我遇到了很多狗啊,阅读遇到了3个!!!讲venus的和starling的,和原jj一样~ 还有一个price recognization,不过更改一下第二段尾部:是take chance of far less risking...不是take chance of risking... 还遇到了一篇我觉得好像在蓝皮书里遇见过的,讲native america 和europe, africa什么的"new world"~
逻辑遇到的“寂静”是: 取消4pm后的车,但是government反对 ; science news,arts news的电台倾向问题; 还有real estate tax那题 我碰到新的题有: 1.大概说office building因为supply少了,所以price of rent应该上升,可是average price per square foot却没变,问为什么? 2.说wolve的,好像一个地方是为了什么要引进wolve,问削弱
AA我遇见的是 说Oak City因为建了个shopping mall, 很多businesses都倒闭了,downtown area suffers from parking shortage, 还有increase crime. 所以Elm City should pay attention to Oak City's shopping mall example, and deny open more new shopping malls. (大意是这样)
AI我遇见的是 Since physical working environment affects employee's productivity and morale, employees should have to the right to design their workplace. (可能少个别词,大意是这样的)