第一句说our cereals contains more vitamin k preserving …第二个就用survey 75%consumers favor its tastes 。。后面就说为了增加sales 吸引更多的顾客 应该redesign the front of the ..box.
(考古)V1:the Cunch(貌似) Breakfast cereal contain 20% more nutrients than any other cereal in the city XXX. Moreover, in the survey conducted by us, 75% consumers prefer to the taste of Cunch Breakfast cereal than other cereal products. However, 消费者似乎并没有显著的青睐这个cereal。Therefore, in order to increase the sales, we should redesign the front of the Cunch Breakfast box with detailed information about the two features mentioned above(即多20%的营养,75%认为口味出众) (题库里没找到)
附南大考场一些情况: 看以前的帖子,说南大考场不好,不过今天考了觉得还不错的。南大gmat与托福在一起的,都在计算机中心三楼,靠近天津路的小门(从几个大门走貌似蛮远的)。托福与gmat教室不一样,gmat在一个小教室,围墙的,有隔板,十五个座位。电脑hp的,4比3的。每个人的位子都蛮宽敞的,椅子也很软,坐得蛮舒服的。空调温度可能有点低,但我觉得还好,不过有个MM披件衬衫进去的,座位都有号,9号与12号上面有两台空调挂机,尤其9号,空调声音蛮响的,不过有耳塞,可能好点。考试时,监考的MM不在考场内。他们在监控室里能看到每一个考位的情况。要休息举手,MM会看到的,但可能会有延迟。每考完一个部分(awa和在一起算一个part,math和verbal各一个part),会问要不要休息,问yes or no,yes就代表休息,no就不休息,貌似你不点,他时间照算不误,等你停一段时间再点yes时,你前面的时间好像是算进去的,这点不太确定,待考证。