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早场,作文题目都没见过,我复述一下,算比较精确了吧。 AA Greentree Grocery Store has been attracting customers who seek luxury gourmet food and high-level service. The sales increased recently while profits declined. In order to reduce costs, we will lay off 10 employees per store and remove the expensive product displays and free samples. To offset those popular features, we will partner with Cabaret Coffee Cafe. Recent survey shows that we share similar customers. We will set up a coffee corner in each of our stores and increase our new customers from the Cabaret Coffee. These measures will surely put our store back to track regarding the sales and profits.
AI   eople are likely to accept as leaders only those who can perform the tasks which he/she expect others to perform.
数学碰到了不少机经,一边做题一边庆幸幸亏昨天晚上看了看。不过有很多条件都变了,所以大家在做题时要特别小心。 比如, 1)那个往分成了9块的板子上扔小球,告诉了红或蓝的概率,求仍到红色区域概率的题目。我记得机经中红或蓝的概率是1/2,我遇到的是1/3,结果选的是4/33。 2)俩保安在平行四边形形状的公园里巡逻,一个走长对角线,一个走短对角线,问长对角线是否是短对角线的1.5倍的题目。1。两条边是2,两条边是1; 2。 有一个角是60度;(原机经上 是角ABD是60度)。 这个算出来结果是一条对角线根号7,一个是根号3,所以我选的是c. 3) /X+Y/=?? 1.X^2+Y^2=10; 2.X^2-Y^2=6; 我算出来x=正负2根号2,y=正负根号下2,所以选e. 4) 还有个有些 tricky的题目,说衣橱里面的t恤数目:裙子:夹克是4:?:9(不好意思,具体数字忘记了),裙子数目大于7,问衣服的总数是多少? 1。总数小于30;2。t恤和夹克总数是26件。这个题最好算一下。 其他的暂时想不起来了,不过个人觉得看了机经数学应该没啥大问题了,题目不难。
verbal我没看过机经,也没遇到做过的题目,主要是担心看了机经会影响自己的判断,总体感觉语法比较简单,逻辑基本上没感觉,好像没有一个题目是完全把握的,阅读挺难的,选择的时候我都是左右为难最后凭着感觉选的。有两篇较长的,站了一屏半,其他都是凭。 1。维多利亚时期妇女地位。但是其实文章主要讲的不是妇女地位,第一段讲大多数历史学家倾向于assume women and men have separate domains.这种观点主要来源于feminist activists的文献资料。但是这些女权运动倡导者的主要目的是galvanize the audience,所以有夸大真相的可能。第二段讲20世纪的历史学家在考证维多利亚时代女性地位的时候往往借助于一些 sermons,这些宗教资料也 prescribe了the ideal female concept。但是这不能说明当时的女性就完全遵从这些宗教信条,不能排除她们其实厌恶这些信条的可能。所以我认为文章其实是在说目前的这些assumption都是没有什么确切根据的。有一个问题问到了which of the following, if true, most strengthens the author's argument? 我选的就是it was found that some women expressed their dislike of those sermons in their diaries. 大概是这个意思。
2。mutual funds 和 stock market。这个我觉得挺难的,没怎么大看懂,就不误导大家了。 3。一片印度小说的文学特点。这个很长,不过比较简单。说是一个叫做inner courtyard的印度小说一直以来被认为是永来研究当时印度政治的文献,往往忽视了它的超高文学水准。然后就说了一通它用的narrative methods,一些文学手法。印象比较深刻的一段是叫做inner coutyard的原因是这个家庭的所有成员都属于不同的政治流派,所以反映了当时印度的政治情况,这段很重要,因为后面有道题目就是关于这个的。答案是这个印度家庭是当时社会的缩影。 4。investment flow between richer countries and poorer countries. 说传统观点认为是从富国向穷国流动的,但是其实是uphill的,因为穷国的savings比较多,所以直接或间接的被用于了海外投资。而且穷国的financial system都不完善,所以无法有效的absorb the foreign investment. 因此随着financial system 的健全,穷国经济增长速度也会加快。这篇记得也挺长的。
逻辑:我复述一下,大意一致。 1。when college students are offered to choose between a coffee mug and a chocolate bar, most of them choose chocolate bar, but when they already have a coffee mug and are offered to change it for a chocolate bar, they refuse. so this proves that people tend to value what they have more than what they do not have. what is the assumption of this argument? 答案实在想不起来了,就当帮助大家熟悉一下题干吧。 2。the population of a kind of rabbit in a certain area has increased dramatically in recent years, as a result, overgrazing has led to declining land quality. so the government plans to utilize a kind of virus to make an epidemic among rabbits. but this is not recommended because this virus may kill a kind of endangered wildlife too. which of the following most strengthens the conclusion? 我选择的是the increase of rabbits population will not significantly damage this wildlife. 3. global warming will influence the species in tropical area more seriously than those in temperate and arctic zones. because the tropical species can only adapt themselves to a limited temperate changes, besides, more of them are already on the verge of being killed by too hot temperatures. what is the assumption? 我选择的是这些物种只受到温度变化的影响。 |