逻辑 1) 地球被火星人入侵 (题材挺好玩的) 1938年,某电台播送了一段蛊惑人心的节目引起了空前panic。当时世界经济处于大萧条时期而且政治上二战爆发在即。结论说电台节目使人们深信earth is invaded by Martian. 问削弱?我选的,电台节目是基于一本写于1895年的某fiction改编的。但是fiction本身在当年并没有引起恐慌。
改错狗 1) acknowledge用法 句子以分词开头,容易判断逻辑主语必须是人。纠结在两个选项,acknowledge和applying的组合。 P. Levit, creator of Levit familary, was acknowledged as the first community XXX, applying P. Levit, was created by Levit familary and was acknowledged to being the first community XXX by applying
2) tendency和take on 选项间主要两个区别。一个是,tendency和biological structures之间连接词不同,有用which,有用to,还有of。 另一个是take的区别,只有一个选项take new functions,另外四个都是take on new functions。 - evolutionary tendency in which biological structures take new functions. - evolutionary tendency of biological structures, taking on new functions. 我应该做错选了那个没有on的,刚查的longman里的解释。 3. take something <-> on to begin to have a particular quality or appearance: Her face took on a fierce expression. His life had taken on a new dimension.