考的不好,心情很郁结。再努力吧。 AWA: AA: “Since Disc Depot, the music store on the next block, began a new radio advertising campaign last year, its business has grown dramatically, as evidenced by the large increase in foot traffic into the store. While the Disc Depot’s owners have apparently become wealthy enough to retire, profits at Carlo’s Clothing have remained stagnant for the past three years. In order to boost our sales and profits, we should therefore switch from newspaper advertising to frequent radio advertisements like those for Disc Depot.” AI: Nations should cooperate to develop regulations that limit children’s access to adult material on the Internet.
Q: 1. 9X = 27y(y是指数) 问用y来表示X,我选了X= 3(3y-2)-->括号内是指数 2. 有一题是堆红的蓝的block,DS的,问你红的和蓝的高度差多少。应该选2,应该第二个式子是2x-2y=... 直接可以算出,我选了C,点ok的时候惊觉,已经来不及了。 3. (6 的14次方×5的13次方)-(6的13次方×5的14次方),我选30的13次方 4. 一个坐标上两个圆,半径都是一,圆心C1是(-2,0),C2是(1,3), 问你C1圆上哪点距离C2圆心最近 5. 一个等腰直角三角形,有内切圆,切斜边于Q点,B是直角的顶点,内切圆半径是1,问BQ=? 6. 还有一个算tax占房子多少的,房子是1.35million, 要缴437000的tax,然后超出1.25million的部分要缴43%的税。我选了35% 7. 还有一个说球滚下来,公式是y=Kt平方,告知2秒钟滚了14.4, 问5秒滚多少,很简单 还有些DS题,蛮难的,当时不确定,现在也想不起来了。想到再补充 V: 做的很乱,大部分不记得了 阅读的话,有一篇是一个什么nonprofit 的计划的;还有一篇讲联合国允许在seabed下多少mining什么的; 语法有一个纠结在选 unprecedented of other countries 还是unprecedented among other countries 大概就这些了。